江苏省高中英语选修七练习:M7 U2 Test 4 key Word Power词汇 Word版缺答案.doc

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1、M7 U2 Test 4 key Word Power Task Project中语言点词组及句子(包括notes 9-12)一、 英汉互译:1. 给某人开些阿司匹林prescribe sb. some aspirins /give sb. a prescription for aspirins2. 有副作用have side effects3. 感到精疲力竭feel worn /tired /burnt out 4. 谨慎地使用药物be cautious about using medicine 5. make a diagnosis进行诊断6.采取措施保护视力take measures t

2、o protect ones eyesight7.把书放在离眼睛30厘米处hold a book at least 30 cm away from ones eyes8.确保房间光线好make sure that the room is well-lit9.提醒学生活动一半时看窗外远处的物体remind students to look out of the window at distant objects in the middle of activities10.定期检查学生视力get /have students eyesight checked11. 逐渐消失fade away12.

3、现在针灸在全世界已很受欢迎,就像其它的中医药。Today acupuncture has become popular round the world, as have other traditional Chinese medicines.13.有些人也用针刺疗法来治疗吸烟者、酗酒者以及吸毒上瘾者。Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs.14. 主持人绘声绘色地向观众讲述了整个事件。The host related the

4、whole event to the audience in a vivid way. 15.多年来我一直订阅这份杂志.I have been subscribing to this magazine for years.16. With the final examinations approaching (approach) , students are working harder.17. 你绝不能向他泄露计划的改变。By no means can you let out the change of the plan to him.二、动词适当形式填空:1. I cant get my

5、car running (run) on cold mornings, so I have to try filling (fill) the radiator with some hot water.2.Try to spend your time just on the things you find worthy of being done (do)3. I dont want to sound (sound) like Im speaking ill of anybody, but the manager s plan is unfair.4. There are waiting-ro

6、oms in the new station, seating (seat) about 1,000 passengers.5. People shake hands and say “How do you do?” when introduced (introduce) to each other .6. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored (score) a goal.7. I had hoped (hope) to come over to see you la

7、st night, but someone called and I couldnt get away.8. -Did you tell Julia about the result?-Oh, no, I forgot. I will call (call) her now.9. Which do you enjoy to spend (spend) your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?10. -Shall we go swimming? -Ok, Ill just go and get changed (change )11. Youll find the word “psychology listed (list) under “P” in your dictionary.


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