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1、1 2016 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试英语模拟试卷 一 听力材料及参考答案 A 听句子 1 The spaceship was sent up into the space by rocket 2 I can communicate with you by sending emails 3 It s unbelievable that a flying disk landed on the farm last night 4 The math teacher said I worked hard and the English teacher said I did a good job 5

2、We shall bring everything except fruits to the party B 听对话 6 W It hasn t rained for months M The weather report says it won t in the next several weeks 7 W What happened to you M I fell on the ground because the floor was so wet W Didn t you see the warning sign Wet floor 8 M I d like some beef Is i

3、t on sale W Yes It is on sale at 1 50 a pound How much would you like M Two pounds please 9 W I heard that you moved to you new house M Yes Now I am thinking about buying a new table But I can t find enough space in the living room W How about moving the old table to the kitchen M Good idea 10 M Jes

4、sica I m sorry I can t give back your book now I have left it in my grandma s home W No problem You can keep it all the time But do not lose it M OK I will bring it back next month 听第六段对话 回答第 11 和第 12 两个小题 W May I take your order sir M Fried rice pork and cabbages W Would you like something to drink

5、 M Yes I d like some orange juice please W Ok anything else M Vegetable soup plaese W Here you are sir M Hmm it tastes very nice Thanks a lot 听第七段对话 回答第 13 15 小题 M Hi Jane did you enjoy yourself in Mount Tai on the weekend W Yes I had a wonderful time I went there with some friends M Did you stay at

6、 a hotle for the night W No we stayed in the open air We cooked food by ourselves M Great How was the weather W It was sunny M How about the people there W They were very kind and friendly We met some farmers and they invited us to have tea in their houses M When did you get back W Just now We got u

7、p at 6 00 am left at 6 30 am and arrived here at 1 30 pm I was very tired Where did you spend your weekend M I just stayed at home W What did you do then M I saw a film It was very interesting and I likes it very much C 听短文 The computer is one of the most important inventions in the twentieth centur

8、y It is very important and useful in modern life Computers have changed the world They can be used in many fields today They can also do a lot of work more quickly than a man could In the 1960s computers were large and expensive But now they have become smaller lighter and cheaper We don t have to g

9、o shopping because we can get most things in shops on the Internet Today it is easy to get on line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day Sending e mails is more and more popular among students Of course we can read and write with computers We won t need to turn lots of pa

10、ges and paper will be saved But some people still like paper books because they think they are friendliers 2 D 听填信息 Good morning Welcome to Spring travel agency I m Wang Ming Now I m going to introduce some routes to you The first route is to Beijing You will both fly there and back to Leizhou It wi

11、ll take you seven days It only cost you 2 500 yuan Our second route is to Zhanjiang Maybe most of you have been there but now it has changed a lot You ll have lots of things to do and see there You will go there and back by bus It will take you 2 days You only need to pay 300 yuan Our third route is

12、 to Hainan It will take you 4 days It only costs you 350 yuan You will both go there and back by ship Our fourth route is Hangzhou It costs you 1 800 yuan You will go there by plane and back by train It will take you 5 days Thank you and wish you a pleasant trip 答案 一 1 5CBCAC6 10BACBC11 15ACBCB16 20

13、BCABC 21 bus22 ship23 35024 525 train 二 单项填空 26 30 DCDAB 31 35DDDCA 36 40BCAAA41 45 AABCA 三 完形填空 46 50 ACCBC 51 55CBCCC 四 阅读理解 56 60CABCB 61 65 AADCB 66 70 AGDFB 五 短文填空71 talking72 in73 a74 With75 show 76 They77 book78 through79 shop80 interested 六 读写综合 A 信息归纳81 Three 382 homework83 junk food 84 get

14、 become turn short sighted near sighted85 making B 书面表达 As a teenager I find it hard to relax myself Not only my teachers but also my parents give me a lot of homework to do At weekends I have to go to the piano class I am not allowed to play computer games I have no time to do sports That s not good for our health or study I think we should make good use of time to study We d better talk to our parents and tell them what we want to do In this way we may enjoy our life better


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