辽宁省北票市高级中学高中英语人教版必修五课件:U2 Learning Plan of Language points in using language .ppt

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《辽宁省北票市高级中学高中英语人教版必修五课件:U2 Learning Plan of Language points in using language .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省北票市高级中学高中英语人教版必修五课件:U2 Learning Plan of Language points in using language .ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Languages Points in Languages Points in using language using language 1 available adj 可利用的 可用到的 有 用的 注意 此词常常作后置定语或表语 运用 翻译下面的句子 This book is not available here There is only a little money available for the trip 这趟旅途只有一点点钱可以花了 这里没有这本书 2 delight n 乐事 高兴 vt 使 高兴 adj 人感到 高兴的 adj 事物 令人高兴的 可爱的 搭配 令某人高兴的是

2、 搭配 高兴地 with delight delighted delightful to one s delight It is a delight to do sth 做某事是令人愉快的 delight in doing sth 以 为乐 尤指不该做的事 be delighted at sth 为某事而感到高兴 因 而高兴 Hearing the news that our team won the game we were very He accepted the gift delight with delightful delighted To my great delight my s

3、on passed the examination 儿子通过考试 令我很开心 The child takes great delight in mischief 这个小孩很喜爱恶作剧 Chris delights in teasing his sister 克里斯特别喜欢戏弄他妹妹 My father was delighted to receive your letter 收到你的信 我父亲很高兴 链接训练 to have a picnic here A What great delight B How great delight C What a great delight D How a

4、 great delight 解析 由句意可知 此处 delight 的意思为 乐事 是可数名词 感叹句中应用 what 修饰名 词 答案 C I felt greatly when I heard that my aunt was coming to see us A delight B pleasant C delighting D delighted 解析 delighted 此处意为 感到高兴 的 B C两项皆为 令人高兴的 一般 用来修饰物 说明其状态或性质 A项是名词 不能用 greatly 修饰 答案 D 3 in memory of in honor of 为了纪念 The m

5、useum was built in memory of the great writer Lu Xun in celebration of 为了庆祝 A grand party was held in celebration of their victory adj 假想的 想象的 He told me a story about an imaginary land 他讲了一个关于虚构的地方的故事 imaginative adj 富有想象力的 imaginable adj 可想象的 imagine sth sb doing that You can imagine yourself goin

6、g to visit Paris 4 imaginary4 imaginary 5 thrill vt 引人入胜的 a thrilling experience victory 激动人心的经历 胜利 It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with the film star 和那位电影明星握手使她非常兴奋 The film thrilled the audience 那部电影对观众很有刺激性 She was thrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder 她看到凶杀现场时吓得毛骨悚

7、然 I was thrilled to take a ride on a roller coaster 乘坐过山车时我感到很兴奋 链接训练 sports do great harm to people who have heart problems A Thrilled B Thrilling C Entertaining D Entertained 解析 考查形容词用法区别 thrilling 令人兴奋的 entertaining 令人高兴的 显 然 有心脏病的人群不适宜做过于狂喜的运动 故正确答案为B 答案 B 重点句式重点句式 1 It seemed strange that the m

8、an who had developed communism should have lived and died in London 这似乎是一件怪事 这位发展了共产主义的 人竟然在伦敦生活 并且在伦敦去世 It seems is strange that 有点奇怪 that 从句常用虚拟语气 谓语动词用 should 动词原形 如果主句是过去时 从句谓语动词用 should have done 形式 此处 should 意为 竟然 仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子 他竟然做出那样的事来 这似乎不可思 议 a thing like that 他竟然抛弃了妻子和孩子 这似乎不可 思议 the m

9、an should have deserted his wife and his children It seems strange that It seems strange that he should have done 链接训练 It is strange that she today A will be absent B is absent C should be absent D was absent 解析 在 It is necessary natural important strange a pity a shame that 句型中 that 从句中谓语动词用 should

10、 动词原形 should 意为 竟然 可以省略 答案 C 原句 It looked splendid when first built 刚建成时 它看起来真是金碧辉 煌 L10 P14 句型 连词 when unless 过去 分词短语 仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子 一旦被听过 这首歌将会被永远记 住 the song will be remembered forever Once listened to 除非被邀请去发言 在会上你应该 保持沉默 you should remain silent at the conference Unless invited to speak 当被问到为什么缺席时 他羞愧 地低下了头 he hung his head in shame When asked why he was absent


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