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1、. . . . compus loveA:How do you think of the campus love? B:I think this is normal for teenagers.A:Why? B: When they first enter the college,they are unfamiliar with the surroundings.So they always feel lonely and helpless.A: Then they are likely to find someone to be with them, right?B:Yes,and lots

2、 of students want to study with some friends of the opposite sex together,and gradually both of them fall in love with each other.A:But sometimes students are eager for love just becsuse they are in pubertas.B:I know. The youth always look forward to love.By the way,do you believe in campus love?A:I

3、 dont believe in campus love, I don think the campus love can make any sense.B:Why do you think so? I thirst for campus love, I think its very pure.A:In my personal view , campus love brings more disadvantages than advantages.B:I dont think so, if you fall in love, you can go to study together every

4、day,how wonderful it is.A:But,the campus love may affect your grades. We are still students, learning is the most important thing.B:However,if you fall in love, your college life will not be so boring, your life will become more meaningful and colorful.A:In fact , there are more meaningful things in

5、 the college, not just the campus love.B:The love is a kind of life experience, you need to try,it will bring you a lot of unexpected happiness.A:In addition,as a student without any economic foundation, all the money you use belongs to your parents,.and many lovers break up when they graduate becau

6、se of their different future plans.B:Its a real problem, but life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what youre gonna get. you must taste it if you want to know the taste.A:I dont have to eat the whole egg in order to discover that it is bad.B:I know everything you said, but I still look forw

7、ard to campus love, because everyone needs a listener to share secrets,happiness and so on.A:Maybe you are right. Everyones ideas are not the same!B:yes!I hope i can get a great campus love!A:Best wishes to you ! 1. communication problemA:Do you agree that men and women seldom mean the same things e

8、ven when they use the same words?B:really? I dont notice it.Why do you say that?A:Come on,it is true.For example, when a woman say you never listen to me . what do you think it means?B:em, does she means that you dont hear what she say everytime or you take the words lightly?A:No,she doesnt expect t

9、he words judt be taken literally,what she want is that the man can care more about her.B Wow, it is amazing,but what is the reason for the misunderstanding between men and women?A:In my opinion,women and men are different in mind. Women usually tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect.Wh

10、ile men are slow in mind and they would just accept those information literally.Then they misunderstand each other often.B:Yes, man is used to using words as a means of conveying only facts and information. So they hardly find the real meaning of what women want to express.A:And men wouldnt like to

11、express themselves directly, which make the situation more serious.B:Moreover,women are so emotional that they are likely lose their temper.A:Thats right.On the other hand,men are disgusted with that.In this way,a quarrel is drawing near.B:Because they have so many difference,man and woman always fi

12、nd problems in communication. But I still think the problem can be solve.A:But how?B:The secret of the success is to develope a more useful way of communication between men and women.A:Do you mean that we should talk it over rather than argue with each other?B:Yes, man should realize that they are l

13、ikely to misunderstand woman, so they must rethink and translate what they have heard when they are on the verge of arguing.Then they can express themselves properly.A:em, and women should try their best too. They should place theirsleves in mens position to have a better understanding of mens thoug

14、ht.Then the argue can be avoid.B:Somebody says that men and women are from different planets.However it wont be true if we deal with it appropriately.A:aha,it is interesting.Indeed men and women are different in many aspects,but we can still get along well with each other as long as we treat others

15、attentionly.B:Thats right. psychologist in lifeA:I read the newspaper just now. The article is about placebo. do you know what placebo is?B:Yes, of course. My father is a docter, and he usually prescribe the placebo for patient.A:Oh really? I dont think it is a good idea.It looks like a cheating. B:Why do you think so?A:Well,I know that placebo is something imuseful like an empty capsule without medicine in it.How could the doctor do with it ? the patient have paid for the medicine.


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