2020牛津译林版九年级英语下 Unit2单元测试2

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1、【文库独家】牛津英语9B Unit2 单元测试总分 140 考试时间 120分钟一、听力(25分)A.听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。(听两遍)。( )1.( )2.( )3.A. B. C.( )4.A. B. C.( )5.A. B. C. B.听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(听两遍)。( )6. Whats the time now? A. 3:30. B. 4:30. C. 5:30.( )7. Whom does the woman want to speak to? A. Mr. Johnson. B. Mr. Smith. C. Mr

2、. Brown.( )8. Why cant the man go to the birthday party? A. Because he is ill. B. Because he is busy. C. Because he will go to Shanghai.( )9. How will the weather be tomorrow? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.( )10. What do we know about the new teacher?A. He often keeps silent. B. He talks too much. C

3、. He has no chance to speak.C.听下面3段对话。请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(听两遍)。听第一段对话后回答1113小题;( )11.Why does the boy telephone English-help Centre?A.He wants to join the English club. B.He has some problems with English.C.He wants to help others with their English.( )12.What is the boy weak in ?A.Speaking and wri

4、ting . B.Speaking and listening C.Only listening.( )13.What does the woman tell the boy to do?来源:21世纪教育网A.Try to speak English as much as possible. B.Keep an English diary and listen to English songs. C.Join a language club,listen to the tape and learn English songs.听第二段对话后回答第1416小题( )14.What are th

5、ey talking about?A.How to go to school. B.How to save the environment. C.How to recycle waste paper.( )15.How may ways did they talk about?来源:21世纪教育网A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.( )16.Whats the last way?A.Saving money. B.Riding a bike. C.Using a bag instead of plastic bags.听第三段对话后回答第1720小题( )17.Why does t

6、he girl feel nervous before going to Switzerland?A.Because she will go alone. B.Because she has never been abroad.C.Because she doesnt know what she is supposed to do.( )18.What does the girl know about Switzerland?A.Its famous for watches. B.The people are friendly. C.The food is delicious.( )19.Wh

7、at should the girl do if she goes to a party there?A.Be later. B.Be earlier. C.Be on time.( )20.What should the girl do if she visits a friend?A.Call first. B.Take a present with her. C.Ask other friends to go with her.D.听短文,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(听两遍)。( )21. How long did Mr. Black work in a restauran

8、t?A. For ten years. For ten months. C. For ten days.( )22. Once Mr. Black had to see a doctor because something was wrong with hisA. cars B.eyes C. nose( )23. What did Mr. Black decide to do?A. To open a hotel. B.To open a shop. C. To open a hospital.( )24. Who came to knock at his door one evening?

9、A. A stranger. B woman. C. A doctor.( )25. What happened to the man after he took Mr. Blacks medicine?A. He got better. B.He got well. C.He became worse.二、单项选择(15分)( )1. _ fine mornings, old people get together and do exercise by the lake.A. On B. At C. To D. In( )2. The police caught the man _ stol

10、e my handbag.A. he B. that C. whom D. whose( )3. - I cant find my pen. Can you lend me _? - Sorry, Im using it myself.A. you B. your C. yours D. it( )4. - How can I improve my spoken English? - You have to practise _ as much as you can.A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak( )5. Most kids find _

11、 interesting to play football.A. it B. this C. that D. its( )6. - The TV programme is boring. Shall we play chess instead? - All right. That is _ than watching a boring programme.A. very good B. much good C. much better D. more better( )7. - What are you going to do in the future? - Id like to be a

12、doctor _ you are.A. so B. as C. what D. like( )8. She bought a digital camera online _ she saved a lot of time.A. so that B. as soon asC. no matter D. in order to ( )9. - You bought a nice CD. - Thank you. It doesnt _ me too much.A. spend B. pay C. cost D. worth( )10. Every morning, we are asked _ t

13、aken our temperatures.A. if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. to had( )11. The meat smells _. Youd better throw it away. A. wonderful B.wonderfully C. badly D. bad( )12. Sorry, you speak _ quickly _ I cant follow you. A. too, to B. so, that C. as, to D. very, so( )13. Harry Potter is an _ book for children, but my cousin doesnt seem at all _ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested C. interesting, interested D. interested, interesting( )14. Miss Green didnt


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