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1、2019中考英语阅读、首字母、短文语法选择精享新选(4)一、阅读理解。A(2019中考选练)Alberts father was a very important and busy man, who worked so many hours that he often had to work whole weekends. One Sunday, Albert woke early, hearing his dad opening the front door to go to his office. Albert ran to ask him some questions:“Why do y

2、ou have to go to work today, Daddy? We could play”“I cant. I have some very important matters to deal with.”“And why are they so important, Daddy?”“Well, because if they turn out well, they will mean a great deal to the company.”“And why will they mean a great deal?”“Well, because the company will m

3、ake a lot of money, and its possible theyll promote(提升) me.”“And why do you want them to promote you?”“Well, to have a better job and earn more money.”“Great! And when you have a better job, will you be able to play with me?”Alberts father thought for a while, and the boy continued his questions.“An

4、d why do you need to earn more money?”“Well, to be able to have a bigger and better house, and so that you can have more things.”“And what would we need a bigger house for? For somewhere to put all those new things?”“No, my son, because with a bigger house well be more comfortable and well be able t

5、o do more things.”Albert thought for a while, then smiled.“Will we be able to do more things together? Great! Then go quickly. I will wait the remaining years before we have a bigger house.”On hearing this, Alberts father closed the front door, without leaving. Albert was growing up very fast, and h

6、is father knew he couldnt wait for so long. So he took off his jacket, put down his computer and his reports, and sat with Albert to play with him. Albert, who was as surprised as he was happy, said, “Yes, I think the promotion and the new house can wait for a few years.”1.Albert wanted his father t

7、o at weekends. A.play with himB.go to workC.make much moneyD.do more things2.Alberts father wanted to do the things EXCEPT .A.having a better houseB.buying a new computer C.having a better jobD.earning a lot of money3.We can learn from the last paragraph that Alberts father thought . A.interest was

8、very important in lifeB.every child had his own wish in lifeC.it was not necessary to work hardD.it was important to spend time staying with family4.What is the best title of the passage? A.A Busy DadB.A Naughty ChildC.A Big CompanyD.A Comfortable House主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过讲述周末Albert想让爸爸陪他一起玩的故事,说明花时间陪

9、伴家人很重要。1.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We could play”以及下文“And when you have a better job, will you be able to play with me?”可知,Albert想让爸爸和他一起玩。2.B细节理解题。根据文中的“to have a better job and earn more money”和“to be able to have a bigger and better house”可知,Albert的爸爸想拥有更好的工作,赚更多钱,买更好的房子。3.D推理判断题。通读最后一段可知,Albert的爸爸最后没有去加班,在

10、家陪儿子一起玩,因为他认为陪伴家人很重要。4.A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要围绕Albert忙碌的爸爸展开,因此,最佳标题为“A Busy Dad”。B美丽的标记My sixyearold granddaughter, Mary, found a small freckle(斑点) on her left arm. She didnt like it and tried to pick it off. I told her, “Oh dear, thats a beauty mark. Dont pick it off.” She took another look at it. “It

11、s not beautiful. I want to pick it off,” she cried. “Each of us is born with special marks. Some of them can be seen, but some of them are invisible(看不见的)”“What kind of mark is invisible?” she asked. “Well.a mark of kindness, even the mark of a loving heart. We cant see them, but they are very speci

12、al marks.”“Why cant mine all be invisible?” she asked. “I can see many of your special marks, such as the color of your eyes, the shape of your nose and the smile on your face. Nobody else in the whole world has the same things as you. Special marks, inside and outside, are the things that make each

13、 of us different and special.”She didnt understand all of my words, but she stopped crying. The next morning, Mary ran into the kitchen. She said to my husband, “I have a beauty mark. Do you want to see it?”“I sure do,” my husband laughed. “I didnt like it yesterday, but now I do.” she said.根据上述内容,判

14、断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1. Mary has a small freckle on her right arm and she likes it a lot. 2. Marys family want to help her pick the freckle off. 3. We can see all marks besides special marks inside and outside. 4. It is true that each of us is born with special marks. 5. The writer is Marys grand

15、mother. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者六岁的孙女的左胳膊上长着一块斑点,她感觉不好看,想把它去掉。作者告诉她每个人一出生就带着标记,只不过有的能看见,有的看不见,那些特殊标记便是我们与众不同的地方。她似懂非懂,改变了想法,认为这个斑点很漂亮。1. F【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:玛丽的右臂上有一块小斑点,她非常喜欢它。根据短文第一段前两句“My sixyearold granddaughter, Mary, found a small freckle(斑点) on her left arm. She didnt like it and tried to pick it o

16、ff.我六岁的孙女,玛丽,发现她的左胳膊上有一块小斑点。她不喜欢它而且想把它去掉。”可知本题表述错误。2. F【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:玛丽的家人想帮她去掉这个斑点。根据短文第二段第二句“Dont pick it off.不要去掉它。”可知是家人不想让她去掉斑点,故本题表述错误。3. F【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:我们可以看到所有的标记,包括里里外外的特殊标记。根据短文第三段第二句“Some of them can be seen, but some of them are invisible(看不见的)一些能看到,但是有一些是看不到的。”可知本题表述错误。4. T【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:我


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