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1、2016年石家庄市初中毕业班质量检测(一)英语试卷卷I (选择题,共80分) 听力部分 (第一节) I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1. A. lendingB. landingC. leading2. A. put offB. put onC. put up3. A. 8:15B. 8:45C. 9:154. A. Mary has finished reading the book. B. Mary may finish reading the book in two days. C. Mary cant finish reading the boo

2、k in two days.5. A. Jim went to school by car.B. Jim was late for school.C. Jim wasnt late for school.II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 6. A. With pleasure.B. Thats great!C. Here you are.7. A. By plane.B. With our teachers help.C. Only a little.8. A. Thats true.B. Im afraid not.C. Thank you.9. A. T

3、he same to you.B. Me, too.C. Ill take your advice.10. A. Take a bus.B. You cant miss it.C. Turn left at the corner.III.听对话和问题,选择正确选项。 (共8小题,每小题1分,计8分) 11. ABC12. ABC13. A. He had a car accident.B. He bit a woman.C. He got hurt in his arm.-14. A. Go camping.B. Watch foreign films.C. Take classes.15.

4、A. At university.B. Outdoor.C. At the cinema.-16. A. Beijing.B. Kunming.C. Shanghai.17. A. Cool.B. Hot.C. Warm.18. A. Help her sister with math.B. Go to Kunming with John.C. Do some homework.IV.听对话、短文和问题,选择正确答案。 (共7小题,每小题1分,计7分) 19. When do the students get together at the school hall?A. Before clas

5、ses.B. After classes.C. In the 4th classes.20. What do the movie clubs do at the meeting?A. Sing songs.B. Show their drawing.C. Put on short plays.21. Who listened to the speakers talk when he practiced?A. His classmates.B. His parents.C. His teacher.-22. When did they have a journey?A. Last Tuesday

6、.B. Last Thursday.C. Last Saturday.23. What did the teacher tell them about before leaving?A. Money.B. Safety.C. Food.24. How long did it take them to get to the Science Museum?A. Half an hour.B. One hour.C. Two hours.25. How did the students feel after they got home?A. Tired.B. Happy.C. Hungry.笔试部分

7、V.单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 26. Please hand in your homework _ tomorrow morning.A. aB. anC. theD. /27. She believes she can do the work _.A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself28. Linda is not the fastest, but she is _.A. most carefulB. carefulC. the most carefulD. more careful29. Her face turned _ when the te

8、acher praised her.A. redB. paleC. uglyD. purple30. We should use the Internet _ in our daily life.A. quicklyB. clearlyC. wiselyD. silently31. David is helpful, he often helps people _ their problems.A. work outB. hand outC. give outD. put out32. -Who is singing in the garden? -It _ be Mr. Brown. He

9、is making coffee in his room.A. shouldntB. cantC. needntD. mustnt33. Jim, be quiet. Father _ in his room.A. is sleepingB. was sleepingC. will sleepD. has slept34. She _ the mom crying so I went out after her.A. enteredB. came inC. went intoD. left35. Love is like wind. You cant see it but you can _

10、it.A. feelB. tasteC. smellD. sound36. When you _ a difficult task, try to continue with it and finish it.A. giveB. gaveC. are givenD. were given37. Bob _ the plants while his father was cooking dinner.A. will waterB. was wateringC. is wateringD. has watered38. Uncle Smith loves travelling. Hes _ man

11、y countries.A. gone toB. gone overC. been toD. been in39. Well go to the park _ it rains heavily.A. ifB. unlessC. whileD. when40. I want to write to my aunt, but I dont know _.A. what she looks likeB. what her telephone number isC. what she likes readingD. what her e-mail address isVI.完形填空 (共10小题,每小

12、题1分,计10分)The way you think may influence the way you do things.We spent this summer with our _41_. He loved taking a walk to collect stones. One day, he bought us backpacks and _42_ us to go to the mountain and carry stones with him.The whole day, we walked around. Now and then he put stones in our

13、bags. To our surprise, he also _43_ some stones out from our bags. We thought he just found better stones.When we returned to the house, we were very _44_. The backpacks were so heavy that we felt happy when we took them off. Yet our uncles backpack was half empty.“Why did you give us so many _45_?” we asked.“I didnt. You did,” he said. “You did not know it,


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