英语新导学人教必修三全国课件:Unit 3 Period One .pptx

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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 单元话题美文 Those billionaires first jobs Your first job usually won t be your dream job Nonetheless you never forget it It introduces you to the working world teaches you how to work hard for your money and often gives you an idea of what you do and don t want from you

2、r career From washing dishes at a Chinese restaurant to flipping hamburgers at McDonald s here s what five billionaires did in their first jobs 1 As a teenager Bezos started working behind the grill at McDonald s during the summer His dad had also worked at McDonald s in the past Bezos thinks the mo

3、st challenging thing is keeping everything going at the right pace during a rush 2 The tech billionaire got his start in the restaurant business At the age of 12 Dell worked at a Chinese restaurant washing dishes After he left the Chinese restaurant Dell worked at a Mexican restaurant 3 While on a f

4、ull scholarship at Tennessee University the media mogul Oprah worked at a grocery store next to her father s barber shop 4 Bloomberg worked as a parking lot attendant at Harvard and Johns Hopkins universities while getting his college degree 5 Buffett started delivering newspapers on his bicycle at

5、the age of 13 During high school he moved on to his pinball machine business 那些亿万富翁们的首份工作 你的第一份工作可能往往不是你的理想工作 尽管如此 你却永生难忘 正是这份工 作把你引入了职场 教会你如何努力奋斗挣钱 而且让你学到在职业生涯中应该汲取或抛弃 什么 以下是五个亿万富翁的首份工作 有的在中餐馆洗盘子 有的在麦当劳煎汉堡 1 十几岁的时候 亚马逊创始人贝佐斯开始在麦当劳打暑假工 工作是煎汉堡 他的 父亲以前也是麦当劳的员工 贝佐斯认为这份工作最具挑战性的地方在于如何在一片繁忙的 时候做到有条不紊 2 这位

6、科技巨富的成功之路是从餐饮业开始的 戴尔创始人戴尔的第一份工作是在一 家中餐馆洗盘子 那时他12岁 离开中餐馆之后 他去了一家墨西哥餐厅 3 获得了田纳西大学的全额奖学金后 这位日后的脱口秀女王奥普拉在她父亲理发店 附近的杂货铺里开始了第一份工作 4 前纽约市市长布隆伯格大学毕业以后 在哈佛和约翰 霍普金斯大学的停车场当起了 泊车小弟 5 股神巴菲特13岁的时候开始骑着自行车送报纸 高中时 他开始转做弹球机生意 课文预读 Period One Warming Up Reading Pre reading 匹配左边的单词和右边的汉语意思 第一组 1 adventure A 漫游 漫步 漂泊 2

7、phrase B 海湾 3 wander C 短语 词组 惯用语 4 pavement D 奇遇 冒险 5 bay E 人行道 读前清障 第二组 6 fault A 大使馆 大使及其官员 7 spot B 认为 说明 总计有 说明 理由 计算 账目 8 passage C 过错 缺点 故障 9 account D 船费 包括食宿 通道 一 段 10 embassy E 发现 认出 斑点 污点 地点 第三组 11 seek A 耐性 忍耐 12 patience B 慈善 团体 施舍 13 contrary C 寻找 探索 寻求 14 charity D 信封 15 envelope E 反面

8、对立面 相反的 相违的 Who is the author of the novel The Million Pound Bank Note Which country was he from Have you read the novel or seen the film 阅读导入 If you have what do you think of it If you were given a million pound bank note what would you like to do Step 1 Fast reading Skim the text and fill in the f

9、ollowing blanks 1 What is the main idea of the passage The text is a story about made a bet on if he was given a million pound bank note and they found an American businessman who 课文理解 答案 two rich brotherswhat would happen to a person Henry Adams was lost in London 2 How many characters are there in

10、 the play Who are they There are characters in the play and they are 答案 Henry servant four Oliver and Roderick Step 2 Careful reading Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers 1 Why did the two brothers make a bet A They wanted to make fun of Henry B They wanted to rob Henry of some mon

11、ey C They wanted to see whether a man with a million pound bank note could survive a month in London D They wanted to make Henry their son in law 答案 12345 2 What did Henry come to London for A He wanted to run a small company here B He wanted to make friends with the two brothers C He wanted to seek

12、 for a good job D He came here by accident without any plan 答案 12345 3 What did Mr Adams ask for from the two brothers A A house to stay for a short moment B A letter with a bank note worth a million pound in it C An honest job D Charity from the two brothers 答案 12345 4 How did Henry feel when he go

13、t a letter from the brothers A Surprised B Angry C Hopeful D Worried 答案 12345 5 What s Henry s promise A He wouldn t come back to the two brothers until 2 o clock B He wouldn t use the money in the letter after 2 o clock C He would give the money back to the two brothers before 2 o clock D He wouldn

14、 t open the letter until 2 o clock 答案 12345 Step 3 Post reading After understanding the passage please fill in the following blanks Henry Adams who was carried out to sea by a strong wind from his own boat was a businessman He spent a 1 help night on the sea until the next morning 2 luck he was spot

15、ted and saved by a ship Then he earned his passage by 3 work for free on board After he landed in Britain he went to the embassy for help 4 without luck 答案 helpless Luckily working but One day he 5 wander on the street when he was called into a large house owned by two old Englishmen 6 asked him a f

16、ew questions Henry answered that he was looking for a job in London and 7 ask whether they could offer any They didn t answer 8 direct but gave Henry a letter which they said contained 9 sum of money They also asked Henry to promise not 10 open it until 2 o clock Henry thought it was silly but accepted it 答案 was wandering who asked a directly to open Step 4 Sentence learning 1 It is Henry Adams an American businessman who is lost in London and does not know what he should do 句式分析 本句It is who 为强调


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