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1、Unit 3Robots第一课时Comic strip & Welcome to the unit目标导航类别课时要点重点单词robot n.机器人post vt.邮寄 =mailbrain n.大脑whatever pron.任何,一切事物重点短语complaint about sth to sb 向某人抱怨某事all right 好吧post sth for sb 为某人寄某物do dangerous jobs 做危险的工作in the future 在将来put out the fire 灭火work on high buildings 高空作业help sb with sth 在某事(

2、上)帮助某人in any way 在任何方面sound useful 听起来有用重点句型1.Im complaining about you to the robot shop.我正在向机器人商店投诉你。2.I dont know when Ill post the letter for you.我不知道我会将何时给你寄这封信。3.So they could do whatever theyre asked to.因此他们能做任何被要求做的事。4.They could do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or working on high bui

3、ldings.他们能做危险的工作,像灭火或高空作业。教学重点1.让学生掌握基本的四会单词、短语及句型。2.让学生了解机器人在日常生活中的优点。3.让学生用英语讨论机器人的用途及机器人能做的事。教学难点学生会用英语描述机器人的用途及能做的事。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.预习Page 36的图片,提前了解小故事的内容。2.预习本课时的生词、短语与句型。二、预习检测.英汉互泽1.向某人抱怨某事complain about sth to sb2.all right好吧3.为某人寄某物post sth for sb4.做危险的工作do dangerous jobs5.在将来in the future

4、6.put out the fire灭火7.work on high buildings高空作业8.在某事(上)帮助某人help sb with sth9.in any way在任何方面10.听起来有用sound useful.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.I posted(邮寄)a letter for my mother just now.2.Many foreigners like exploring(探索) dangerous places.3.Keep calm,whatever(无论什么) happens.4.Dolphins usually have cleverer brain

5、s(大脑) than the other animals.5.In fact,the robots(机器人的) two big eyes are used to take photos.课堂教学Step 1 情景导入老师询问一些有关机器人的问题,让学生思考并讨论。参考示例Do you like robots?Why or why not?Would you like to buy a robot?Why or why not?When do you think robots will be in common use?Do you think robots are cleverer than

6、human beings?Why or why not?Step 2 完成教材 Comic strip 的任务1.认真听录音,回答下面的问题。What does Eddie ask Hobo to do?He asks Hobo to post his letter.2.观察Page 36的图片,回答下列问题。(1)What is Eddie doing?He is writing a letter.(2)Why does Eddie want to do so?He thinks the robot is too lazy.(3)Will Hobo post the letter for E

7、ddie?No,he wont.3.再次听录音,注意语音和语调,让学生跟读。4.讲解语言知识点。5.两人一组结对练习,分角色朗读并表演对话。6.请几组学生上台表演对话。Step 3 完成教材Welcome to the unit的任务1.观察Part A中各种各样的机器人干活的图片,分组讨论:How could a robot help you?2.根据小组讨论内容,请学生谈谈机器人的不同用途。3.让学生独立完成Part A的练习。4.小组合作,检查答案,之后全班核对答案。5.分析Part B的语境。6.认真听Part B的录音,回答下列问题。(1)Would robots have brai

8、ns in the future?Yes,they would.(2)In what way could robots help Amy and Daniel?Robots could help them with their homework.7.再次听录音并跟读Part B的对话,两人一组练习对话。8.四人小组讨论,请几组学生分享讨论结果。9.老师引导学生用新学句式,进行角色训练。请学生上台进行展示。限时训练.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.You can do whatever(任何) you want to do.2.Please help me to reply/reply(回答) t

9、o the letter.3.Im complaining(投诉) about waiter to the bad service.4.Would robots have brains(大脑) in the future?5.Christopher Columbus was one of the explorers(探险家) to discover America.翻译下列句子1.我正在写一封投诉信向机器人商店投诉你。I am writing a complaint letter to the robot shop.2.我不知道何时帮你把这封信寄走。I dont know when to po

10、st this letter for you.3.他们能做他们被要求做的任何事。They can do whatever they are asked to do.4.他们能做像扑灭大火或从事高层建筑这些危险的工作。They can do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or building high-rise buildings.板书设计plain作不及物动词,表示“抱怨;控诉”。其常用结构有:complain to sb about sth/ complain to sb of sth 向某人抱怨某事complain about/of sth



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