人教版六年级下册英语 Unit 2 Part B 第三课时 PPT课件

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《人教版六年级下册英语 Unit 2 Part B 第三课时 PPT课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版六年级下册英语 Unit 2 Part B 第三课时 PPT课件(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Last weekend 人教版六年级下册 Part B Read and write Let s check Let s wrap it up Read and write 视频 Let s check 视频 Sum upSum up Warm up RevisionWarm up Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework Read and writeRead and write Let s checkLet s check Let s wrap it upLet s wrap it up Last

2、weekend Warm up Revision Wu Yifan and his family stayed at the Holiday Hotel It was not a happy time Yifan will tell us what happened PresentationPresentation Read and writeRead and write How was Wu Yifan s stay in the hotel last weekend fixfix 修理 brokenbroken 破损的 What was the room like hotel 旅馆 lam

3、p 台灯 What is the matter with Mike s mother What is the matter with Mike s father What is the matter with Mike listen听 倾听 loud喧闹的 大声的 enjoy 享受 乐趣 喜爱 stay暂住 逗留 Find the sentences 1 2 3 Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table PastPresent was iscleaned did fixed wanted got were tasted li

4、stened clean listen fix wantget are tastedo Read and write listened to loud music got some hamburgers they were cold and tasted bad wanted to read a bookwas too small Let s check 点击 Let s check 跟我一起练吧 视 频 Listen and number Let s check 1 234 LetLet s wrap it ups wrap it up Read and complete the sente

5、nces I cook dinner last Monday I play football last weekend I like the food yesterday I visit my grandparents last weekend I stop to look at the flower I study English last night cooked played liked visited stopped studied 一般情况下 直接在末尾加ed talk talked 如果动词是以辅音字母加y结 尾 把y变i再加ed cry cried 不规则动词过去式 is was

6、 do did have had read read sleep slept see saw good better 动词变过去式的规则动词变过去式的规则 选择正确的答案 1 What did Lily s sister do yesterday She to music A listens B listen C listened 2 Did you see the film yesterday No I home all day and slept A stay at B stayed at C staied in 3 Last night I wanted to TV but the TV

7、 work A watch don t B watch didn t C see doesn t 4 Did you play football Zhang Peng A with B and C to 5 Lisa usually her homework after class A does B do C did C B B A A TestTest C B B A A 重点词汇重点词汇 hotel 旅馆 stay暂住 逗留 lamp台灯 loud喧闹的 大声的 enjoy 享受 乐趣 喜 爱 fix fix 修理 broken broken 破损的 listen听 倾听 Sum upSum up 给自己的朋友写一封邮件 说一说自己印象深刻的一次旅行 HomeworkHomework


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