五年级上册英语学案Unit 3 What would you like? B Read and write人教版PEP

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1、五年级(上)第三单元第6课时学案Unit 3 What would you like?B Read and write【学习目标】1.能够在图片的帮助下读懂便条的内容。2.能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调和语气朗读便条内容。3.能够完成读后练习选出吴一凡和爷爷都能吃的食物。4.能够根据自己喜欢的食物给Robin写一张便条。【重点难点】重点:1.能够完成读后练习选出吴一凡和爷爷都能吃的食物。来源:学科网ZXXK2.能够根据自己喜欢的食物给Robin写一张便条。难点:能够根据自己喜欢的食物给Robin写一张便条。【新知预习】1.Free talk. My favourite food isIts/T

2、hey are【课堂探究】Read and answer(1) What is Wu Yifans favourite food? Why?(2) What is Grandpas favourite food? Why?【针对练习】(1) Wu Yifan doesnt like salad. ( )(2) Wu Yifan doesnt like chicken. ( )(3) Grandpa likes vegetables, but he doesnt like carrots. ( )【达标练习】一、选择。( ) 1. -Whats your _ food? -Salad. Its

3、delicious.A. like B. love C. favourite( ) 2. That sandwich _ delicious.A. am B. is C. are( ) 3. What would you like _ eat?A. to B. for C. in来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K( ) 4. -What would you like to _? -Id like some water.A. eat B. have C. drink( ) 5. I like _. Theyre delicious.A. noodles B. carrot C. sandwich二、

4、连词成句。1 to what like drink you would (?) _2. like sandwich Id a please (.) _3. favourite food your whats (?) _【学习评价】 自我评价: 教师评价:来源:学。科。网来源:Z,xx,k.Com来源:学科网ZXXK五年级(上)第三单元第6课时学案Unit 3 What would you like?B Read and write【课堂探究】(1) Ice cream. Its sweet. 解析:根据My favourite food is ice cream.Its sweet.(2) C

5、hicken. Its delicious. 解析:根据 My favourite food is chicken.Its delicious.【针对练习】Read and tick or cross.(1) 解析:I like salad very much. (2) 解析:I dont like beef but chicken is OK.(3) 解析:I like vegetables but not carrots.【达标练习】一、1.C 解析:最喜欢的 favourite.2.B 解析:sandwich是单数,故用is.3.A 解析:你想吃什么:What would you like to eat?4.C 解析:根据答语Id like some water.选择drink。5.A 解析:like后面跟名词复数,故选择noodles.二、1.What would you like to drink?解析:你想喝什么?2.Id like a sandwich,please. 解析:请给我一个三明治。3.Whats your favourite food? 解析:你最喜欢吃什么?


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