江西省吉安县第三中学人教版高中英语必修二学案:Unit 1 Cultural Relics—— Reading .doc

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1、 Unit1 Cultural relics Reading 导学提纲 Designed by Wang Wei Supervised by teachers in Senior 1 班级: 组名: 姓名: 使用时间:2017.11【学习目标】1. To learn about Cultural relics.2. To learn different reading skills and develop our reading ability.【导学流程】一、了解感知(Learn by yourself)Know what is cultural relic through some pic

2、tures.二、思 1. What is the main idea of the story? It tells us the history of the_ _, a cultural relic of two countries: _ and_.2. Match the main ideas of each paragraph. para 1 the Amber Room and its design para 2-3 the missing of the Amber Room para 4 the rebuilding of the Amber Room para 5 the hist

3、ory of the Amber Room 三、深入学习(Detailed learning & Group work)-议、展、评Task 1 Detailed information about the Amber RoomColourBirthplaceDesignMaterialHow long to complete itTask 3 : There are 3 clues(线索) in the reading passage. Finish the following.Clue1 Time and Clue2 PersonYearPersonWhat happened to the

4、 Amber Roombefore1716_(V.) the Amber Room ._Frederick William Igave the Amber Room to_ as a gift.1770Catherine IIhad the Amber Room _outsideSt Petersburg.1941_(V.) the Amber Room_the Russians and Germans_(V.) the Amber RoomClue3 PlaceNames of the placesWhat is it used for?RussiaAs the _ to the CzarS

5、t. Petersburg(Winter Palace)The room served as a small_ hall for important visitors.St. Petersburg(Summer Palace)Catherine spent her_ there.Task 4 Discussion Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuanmingyuan in Beijing? Give your reasons.四、迁移运用 (Self-checking ) 检 The

6、 Amber Room was a _ that Frederick William, the King of Prussia gave to Peter the Great. In _, the Czar sent him a _of his best soldiers. The Amber Room which took the countrys best _ about ten years to make was a treasure _ with gold and jewels. So it served as a small _hall for important visitors. Later it was moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where Catherine told her artists to add more _ to it. It was completed in 1770 and was considered one of the _ in the world. But after September 1941 when the two countries were at _it was missing. Where the Amber Room is remains a _.


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