辽宁省北票市高级中学高中英语必修二人教版:Unit 3.period3.language points 课件 .ppt

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辽宁省北票市高级中学高中英语必修二人教版:Unit 3.period3.language points 课件 .ppt_第1页
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1、 1 scene n 1 一场 一镜头 He added a new scene at the beginning 在开头他又加了一场戏 We missed the first few scenes of the film 我们错过了这场电影开始的几个镜头 2 景色 风景 场面 The night scene in Shanghai is quite beautiful 上海的夜景非常美 3 发生事件的 现场 地点 They rushed to the scene of the traffic accident 他们火速赶到车祸的现场 比较 scene scenery 和view scene

2、指都市景观或室内陈设 还可以指 舞台场面或部分布景 可数名词 scenery 指山河湖海等自然景观 也可以 指舞台全部 是不可数名词 view 指从远处或高处看到的风景 The view from the top of the hill is wonderful 从山顶上眺望 风景很美 2 permit 1 vt 许可 允许 容许 permit doing n pron 准许做某事 permit sb to do sth 准许sb 做某事 We don t permit making noise here 我们不允许在这里吵闹 The teacher didn t permit us to s

3、wim in this river 老师不允许我们在这条河里游泳 Her mother would not permit her to come back late 她的妈妈是不会允许她晚归的 容我解释一下 Permit me to explain it 2 vi 事物 允许 成为可能 I will go to meet you if time permits 如果时间允许的话 我们会去见你 We ll start tomorrow weather permitting 天气允许的话 我们明天出发 3 n 许可证 通行证 Please show your drive permit 请出示你的驾

4、照 Ex The teacher doesn t permit in class smoke B to smoke C smoking D to have a smoke C 3 spot n 发生 The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned 新桥的建设将会按照计划进行 2 前进 继续做 Despite the bad weather they still went ahead with their plans 尽管天气不好 他们仍按计划继续前进 3 取得进展 取得进步 He is always going ahead 他一直

5、在进步 4 祈使句 做吧 请吧 May I start now 我可以开始了吗 Yes go ahead 好 开始吧 8 by accident chance 偶然地 on purpose 故意地 without accident 安全地 无恙地 meet with an accident 出事 遇到意外的事 by accident by chance 偶然地 意外地 I only found it by accident 我只是碰巧找到的 I found him in the airport by accident 我在机场里偶然发现了他 on purpose 故意的 I think she

6、 lost the key on purpose 我 认为她是故意遗失钥匙 I met her purely by accident The trip was a success but more by accident than design How do you know that I ve moved there I didn t tell anybody A Only by accident B B Someone told me aboutit C Quite by accident D It s none of you business C 9 on the contrary co

7、ntrary adj 相反的 相对的 逆向的 对抗的 They walked in contrary directions 他们各往相反的方向走去 on the contrary 正相反 反之 You didn t bother me On the contrary I like your company 你没有打扰我 相反的是 我喜欢由你做伴 be contrary to 与 相反 My opinion is contrary to yours 我的看法与你相反 10 Well towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a

8、strong wind 到黄昏时 我发现自己被一阵大风卷到了大海里 found myself carried out to sea 反身代词 myself 作found 的宾语 过去分词carried 作宾语补足语 属于 find sb sth done 的结构 find 复合宾语结构 1 find 宾语 adj to do The boy found the novel difficult to read 这个男孩发现这本小说很难读懂 11 I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand which accounts for my appea

9、rance 我靠做义工来顶替船费 这就是我为什么 衣冠不整的原因了 1 earn one s passage 挣取旅费 e g He couldn t afford the fare and so he had to earn his passage by doing jobs on the ship passage n 船费 包括食宿 她的祖父一路在船上打工支付船费来到美国 Her grandfather had worked his passage to America 2 find it adj to do 在此句型中it 代替 其后的不定式作形式宾语 I found it hard t

10、o get along with his brother 我发现很难同他的兄弟相处 3 find 宾语 adj adv 过去分词 现在分词 介词短语 I found the job boring 我发现这项工作令人厌烦 I found him in his own room 我发现他在自己的房间里 He hurried to the store only to find the door closed 他匆忙赶到商店 发现门关着 4 find oneself doing sth at in 意识到 自己非本意地干某事或处于某种境地 Peter who was usually shy found

11、 himself talking to the girls 彼得一向腼腆 突然意识到自己在跟女孩们说话 After wandering around we found ourselves back at the hotel 四处闲逛之后 我们不自觉地回到旅馆 5 appearance n arrival 出现 来到 警察突然出现 小偷就逃跑了 The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away 外貌 外表 勿以貌取人 外貌不可靠 Don t judge by appearances appearances can

12、be misleading 11 The next morning I d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship 第二天早上我正感到绝望的时候一艘船发现了我 1 about 为副词 同almost 这里just about almost 如 The apples are just about ripe now 苹果差不多都熟了 2 give oneself up 放弃 绝望 give oneself up for 因 绝望 3 lost 前省去了being 4 when 此句中的when为并列连词 译为

13、 正在这时 突然 常用于以下句型 be just to do when be on the point of doing sth when be doing when be about to do when I was watching TV when a boy rushed into the door 我正在看电视的时候 突然 有个孩子冲进来 I was just about to leave when it began to rain 我正要离开的时候 这时 突然 下起雨来 She was on the point of leaving when I arrived 她正要离开 这时我来

14、了 had done when 已经 这时 突然 I had gone to bed when somebody knocked at my door 我已经上睡觉 这时有人敲门 9 fault 1 n 过错 缺点 故障 毛病 Her greatest fault is that she talks too much 她最大的的缺点是话太多 2 find fault with 挑剔 He is always finding fault with me 他总是对我百般挑剔 3 vt 对 挑毛病 It was impossible to fault her performance 她的演出无懈可击

15、 faultless adj 无错的 完美的 faulty adj 有缺点的 不完整的 1 as a matter of fact 实际上 事实上 As a matter of fact he was blamed for his not handing in the homework 实际上 他因未交作业而受到责骂 Many people think that he is an honest man As a matter of fact he is a cheat 许多人认为他是个诚实的人 而实际上 他是个骗子 matter n 问题 情况 我不和同事谈私事 I don t discuss

16、 private matters with my colleagues 下次会议我们有几件重要的事情要处理 We have several important matters to deal with at our next meeting 2 n u 物质 材料 物品 宇宙是由物质构成的 3 v be important 关系重大 要紧 他来也好去也好 那有什么关系呢 你做什么我都无所谓 It doesn t matter to me what you do What does it matter whether he comes or goes The universe is composed of matter 2 bet n 1 赌博 make a bet 打赌 咱们赌下次大选好吗 Let s make a bet on the next election have a bet 打赌 win lose a bet 打赌赢 输了 accept take up a bet A few of us had a bet on who d get married first If he



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