吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语人教必修四unit 4 language points 课件 .ppt

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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语人教必修四unit 4 language points 课件 .ppt_第1页
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《吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语人教必修四unit 4 language points 课件 .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语人教必修四unit 4 language points 课件 .ppt(56页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Useful phrases student association look around step back in defence dash through on the contrary nod at be likely to in general 学生会 环顾四周 后退 防卫地 戒备地 飞快地穿过 正相反 朝 点头 很可能 有希望 大体上 一般来说 通常 既不 也不 把 介绍给 亲吻某人脸颊 做 的方法 站 坐 住得靠近 not nor introduce to kiss sb on the cheek the an approach to doing sth the w

2、ay to do sth Stand sit live close to represent v 代表 象征 体现 表达 描绘 声称 1 The competition attracted over 500 players representing 8 different countries 2 He represented himself as an expert 3 Let me try to represent my ideas to you in another way 4 The King is represented as a hero in the play 1 Yesterda

3、y representing our university s student association 总结represent 1 vt 代表 描绘 表现 体现 象征 声称 宣称 说明 2 represent sth 代表某物 3 represent sb as to be 宣称某人为 4 represent sth to sb 向某人说明某事 向 某人传达某事 5 represent sth sb as sth sb 把 描绘 成 2 I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously look

4、ing around curiously是动词 ing用作状 语 表示伴随状态 He left off driving a car He said it angrily pointing at the notice on the wall curious adj 好奇的 求知的 古怪的 1 be curious about 对 感到好奇 be curious to do sth 极想做某事 2 curiosity n 好奇心 求知欲 奇物 out of curiosity 出于好奇 meet satisfy one s curiosity满足某人的好奇心 with curiosity curi

5、ously 好奇地 He was very curious about the people who lived upstairs 他对住在楼上的人感到好奇 The reporter whether the official is involved in the case 这个记者很想知道那位官员是否涉及此案 he didn t tell you 他没有告诉你 实在反常 Just to satisfy my how much did you pay for your car 我只是出于好奇 请问你买这辆车花了多少钱 is curious to know It was curious that

6、curiosity 35 about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research A so curious the couple was B So curious were the couple C How curious the couple were D The couple was such curious 28 People have always been curious how living things on the earth exactly began A in

7、B atC of D about 5 People have always been about exactly how life on earth began A curious B excited C anxious D careful 3 The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain 比较下面两句话 There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light Then

8、 soldiers walked forward followed by their dogs 主动 ing 被动 ed 4 Tony approached Julia touched her shoulder and kissed her on the check approach v 接近 靠近 Silently we approached the enemy s camp approach n 接近 方法 途径 通道 approach to doing sth 做 某事的方法 Snow announced the approach of winter The lion s approac

9、h drove away the small animals All approaches to the city were blocked approach 观察思考 v 1 National Day is approaching 2 She approached the bank for a loan 3 As you approach the town you will see the college on the left n 1 All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police 2 He has decided

10、to use a different approach to solving the problem 试译句子 1 随着冬天的临近 天气变得更冷了 With the approach of winter the weather got colder 2 学习外语的最好途径是什么 What s the best approach to learning a foreign language 1 At the meeting they discussed three different to the study of maths A approaches B means C methods D w

11、ays 35 the city center we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height A Approaching B Approached C To approach D To be approached 6 and kissed her on the cheek Kiss sb on the cheek 动词 hit pull pat strike catch hold take sb 介词 in on by the 身体部位或衣着 例 1 She touched him on the shoulder 她碰了碰他的 肩 2 He

12、 took the girl by the hand 他拉着小女孩的手 3 He hit her on the nose 他打了她的鼻子 4 The stone struck the man in the eye 石头击中了那 人的眼睛 5 I caught her by the right hand 我抓住她的右手 比较 她拍了拍那男孩的头 She patted the boy on his head 误 本结构中身体部位或衣着前不用 one s She patted the boy on the head 正 in defence自卫 防御 in defence of 保卫 为 辩护 de

13、fend against from 保卫 以免受 defend oneself自卫 为自己辩解 The young man joined the army in defence of his country Soldiers should defend their country against the enemies 2010 福建省厦门检测 American people are wondering whether the newly elected president and his administration will keep the nation safe and defend

14、it any terrorist attack in the future A to B on C against D with 8 major 观察思考 adj 1 This is a major road 2 Water plays a major role in our life n Her major is History vi She majored in English at Shandong University 总结 1 adj 主要的 重要的 大的 play a major role in sth 在某事中起重要作用 2 n 主修课程 专业课 3 v 主修 major in

15、sth 巩固运用 1 这是一家大跨国公司 This is a major international company 2 Never mind it s not major 别担心 这不严重 3 他在大学主修法语 He majored in French when he was at university 4 The majority in favor of banning smoking A are B is C should being D A or B 10 They both apologized another apologize v apology n apologize to s

16、b for sth doing sth having done sth make an apology to sb for doing sth accept refuse an apology 10 I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner We ll get together later A Go ahead B Not to worry C That s right D Don t mention it 3 You should apologize to her Barry but it s not going to be easy A I suppose so B I feel so C I prefer to D I like to 40 Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan A his being not able B him not to be able C his not being able D him to be not


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