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1、【文库独家】考点跟踪突破37语法填空阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词的正确形式填空。AWe usually had some strange and funny ideas when we were 1.children (child)When I was a little girl, I 2.lived (live) in a very big neighborhood and we shared a garden and 3.a pool between fortyeight houses. There were a lot o

2、f kids around my age and we all used 4.to_play (play) together, and wed often swim 5.in the pool. But there was one boy who was about five years 6.older (old) than us. One day, when I was swimming, 7.older told me, “ I hope you know there is a shark in the light. And it 8.will/may_come_out (come out

3、) to get you if you swim alone.”I was very afraid, and up until today I am twentyfive years old nowI still get nervous when I swim alone 9.and/so I always check the light to make sure theres no shark.What 10.do you think of this kind of ideas? Write your stories and share with us.BPeng Jiangya, a 24

4、yearold girl, was born in Guizhou. She grew up in a small village. Peng didnt have the easiest childhood, 1.and things got even worse. One day she fell into a fire stove (火炉),and the fire burned her fingers 2.badly(bad). The family was too poor 3.to_afford(afford) the expensive medical treatment, at

5、 last she lost all her fingers.The young girl had to learn to do 4.things/everythingwithout fingers. At first she wasnt able to use chopsticks, and her parents had to teach her 5.for a long time. Thanks to her strong mind to do everything on her own, she overcame (克服) those difficult 6.times(time).

6、And now she can look after her own family.As a child, Jiangya often 7.saw(see) others make crossstitch (十字绣) and then she decided to learn to make it 8.herself(her). As you can imagine, holding a needle(针) without fingers is very difficult, and Jiangya failed so many times. However, she 9.never gave

7、 up. Through many hours of practice, now she can use her arms to make good crossstitch works and she is 10.faster(fast) than other people.“One had to put great efforts (努力) into what she was doing,”Jiangya said.CIn order to manage daily cost, Liu Ting has a parttime job in the schools canteen (食堂).

8、Thanks to this job, he can have free dinners and get 50 yuan a month. Besides, he is allowed to bring meals to his mother 1.from the canteen every day.Liu Ting doesnt have time to do his homework 2.and his mother gets to sleep late at night. The 19yearold boy sleeps only six 3.hours (hour) every day

9、. It is no surprise that he got ill. “He was absent that day. We went to his house 4.to_see (see) what had happened. When we arrived, we saw that both he and his mother 5.lay (lie) in bed because of illness,”said his classmates.From then on, Liu Tings story is 6.known (know) by his classmates and te

10、achers. Even more people knew his story after it was reported on TV. People donated over 200,000 yuan in order to treat his 7.mothers (mother) illness. In late 2005, a hospital in Shanghai agreed to operate (做手术) on his mother. Now his mother 8.is_getting (get) better and better. Liu donated the res

11、t 40,000 yuan to set up a fund (基金) to support other poor college students.Liu Ting said,“I know that there 9.are (be) people who have a better life. I just try my best to control my life and make it 10.better (good). Ill take part in more charity activities to express my thanks to society. I am ver

12、y happy when helping others.”DA teacher has a great 1.influence on students. A good teacher can help students achieve success. But do you know how to be a 2.helpful (help) teacher? Here are some tips:Help develop students interests.First, make the lessons interesting so that they are not 3.easily (e

13、asy) forgotten. Second, offer students lots of chance 4.to_practice (practice) what they learn. Third, try to be kind and patient with students. Criticize (批评) less.Some teachers criticize students for making 5.mistakes(mistake). When students give wrong answers to your questions, dont criticize the

14、m. Sometimes, a little praise is more useful.Encourage more.It 6.seems (seem) that some students just cant learn a certain subject well. After a few 7.tries (try), they want to give up the subject. When teachers notice that, they should look for all useful ways of 8.encouraging (encourage) students.

15、 No matter what you do, always remember to cheer them up when they are in difficulties.If you put your heart into your teaching, you will be a successful teacher.EAll of us want to be healthy, but many people have trouble 1.keeping (keep) fit these days. Some people dont have a healthy diet. They ea

16、t much more meat 2.than fruits and vegetables. Some are always busy working, 3.and they almost have no time 4.to_do (do) sports. Some dont have plenty 5.of sleep and they often feel tired all day.What should 6.be_done (do) to keep healthy? First of all, we need to eat more vegetables and 7.less (little) meat. Try to have a regular breakfast, because a good breakfast can make u


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