人教高中英语选修八:Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 课件1 .ppt

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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors alternatives adj 两者 或若干 中择一的 供选择的 n 供选择的东西 或办法等 选择的自由 或余地 have no alternative but 除 外别无选择 只有 只好 e g He had no alternative but to go there alone 他别无选择 只好一个人去那儿 1 Can you think of the alternatives we would use today 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 你能推荐别的选择吗 Can you 2 要是我不喜欢学校准备的午餐 你可以 自己带饭

2、If you don t like the school lunch you have the alternative of bringing your own recommend an alternative 2 You must be aware that it s here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world 想必你们知道 正是在这个地方 我 们找到了居住在世界上这个部分最早 人类的证据 a You must be aware that 主句后接

3、由 强调句和定语从句组成的宾语从句 must是作为情态动词表示肯定推测 译 作 一定 肯定 只用于肯定推测 对 现在或将来事实推测 用 must do e g You must be hungry after a long walk 走了很长的路 你一定很饿 对正发生或进行的事进行推测 用 must be doing e g The light is on He must be doing his homework now 灯亮着 他一定正在做作业 对过去的事进行推测 用 must have done e g The ground is wet It must have rained last

4、 night 地是湿的 昨晚一定下雨了 此时 应注意反意疑问句的构成 如果句中 有表示过去的时间状语 反意疑问句用 didn t 主语 如果句中无表示过去的时 间状语 反义疑问句用 haven t hasn t 主语 e g He must have arrived here last night didn t he 他一定昨晚就来这儿了 不是吗 He must have arrived here hasn t he 他一定来这儿了 不是吗 b aware adj 意识到的 知道的 通常用 作表语 e g We should be aware that a lot of animals are

5、 becoming endangered 我们必须清楚地认识到许多动物正 濒临灭绝的危险 be aware of sth 知道 意识到 e g Though most smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking they won t given up c it s here that we 是强调句 其基本句式 是It is was 被强调部分 that who 句子其他部分 此结构强调的成分仅限 于主语 宾语和状语 e g It was your mother whom I met in the street 我在街上碰到的是你的母亲 It was

6、 in the street that I met your mother 我是在街上碰到你母亲的 d Who lived in this part of the world 是定语从句修饰先行词people people在定语从句作主语 故用关系代 词who来引导定语从句 3 We ve been excavating here for many years and have been doing 是现在完成进行时 表 示到现在为止一直在进行的动作 这个 动作可能仍在进行 也可能停止了 4 I m sorry to interrupt you but how could they live

7、here 很抱歉打扰你 我想问问他们是怎么在 这里生活的 句型 I m sorry but 是口语中委婉 的表达 but 表示语义上的转折 e g Are you free this weekend I m sorry but I have lots of work to do 周末有空吗 对不起 我有很多的工作要做 2 打岔 插嘴 e g It is rude to interrupt Don t interrupt he said 1 阻断 中断 e g His studies were interrupted by the war Don t interrupt him for he h

8、asn t finished yet interrupt interrupt 突然中断 打断某个活动的过 程 使其不能继续进行下去 disturb 侧重指扰乱某种状态或使某种 秩序受到影响 trouble 打搅 麻烦 指为某事使他人 操心 给他人造成不便 bother 打扰 烦扰 使某人烦恼 宾 语常为人 interrupt disturb trouble bother 辨析 联想 interruption n 打断 中断 打岔 插嘴 小试 将下列句子翻译成英语 他在忙时 请不要打断他 Don t interrupt him when he is busy 5 So we think it i

9、s reasonable to assume they lived in these caves regardless of the cold 因此我们有理由认为他们不顾寒冷住 在这些洞穴里 assume vt 1 假定 设想 e g The scientists assume that there are no animals on the moon 科学家设想月球上没有动物 2 装作 e g She assumed a look of surprise 她装出一副吃惊的样子 根据汉语提示完成句子 We must 假设他是对的 until he is proved wrong assume

10、him to be right that he is right regardless of prep 1 不管 不顾 e g He climbed the building regardless of the danger 不管有多危险 他还是爬上了大厦 2 尽管 e g We will persevere regardless of past failures 尽管以前我们失败过 但仍要坚 持下去 小试 将下列句子翻译成汉语 1 The law says everyone is equal regardless of race sex or religion 2 Regardless of

11、 danger he climbed the tower 联想 in spite of 不管 不顾 despite 不管 不顾 法律规定人人平等 不论种族 性 别和宗教 他不顾危险地爬上了那座塔 6 That would have kept them warm cooked the food and scared wild beasts away as well 他们用这火取暖 做饭 还能用火吓跑 野兽 1 would表示猜测 译为 想必 肯定会 2 keep them warm为keep 宾语 宾语 补足语的结构意为 使 处于某种状态 情况 用作宾语补足语常见的词 有现在分词 过去分词 形容

12、词 副词 以及介词短语 e g He kept me waiting for half an hour Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open 7 We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter 我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰 几乎有 六米厚 这意味着他们可能整个冬季都 在烧火 a have been excavating 是现在完成进行 时 表示

13、从过去开始一直延续到现在 强 调动作的继续 e g I have been looking for my lost book for three days but I still haven t found it 我已经找了三天我丢的书 但仍没找 到 b 句中 which 用来引导非限制性定语从句 先行词为其前的句子 c suggest vt 意为 暗示 意味 表明 e g Her pale face suggests that she was ill 她苍白的脸色表明她病了 The handwriting of the letter suggests that the letter migh

14、t be from a lady 从书信的字体上看 写信人是一位女 性 Her face suggests she is happy now 从她脸上能看出她现在很幸福 His bad manners suggest a lack of family education 他的无礼反映出他缺乏家教 但当suggest作 建议 讲时 其用法为 doing e g I suggest her going home at once 我建议她马上回家 that should do e g I suggested that she should go home at once 我建议她要马上回家 8 Ye

15、s indeed as the botanical analyses have shown us all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake 确实 正如植物学分析具体显示给我们 的那样 附近所有的土地都曾是大型浅 湖的一部分 a as引导的非限制性定语从句常译作 正 如 那样 e g As the proverb goes The enemy in disguise is just like the wolf in sheep s clothing 正如谚语所说的那样 伪装的敌人就 像是披着羊皮的狼 b part前无形容词修饰时为不可数名词 前 面不用冠词 其前有形容词修饰时为可 数名词 要用冠词 e g The blues has been part of African American culture since then and it is still an important part of American culture 自从那以后布鲁斯就已经是非美文化 的一部分 而且现在仍是美国文化的 重要部分 Remember the new words and expressions


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