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1、【文库独家】锦华实验学校2020第一学期第一次月考试卷八 年 级 英 语一、听说部分(共15分).信息获取:听三段对话,选择正确的答案。(6分)听第一段对话,回答1-2两个问题。1. Where is Sally? A. In London B. In Sydney C. In New York2. Did she understand the words in Remoe and Juliet? A. No B. Yes C. We dont know. 听第二段对话,回答3-4两个问题3. What would John like for breakfast?A. Bread and mi

2、lk. B. Bread and an egg. C. Milk and an egg.4. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Brother and sister B. Mother and son C. Husband and wife听第三段对话,回答5-6两个问题5. How often does the rain run?A. Every ten minutes B. Every five minutes C. Every thirty minutes6. 资*源%库 How is the man going to

3、Hong Kong?A. By plane B. By train C. By bus.回答问题: 听下面一段独白,请根据所听内容回答7-10四个问题。(4分)7. Is experience necessary for the volunteers(志愿者)?_8. What skill should the volunteers have?_9. How many days does the newspaper come out in a week?_10. What should you do if you are interested in this job?_.信息转述(5分)请根据

4、所听到的内容,选择思维导图中的正确信息,用5-6句话进行复述。(将复述内容写下来)现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读思维导图。WWW1.What will he do on Monday and Tuesday?(play basketball/play tennis)$来&源:2.What will he do on Wednesday?(climb the mountains/ go hiking)Mikes week3.What will he do on Tuesday?(visit museums/ go to the park)4.What will he do on Friday?(wa

5、tch a football match/ play football)5.What will he do on weekend? (go outside /stay at home)你可以这样开始:Mike has lots of things to do.Answer:_ _ _二、笔试部分(共85分).词汇测试:根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。(15分)( )11. What are you going to do this weekend? I have no idea. Perhaps I will go to visit my grandparents. A. Usual

6、ly B. Maybe C. Finally( )12.When I ask him a question, usually he doesnt reply at once.资*源%库 He needs to think it over for a time. A. answer B. agree C. disagree( )13. He is a wise man. Many villagers go to ask him for advice. Yes. He can give good answers to many questions. A. friendly B. clever C.

7、 lazy ( )14. The little boy answers all the Maths problems correctly. Amazing! He is so smart. A. wrongly B. rightly C. Finally( )15. The old city is famous for its historical attractions. Youre right. People who are interested in history like visiting here.$来&源: A. is connected to B. is made up of

8、C. is known for( )16. Mom, I cant get on well with others. What should I do? First, you should realize your problem, and then learn how to make friends. A.remember B. forget C.know( )17. I heard a car accident happened last night. Was anyone hurt (受伤的)? Two men got hurt. Finally, the police sent the

9、m to the hospital. A. At first B. At the front C. At last( )18. What do you usually do after dinner? I usually go for a walk with my mother. A. go on a picnic B. take a trip C. take a walk( )19. If people keep catching and killing these animals, they will die out one day. I agree with you. Lets find

10、 a way to stop them. A. leave B. disappear C. appear( )20. A long time ago, the Indians invented and developed numbers. I cant imagine the life without numbers. A. In the future B. Once upon a time C. Just now( )21. Many old people prefer to live in the countryside because the air there is fresh. Ye

11、s. And there it is quiet too. A. in the village B. in the city C. in the market( )22. A _ is something you win for doing something well. A. prize B.match C. Invention( )23. If something happens_, it happens quickly and unexpectedly (意外地). A. finally B. suddenly C. actually( )24. A(n) _is a person wh

12、ose job is playing a musical instrument (乐器)or writing music. A. singer B. Actor C. musician( )25. To _ your homework is to look it over to see if it is right. A. check B.finish C. WriteII. 完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分;计15分) Edison began to make a talking machine in 1877. At first he_26_paper with holes to make


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