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1、 八年级(下)期中英语试卷(五四学制) 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXI总分得分一、单选题(本大题共20小题,共20.0分)1. LiuXiangwasborn_the13thofJuly,1983()A. inB. atC. onD. for2. Hisgrandmotheris_now,buthisgrandfatherdied(去世)fiveyearsago()A. unusualB. aliveC. lovingD. creative3. Hisfatherworksasapoliceman,hethinkshisjobis_dangerous()A. akindof

2、B. kindofC. akindD. alittleof4. -Yoursisterdoesntgetupearly,doesshe?-_Butshegetsuplateonweekends()A. No,shedoesntB. Yes,shedoesC. No,shedoesD. Yes,shedoesnt5. What_himyesterday?()A. happenedonB. washappenedC. didhappenD. happenedto6. -YoulooksadWhathappened?-Everyone_usto_thematch,butwelost()A. expe

3、cts;winB. expected;winC. expected;beatD. expects;beat7. -_doyouknowsomuchabouttheUFO?-Iusuallygettheinformation_theInternet()A. How;bysurfingB. What;bysurfC. How;bysurfD. what;bysurfing8. IamgoingtotakethissummerholidayinTaiwan.Oh,really?Taiwanis_abeautifulislandthat_peopleinGuangdonggotovisititever

4、yyearA. so;thousandsB. so;thousandsofC. such;manythousandD. such;thousandsof9. Thehouse_LuXunusedtoliveisnowamountain()A. whichB. thatC. whereD. there10. -CanaplaneflytheAtlanticOcean?-Yes,butitneedstogothecloudsforhours()A. across;throughB. through;acrossC. through;throughD. cross;across11. -Wouldy

5、oulike_climbingwithus?-IdliketoButImtoobusy_withyou()A. going;goingB. togo;goingC. going;togoD. togo;togo12. Peterhardlyhadanythingforbreakfast,_?()A. wasntheB. hadheC. didntheD. didhe13. Whoisthegirl_red?()A. wearB. putonC. withD. in14. IwillgotoShanghai_ nextmonthandstaytherefor_.A. sometime; some

6、timesB. sometime; sometimeC. sometimes; sometimeD. sometimes; sometimes15. Ireallycantdecidewhichbook_()A. chosenB. choseC. tochooseD. choosing16. Hurryup,_youllfinishyourhomeworkontime()A. orB. butC. andD. while17. PracticemakesperfectItis_ofbecomingagoodlearner()A. oneofthesecretB. oneofthesecrets

7、C. oneofsecretD. onesecrets18. Theyatericeandchickenyesterdayandtheyatenoodles_()A. asfarasB. assoonasC. aswellD. aswellas19. Parisis_inEurope()A. oneoflivelycitiesB. oneoftheliveliestcityC. oneoftheliveliestcitiesD. oneofthelivelycities20. Ifyoumeetsomenewwords,youdbetterinadictionary()A. lookoutth

8、emB. lookthemoutC. lookthemupD. lookupthem二、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共20.0分)AA farmer had a cowHe took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill,he was very worriedHe telephoned the vet(兽医) Whats the problem?The vet asked him when he arrived My cows ill,the farmer saidI dont know whats the matter

9、with herShes lying down and wont eatShes making a strange noise The vet looked over the cowShes certainly ill,he said,and she needs to take some very strong medicine He took a bottle out of his box,put two pills into his hand and said,Give her theseThe pills should make her better How should I give

10、them to her?the farmer asked The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said,Put this tube in her mouth,then put the pills in the tube and blowThatll make it The next day the vet came to the farm againThe farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried Hows your cow?the vet asked No change,the far

11、mer said,and Im feeling very strange myself Oh?the vet said,Why? I did what you said,the farmer answeredI put the tube in the cows mouth and then put two pills down it And?the vet asked The cow blew first,the farmer said21. In the story,the vet must be _ A. the farmers friendB. a milk factoryC. a ho

12、spital for cowsD. a doctor for animals22. The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _ A. couldnt lie downB. didnt eat the pillsC. couldnt make any noiseD. was ill23. What medicine did the vet give the farmer? _ A. Bottle of pillsB. A long tubeC. Two pillsD. A small box24. The vet taught the far

13、mer how _ A. to blow the tubeB. to make the cow take the pillsC. to take the medicineD. to put the tube in his mouth25. Which of the following is true? _ A. The farmer ate the pills himselfB. The cow got better after taking the medicineC. The vet came to help farmer change the cow the next dayD. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next dayBIf you get into the forest with your friends,stay with them alwaysIf you dont,you may get lostIf you really get lost,this is what y


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