人教版高中英语必修五 Unit 1 第2课时 Great Scientists 练习(教师版) .doc

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1、课时练习(二).单句语法填空1He has made an important(contribute)to the companys success.2Tim is a very(create)musician who has written many songs.3The trade union(move)is concerned with working conditions.4We explained our plans and he was very(enthusiasm)about them.5The bridge under(construct)will be open to th

2、e public next year.6It is(universe)known that the earth is round.7She was instructed to act with(cautious)8Over 2,000 people were in(attend)at yesterdays demonstration.9The prime minister(rejection)any idea of the reforming system.10What he said was(revolution)【答案】1.contribution2.creative3.movement4

3、enthusiastic5.construction6.universally7caution8.attendence9.rejected10revolutionary.完成句子1He(对自己要求严格)when he was young.2(有意义)to take care of your health.3(直到他告诉我我才知道)Tom had gone to Beijing.4Before he came here,my father used to sleep(睁着眼)5(除了钢笔),he presented me with two notebooks.【答案】1.was very str

4、ict with himself2.It makes sense3.Only when he told me did I know4.with his eyes open5.Apart from the pen.阅读理解AAlbert Einstein had a great effect on science and history,and his achievement was even greater than what only a few other great scientists have achieved.An American university president onc

5、e said that Einstein had made a new outlook,a new view of the universe.It may be some time before the average mind understands fully the identity(识别)of time and space and so onbut even ordinary men now understand that the universe is something larger than ever thought before.By 1914 young Einstein h

6、ad been worldfamous.He accepted the offer to become a professor at the Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin.He had few duties,little teaching and unlimited chances for study,but soon his peace and quietness were broken by World War .Einstein hated fighting and killing.The great suffering of war aff

7、ected him deeply,and he sat unhappily in his office doing little.He lost interest in his research.Only when peace came in 1918 was he able to get back to work.In the year following World War honors were increasingly put on him.He became head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Theoretical Physics.But

8、 he himself refused the effort to put him in a position far above other people.He was well known for his humble(谦逊的)manner.He often said that his success would certainly have been achieved by others if he had never lived.In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize,and he was honored in Germany until the rise of

9、Nazism(纳粹)when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了爱因斯坦的相对论对科学和历史都产生了巨大影响以及他由于研究工作而获得的种种荣誉。1The main idea of the first paragraph isAthe difficulty of Einsteins thought to othersBthe feeling of an American university president towards EinsteinCthe difference between sc

10、ience and historyDthe change in human thought produced by Einstein【解析】主旨大意题。第一段讲述了爱因斯坦相对论对科学和历史产生了巨大影响,同时,也使人们的思想产生了巨大的变化。【答案】D2It seems to the American university president thatAEinstein achieved more than any other scientist in historyBeverybody understands Einsteins scientific ideasCthe new view

11、of the universe can be quickly learned by everyoneDour ideas about the universe are different today because of Einstein【解析】细节理解题。由第一段最后一句可知,由于爱因斯坦的理论,人们对于宇宙的看法发生了转变。【答案】D3Einstein did his greatest workAwhen Nazism roseBwhen he was youngCduring World War IDafter he left Europe【解析】推理判断题。爱因斯坦在纳粹和一战时期,几

12、乎没有正常工作,排除A项和C项。本文也没有讲述他离开欧洲以后有很大成就,排除D项。【答案】BBLeo Baekeland never gave up his dream of creating a special kind of plastic that would keep its form after it cooled.His invention was Bakelite,an inexpensive,widely used plastic.Leo was born in Belgium into a lower,middleclass family.He studied at the

13、University of Ghent in 1882 and eventually graduated with a doctorate in natural science at the age of 21.He taught there for several years before he travelled on a scholarship to the United States.Once in New York,Leo met Richard Anthony.Anthony saw potential in young Leo and offered him a job of w

14、orking in America as a chemist for his company.Leo worked for Anthony for the next two years before unsuccessfully attempting to start his own consulting business.After failing to see success in his own business operations,Leo decided to return to what he knew and he started producing a kind of phot

15、ographic paper that would allow good pictures to be taken in artificial light.He did so well in the beginning that he started a company called Nepera Chemical Company while creating a special kind of paper called Velox.Within two years,Kodak Company bought the right to Leos discovery for $1,000,000.

16、Leo accepted and used the money to set up his own laboratory in his backyard in New York and lived a comfortable life.Leos next project was to come up with a hard yet moldable(可模压的)plastic.After much experimentation,Leo finally came up with a plastic and called it Bakelite.Its special feature was that at a high temperatu



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