英语新学案同步必修二人教全国课件:Unit 1 Period One .pptx

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1、Unit 1 Cultural relics As we all know there are a large number of cultural relics all over the world Nowadays more and more people are interested in the topic about how to protect cultural relics Cultural relics also have begun to be a hot topic in China today as the balance between developing the n

2、ation and keeping traditional culture must be found This can be seen in the public s hope to rebuild places of interest This can be seen in Beijing as traditional courtyards are removed to make way for large modern buildings As people gain more money and are able to move around freely in China 话题导入

3、they want to protect the relics of their cultural past People now wish to protect traditional architecture 建筑物 like old city walls instead of knocking them down Some even wish to rebuild those that have been torn down The Chinese people show their interest in the folk arts and hope that some new cul

4、ture exhibitions will be helpful to educate people to protect some cultural relics In addition Chinese culture is also spreading 传播 in many foreign countries Chinese studies abroad have increased a great deal as China becomes more of a growing economic and international player The interest in Chines

5、e relics abroad is also high because so many foreigners come to appreciate Chinese culture every year 根据短文判断正 T 误 F 1 There are not any Chinese people who care about how to protect the cultural relics 2 A large number of foreigners are interested in Chinese culture T F 基础自测 内容索引 要点探究 达标检测 课文预读 Perio

6、d One Warming Up Pre reading Reading 基础自测 重点单词 1 adj 稀罕的 稀有的 珍贵的 adv 稀少地 罕见地 2 adj 贵重的 有价值的 n v 价值 重视 3 vi 幸免 幸存 生还 4 vt 使吃惊 惊讶 adj 令人吃惊的 5 vt 挑选 选择 rare rarely valuable value survive amaze amazing select 6 n 设计 图案 构思 vt 设计 计划 构思 7 adj 奇特的 异样的 vt 想象 设想 爱好 8 v 装饰 装修 9 vi 属于 为 的一员 10 n 接待 招待会 接收 11 vt

7、 移动 搬开 design fancy decorate belong reception remove 12 n 怀疑 疑惑 vt 怀疑 不信 13 adj 以前的 从前的 14 prep 值得的 相当于 的价值 n 价值 作用 adj 古 值钱的 doubt former worth 1 寻找 2 属于 3 作为报答 回报 4 处于交战状态 5 少于 重点短语 in search of belong to in return at war less than 重点句式 1 could not have done sth Frederick William the King of Pruss

8、ia that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history 普鲁士国王腓特烈 威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有 这样一段令人惊讶的历史 could never have imagined 2 have sth done Later Catherine the Amber Room move to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers 后来 叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中

9、3 when引导定语从句 This was a time the two countries were at war 这是在两国交战时期 hadmoved when 4 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 the boxes were then put on a train for K nigsberg which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea 毫无疑问 这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡 当时德国在波罗的海 边的一个城市 5 what引导主语从句 After that happened to the Am

10、ber Room remains a mystery 从那以后 琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜 There is no doubt that what 课文预读 阅读课文 匹配段落大意 1 Para 1 A How and why a new Amber Room was built 2 Para 2 B The improvement of the Amber Room 3 Para 3 C The disappearance of the Amber Room 4 Para 4 D Changes about the owners of the Amber Room 5 Para 5 E The

11、 building of the Amber Room E D B C A 答案 1 The passage mainly tells us A how to search for the Amber Room B how to protect the Amber Room C the design and the shape of the Amber Room D the legend of the Amber Room 课文阅读理解 答案 12345 2 Why was the gift given the name of the Amber Room A Because many ton

12、s of amber were used to make it B Because it was made of honey C Because the colour of the room was like amber D Because the King of Prussia named it 答案 12345 3 In 1941 the city of K nigsberg belonged to A Germany B Russia C Sweden D France 答案 12345 4 What did the Czar give the King of Prussia in re

13、turn A Some money and jewels B Some horses of great worth C A Winter Palace D A troop of his best soldiers 答案 12345 5 What can we infer from the passage A Just some small art objects were saved from the Amber Room B Catherine didn t like the Amber Room when she first saw it C The Amber Room disappea

14、red during the Second World War D The Amber Room was missing because Catherine had it moved 答案 12345 1 This gift was the Amber Room which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it 句式分析 这是一个主从复合句 which引导非限制性定语从句 修饰 先行词 which在从句中充当 because引导 从句 自主翻译 课文难句分析 the Amber Room原因

15、主语 状语 这件礼物就是琥珀屋 它之所以有这个名字 是因为造这 间房子用了好几吨的琥珀 2 It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels which took the country s best artists about ten years to make 句式分析 这是一个主从复合句 主句中的decorated with gold and jewels是过去分词短语作 修饰a treasure which引导 从句 从句是it takes took sb some time to do sth 句型 意为 自主翻译 后置定语

16、非限制 性定语 某人花了多少时间做某事 它也是一件用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品 国家最优秀的一 批艺术家用了大约十年的时间才将其完成 要点探究 1 Is it enough to have survived for a long time 能保存很长一段时间就足够了吗 重点词汇 1 survive vi 幸免 幸存 生还 vt 经历 而幸存 比 活得 时间长 survive sth 幸免于 从 中挺过来 活过来 survive on依靠 生活 survive sb by 比某人多活 2 survival n 生存 幸存 3 survivor n 生还者 幸存者 注意 survive作 幸存 幸免于 解时为及物动词 其后直接接宾 语 不用介词in或from 1 I can t survive on 20 a week 我每周靠20英镑难以生存 2 The old woman survived her own daughter ten years 老人在她女儿死后又活了十年 3 The of the earthquake are fighting for survive 地震的幸存者们正在为生


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