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1、一、 单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一)单元地位(Unit Position)1本课中出现了较多的一般过去时用法。如liked, collected等,运用一般过去时的一些句型已经出现,如There were(was)等。作为认知内容,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训练,如操练过去时的动词变位。2与交通有关的名称在本课中大量出现。课文中主要是预测今后的交通发展趋势。教师可以结合以前学的多个交通名称,通过图片,文字再现等让学生进行回忆,巩固,并逐步引出新词汇。3 在6A的模块中,学生已学习过future tense: will的表达方式。本unit中增加了There will

2、be/will not的表达方式。4形容词的比较级最初在6A中就已出现。本课中用来表数量的多少,在此后的6B几个单元中还将反复出现。5Determiners在本课的用法首次出现,可以设计让学生自选一些事物并进行分类比较。(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1 用形容词来描述数量,如:most ,some, none, all2 用形容词来作比较,如:There will be more roads. 3 用固定表达Yes, I agree/No, I dont agree表示同意与不同意。(三)单元重点(Unit Points)1关键词:1)perhaps2)any longer3) So

3、me of/none of/all of/most of4)时期表达法:in ( ) s time; in the past ; Nowadays2功能:1)Comparison(比较)l In the past, there were no air conditioners in the buses.Nowadays, most buses have air conditioners.l Perhaps we wont travel by ferry any longer.l In the past, all of the buses had a fare-box2)Agreement an

4、d Disagreement(同意与不同意) Yes, I agree./No, I dont agree.3语法点:用形容词来描述数量,如:most , some, none, all二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 Read (page 46)本课可以作为听力材料。教师在引入课题后不应直接进行课文的讲授,给出学生问题,让学生根据问题去按照段落听全文。这部分是可以培养学生通过阅读文章上下文来推断一些词的含义。比如理解comfortable的含义。.具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1及课件。课本46页Look and Read部分。2 关于47

5、页上对话交流的处理在本课中出现了老师和同学一起探讨今后交通的变化,重点句型反复出现,建议先听录音,加深学生的印象,如可以纯正口音,也可以熟悉那种畅所欲言的气氛。为下一步分角色朗读和表演做铺垫。引导,提示学生应关心社会某一方面的变化。对于一些常见的交通名称可以布置一个环节,给出大量的图片让学生通过复习来联系新知识。一部分学有余力的学生找到的课文以外的词汇也要及时关注和分享。链接2对话操练时应运用课本47页上的句式。3 关于48页内容的教学建议让学生先做 More oral practice 的Look and say,学生经过分享交流之后再完善调查报告会有较好的效果。链接3中提供了一个处理该部分

6、内容的具体建议。链接1说明: 本课可以通过由浅入深的方式将教学环节紧凑相连,根据学生认知的发展情况设计教学环节,将重点逐步操练.Pre-task preparation1 Ask students to sing a song.2 Questions: What kinds of transportation does the man use?He is driving in a _.He is sailing in a _He is travelling on a _.He is riding on a _3. Show some pictures of new words.A double

7、-decker bus, A single-decker busAn air-conditioner A conductorA fare-box4. Show some pictures to have a revision taxi ,underground ,bus ,railway, traffic jams ,tram, ferry, traffic lights, minibus, traffic lights, car parks, motorbikes. Maybe some student will give some new words: Maglev train and l

8、ight railWhile-task procedure1 Play the recording: Look and say for the first time. Students listen carefully and get ready to answer the following questions.1) How did people travel in the past? They travelled by bus.2)What did all passengers had to do? They had to buy tickets.3)What was there in e

9、ach bus? There was a bus-conductor in each bus.4)What did a conductor do in the bus? He collected money from the passengers and put the money in a bag.5)Do passengers buy tickets now? No, they dont.6)Where do they put their money? They put their money in a fare-box.7)Were there any double-decker bus

10、es in the past? No, there werent.8)Travelling by bus was very comfortable, wasnt it? No, it wasnt.9)Were there any air-conditioners in buses in the past? No, there werent.10)What do most buses have nowadays? Most buses have air-conditioners. .11) Were there any women bus-drivers in the past? No, the

11、re werent.12)All of bus-drivers are men now, arent they? No, some are men, some are women.12 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.3 Answer true or false4 Compare the buses 4conductorstypesdriversIn the past A conductor in each bus, collected money sold ticketsOnly single-decker buses

12、Only men NowNo, passengers put money in a fare-boxSingle-decker buses, double-decker buses, air-conditioned busesMen and womenPost-task activities1.Do some exercisesFill in the blanks with the phrases given:(some of, none of, all of, most of, few of)1._(我们当中几乎没有人)like travelling by bus.(Few of us)2.

13、_(他们中没人)is a doctor.(None of them)23._(所有的学生)have bought tickets already. (all of the students)4._(一些警察)are good at sports.(Some of the policemen)5._(大多数的孩子们)like playing computer games.(Most of the children)3Assignment: Oral work: Read the textwritten work: Workbook page 4 Grammar Practice Book 链接2

14、说明:本课较适合通过问题来进行情景化设计,让学生在语言交际中达到认知。几个处理建议1)教师可以在课堂上对上节课的词汇进行复习,如taxi ,underground ,bus ,railway, traffic jams ,tram, ferry, traffic lights, minibus, traffic lights, car parks, motorbikes.2) 播放课文录音,学生听读。先要求能力较好的学生模仿,调动气氛。3) 俩俩对话,模仿课文进行讨论。邀请几队同学进行展演。4) 要求全体学生根据这份句式模型以小品/课本剧的形式编排一个小型课堂讨论,如四至五人,扮演老师及同学,鼓励学生在课文的基础上自己设计对话内容,教师随时进行关注并予以指导。5) 作业布置:要求学生将所讨论内容编写成对话。链接3说明:本部分内容在处理的时候,要注意与More oral practice 的Look and say的教学内容相结合,同时也弥补牛津教材一些内容相对分散的弱点,将教材更好的融合在一起,。同时,也要根据More Oral Practice强调综合运用的基点,提升学生综合运用语言功能的能力,将围绕知识点的听说读写有效结合。 a) 本课可作为一个本单元的总结和拓展,教师可以将所有学过的交通


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