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1、PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 5 单元检测Listening part(听力部分)一. Listen and number.(听音,根据听到的内容给图片排序) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词) ( ) 1. A. clock B. plant C. front ( ) 2. A. bike B. beside C. behind ( ) 3. A. rainbow B. always C. rain ( ) 4. A. Monday B. today C. wait ( ) 5. A. da

2、y B. way C. paint 三. Listen and write(听写) 1. _ is _. Its a _day. 2. There is a _ _ the _. 3. There is a _ on the desk. 4. There is a _ on the wall. Writing Part(笔试部分)四Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的图片)1. The woman is under the tree.2. There is a man in front of the car.3. The pen is beside the book.4. The

3、 dog is behind the cat.5. There is a book, a clock and a pencil.来源:学&科&网来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K来源:学|科|网来源:学科网五Read and choose(读一读,选一选) ( ) 1. There a big bed. A. are B. is C. am ( ) 2. Look! There a big desk. And there many books. A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are ( ) 3. There are so many _ in the living ro

4、om. A. flower B. plants C. plant ( ) 4. is the photo? Its on the wall.A. Where B. What C. When ( ) 5. Where is the man? He is _ the cars. A. behind B. beside C. between六Choose and write(选词填空) There is There are1. _ a clock on the wall.2. _ a desk beside my bed.3. _ many books on the shelf.4. _ lots

5、of flowers in my garden. a an many1. There are _ photos on the wall.2. There is _ apple on the table.3. There is _ dog under the bed.七、Read and finish the exercises(阅读短文,完成练习)This is my bedroom. There is a bed, a desk and a chair here. I have a big desk and a big shelf (书橱). There is a lamp on the d

6、esk. There are many books on the shelf. There is an end table(床头柜)near the bed. The phone is on the end table. There is a picture above the bed. The chair is in front of the desk. Where is my dog? Its under the bed. How cute! I love my room very much. Do you like it?(一)Read and choose(根据短文内容,选出正确的图片

7、) A B.(二)Read and judge(判读句子正“T”误“F”) ( ) 1. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf in my bedroom. ( ) 2. There is a lamp on the end table. ( ) 3. There is a phone on the desk. ( ) 4. There is a cat under the bed.来源:Z_xx_k.Com ( ) 5. There is a chair behind the desk.八Look at the picture and finish the e

8、xercises(根据图片内容,完成练习)(一)Look and write(根据图片内容,补充单词)Look at this picture. The boy is Ben. He is _ the big tree. What can you see _ the tree? There are some birds. There is a table in the picture. You can see two pears _ the table. There are two balls _ the table. There is a model plane _ the balls. T

9、he chair is _ the table. Can you see the cat? Yes, its _ the basket. What else can you see in the picture? Yeah, there is a dog, where is it? Its _ the tree, so you cant see it.(二)Read and judge(根据图片及补充好的短文,判断下列句子的正“T”误“F” )。 ( ) 1. The dog is under the table. ( ) 2. The cat is behind the tree. ( )

10、3. The model plane is in front of the balls. ( ) 4. The man is on the chair. ( ) 5. The pair is beside the ball.附:听力材料一. Listen and number.(听音,根据听到的内容给图片排序)1. -Where is the ball? -Its under the box.2. -Where is the ball? -Its on the box. 3. -Where is the ball? -Its between the box.4. -Where is the b

11、all? -Its in front of the box.5. -Where is the ball? -Its over the box.6. -Where is the ball? -Its behind the box.7. -Where is the ball? -Its above the box.8. -Where is the ball? -Its beside the box. 二.Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词) 1. front 2.beside 3. rainbow 4. Monday 5. paint 三. Listen and write(听写) 1. Today is Monday. Its a rainy day. 2. There is a clock beside the bike. 3. There is a water bottle on the desk. 4. There is a photo on the wall.


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