高考英语二轮培优江苏专用课件:专题五 书面表达 .ppt

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1、考试大纲要求考纲解读 根据提示进行书面表达 考生应能 1 准确使用语法和词汇 2 使用一定的句型 词汇 清楚 连贯地表 达自己的思想 要求考生根据所给情景 用英语写一篇150个单 词左右的短文 情景包 括目的 对象 时间 地点 内容等 提供情 景的形式有图画 图表 提纲等 书面表达的评分标准 1 信息 内容的完整性 Completeness 2 信息内容的连贯性 Coherence 3 句子结构的正 确性 Correctness 4 句子结 构的多样性 Variety 江苏高考书面表达近五年考情分布 年份题材体裁类型 2018如何看待消费排名议论文读写 2017电影票房收入变化的原因及对走向的

2、看法议论文读写 2016阐述你对网络投票的看法议论文读写 2015交通法规的意识与理念议论文读写 2014汉语词 典该不该收录英语词汇议论文读写 从上表可以看出 近五年来 江苏高考书面表达的题目设置场景越来越具有真 实性 越来越与生活实际紧密联系 内容包括日常生活 学校生活 社会文化等方面 从2014年开始 江苏高考书面表达采用了一种新题型 读写任务型作文 题 型有创新 但对写作能力的要求和词数的要求等没有变化 材料既有读写式的文字 介绍也有图表 信息量大 这对考生的材料分析 概括提炼能力要求很高 同时 具有一定的开放性 便于考生写出紧扣主题的个性化内容 又能防止考生出现简单 翻译写作要求中的

3、句子的做法 请阅读 下面文字 并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章 写作内容 1 用约30个词概括上述利用排名 ratings 进行消费的现象 2 谈谈你如何看待消费排名 然后用2 3个理由或论据支撑你的看法 写作要求 评分标准 1 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句 2 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 3 不必写标题 内容完整 语言规范 语篇连贯 词数适当 写作思路 本篇书面表达要求考生根据两段文字材料写一篇文章 针对 消费排名 现 象论述自己的看法和观点 并阐述理由 文章为任务型读写 属于议论文 主要 使用第一和第三人称 一般现在时 写作时应注意紧扣两段材料表达的主题 不 可偏题 还应注

4、意合理使用高级词汇 和较复杂句型 考生首先应当仔细阅读题 干所提供的文字材料 通读两篇文字材料可知 第 一段材料为一对母子看了网上的评论后买回旅行箱 结果买回来的旅行箱质量很 好 第二段材料为一家人看了网评后去餐馆吃饭 结果饭菜很不好吃 从而凸显 出网评的不可靠性 明确以上事实后 再在此基础上明确文章的主题和结构 对 消费排名 现象作相关阐述 本文可分为三段进行写作 第一段用30词左右概 述材料的主要内容 提出文章主题 第二段论述对 消费排名 现象的观点并说 明理由 第三段总结全文 再次点明主题 在遣词造句上 应当注意合理使用连接成分 以提高文章的逻辑性 如在说 明看法时可以用to begin

5、 with what s more last but not least等 此外应尽量使用较 复杂句型 如在总结全文大意时可以用定语从句 分词结构 在其他地方可以用 主语从句 倒装语序等 参考范文1 As a major channel of consumption information the rating is an efficient source of information for shopping in our own consumption Interestingly the same rating may have different influences on differ

6、ent consumers I tend to consult consumption ratings whatever I purchase Firstly the higher rating means the higher quality of the product or better service Based on the ratings I bought my beloved backpack saw interesting films and tasted delicious foods Secondly ratings can save time to make decisi

7、ons in shopping For example there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from In that case it is both convenient and economical to buy books according to the ratings There is no doubt that it is unwise to depend completely on the ratings in consumption The advantages

8、 and disadvantages of ratings are often closely related It is necessary to hold an objective attitude towards ratings 参考范文2 Nowadays most commodities or services are rated through certain channels These ratings easy to access are playing an increasingly important role in customers purchase decision

9、However results are sometimes unsatisfactory There is no denying that such ratings might bring convenience to consumers but they are often misleading and unreliable As we all know most of the ratings are based on others judgment on the product or service concerned Every judgment comes from a specifi

10、c need or a unique psychological state Apparently blindly following others advice will affect our own judgment Another fact should not be neglected that some of the ratings are the outcome of a careful manipulation of companies or sellers It has become a common practice for some to pay for good rati

11、ngs on their products or services so as to increase their sales Therefore we should give a second thought to these ratings whenever we go shopping 请认真阅读下面有关我国电影票房收入 box office income 的柱状图及相关文字 并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章 Saturday Afternoon In a Shopping Centre Li Jiang Hi Su Hua Which movie shall we see Su

12、 Hua Whatever We ve got so many choices Kung Fu Yoga Journey to the West Each sounds great Li Jiang Yeah And some movie stars are fantastic Su Hua And the high tech Li Jiang Perfect Let s get some food first We only have 20 minutes left Su Hua No hurry The cinema is on the same floor One Day in 2016

13、 At Home Son Mum shall we go and see a film tonight Mother Why bother We can stay at home and watch films online It s convenient with our new and faster network Son But it feels good in a cinema Mother And the price We have to pay 50 yuan a ticket Son Only 10 yuan more than last year Mother But stil

14、l we cannot get the money s worth Some films are just boring 写作内容 写作要求 评分标准 1 用约30个单词概述柱状图信息的主要内容 2 我国电影票房收入变化的原因有哪些 简要谈谈你的看法 上述对话仅 供参 考 原因不少于两点 3 谈谈你对我国电影票房收入走向的看法 并简要说明理由 1 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句 2 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 3 不必写标题 内容完整 语言规范 语篇连贯 词数适当 参考范文 The box office income of Chinese movies witnessed a const

15、ant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015 However that increase slowed down in 2016 The reasons behind this are various The fast economic development before 2016 was probably the most powerful engine driving the constant growth in the box office income The applicatio

16、n of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account for the increase However China saw a decline in its economic growth rate last year And the internet increased options for movie lovers Consequently some viewers began to turn away from cinemas leading to a slower growth China s economy is expected to grow at a medium speed in the coming years so an increase is possible in the investment in the movie industry and the number of quality movies Therefore its box office incom



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