人教高中英语必修五 Unit 4 Making the news period 3 课件1.ppt

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《人教高中英语必修五 Unit 4 Making the news period 3 课件1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教高中英语必修五 Unit 4 Making the news period 3 课件1.ppt(60页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修5 Unit 4 Using Language Period 4 Using language GETTING THE SCOOP Read the text quickly and try to get the main idea of it The passage tells us the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative Who ar

2、e they a senior editor from his department copy editor native speaker chief editor news desk editor a senior editor from his department copy editor native speaker chief editor news desk editor Scan Para 1 and answer the questions 1 What is a scoop 2 Who did Zhou Yang interview We need it in this edi

3、tion to be ahead of the other newspapers This is a scoop A famous film star Scan Para 2 and answer the questions 1 What was Zhou Yang s first task 2 What would he do after he realized that the man had been lying To write a story To do some research to see if the story was true or not Scan Para 3 and

4、 answer the questions 1 Who saw his article first 2 What did he do 3 Who began to do editing A senior editor He checked the evidence read the article and passed it on to the copyeditor A copy editor 5 By whom was the article checked last By the chief editor 4 To whom was the article given to polish

5、the style A native speaker Scan Para 4 and answer the questions 1 What did they need to do the first stage of printing 2 What did Zhou Yang wait excitedly for All the stories and photos film negatives His first edition of newspaper As a reporter Zhou Yang was eager to get a scoop Now comes the chanc

6、e Let s go to the text Getting the Scoop What is the scoop about The scoop tells about a famous film star who has done something wrong but has been lying 抢发独家新闻 周阳刚刚采访了一位著名影星回到办公室 编 辑就说 快点把那篇报道准备好 我们这一版就要 用 这样我们就抢在其他报纸的前面了 这就是抢先 的独家新闻 国际新闻编辑部有人提出问题 他 真的干了那种事吗 周阳回答说 是的 恐怕是 这样的 接着他便着手准备报道了 他的第一件事就是写报道

7、稿 他必须认认真真 地写 尽管他认为那个人一直在说谎话 但周阳懂得 他决不能直接指责那个人 他必须做到准确无误 还要简明扼要 他知道该如何做 经过几个月的培训 他已经学会了写文章 全然没有废话 他在电脑前 坐下就开始工作了 第一个看到这篇文章的人的他们部里的一位编审 他核 查了文中的证据 阅读了整篇报道 然后递给技术编辑 她就开 始了编辑工作 设计了主标题和副标题 她说 在版面上这会 很好看 这个人的照片该放在哪儿好呢 因为这篇文章要用英 文来写 所有周阳拿了一份稿子给一位母语为英语的外国雇员 请她对语言风格进行润饰 这位雇员对周阳的报道也很满意 她 评价说 你确实能写很好的头版新闻了 周阳高

8、兴地笑了 最后主编审读了这篇稿子 并且批准发表了 他对周阳说 文 章写得很好 不过你还得拿出证据来表明事实确凿 周阳激动 地说 我马上拿来 新闻文字编辑取走这篇报道 开始对所有的报道和图片进 行编排 直至把各版面全部编定 此后 所有的报道材料就要被 制成胶片 这是印制过程的第一道工序 由于这篇报道要用好几 种颜色 因此需要四张胶片 每一种主色要用一张底片 四张底 片结合起来就制成一张报纸的彩页 经过最后一次校对后 这个 版面就可以准备印制了 周阳兴奋地等待着第一批报纸的印出 要等到今天晚上 他的朋友轻声地告诉他说 我期望电视 新闻会对这件事作一点报道 真是独家新闻了 1 Read the pa

9、ssage to work out the writing and printing process for an article Then complete the flow chart below 2 You do some research to see if the story is true or not 3 You begin to write the story using the notes from the interview 4 You give the article to a senior editor to check and a copy editor to do

10、editing 5 The article is given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style 6 The article is checked approved by the chief editor 7 All the stories and photos are set and the color negatives for the printing are made ready 8 The first edition of the newspaper is printed 2 In

11、 pairs make a list of things that the film star might have done Compare your list with another pair and choose the most interesting idea 1 He took money but acted badly in a film 2 He lied about getting drunk at a restaurant 3 He stole something from a shop and lied about it 4 He said some rude rema

12、rks about his ex girlfriend to a journalist 3 Prepare your article following the steps below Sort out your two headings a large one at the top and a smaller one under it Sort out the stages in your story 1 what the film star did 2 how you found out 3 how the film star reacted when you told him you k

13、new his secret 4 your opinion Write the story Then swap with a partner to improve your work Rewrite neatly Sample article A Film Star Caught Unexpectedly Did he need money There has been a strange happening in a downtown shopping area It has been said that a famous film star Wang Ping was caught ste

14、aling a gold necklace yesterday He went into a shop and when the jeweler turned his back Wang Ping took the necklace and ran out of the shop The shopkeeper shouted and a crowd of people gathered The police went to Wang Ping s home and questioned him He denied he had stolen the necklace and told them

15、 he had enough money to buy the necklace anyway He said he had been at a restaurant with his wife But a reporter Li Ming found this was untrue So the police are treating this case seriously 1 We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers Language Points The second edition greatly im

16、proves on the first edition 第二版比第一版好了许多 ahead of 在 前面 先于 We are confident that we can reach that goal ahead of schedule He is ahead of others in English 2 asked someone from the International News Department department 政府 企业 商店 大学等 的 部 司 局 处 科 部门 系 He was appointed to be in charge of the toy department He graduated from History Department 3 He would have to be accurate accurate adj 准确的 精确的 Her careful description enabled us to form an accurate picture of what had happened His report of the event


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