新课堂英语必修四人教课改地区专用版讲义:Unit 3 Part 4 Word版含答案.doc

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1、Part Writing故事类作文故事类作文属于记叙文文体,或称之为故事性记叙文。在写此类文章时要做到以下几点:第一,要把握住记叙文的六个要素,即时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)和过程(how)。把握好这六个要素,写故事性记叙文就成功了一半了。第二,要把握故事性记叙文的结构。在文章开头要交代故事发生的时间、地点和人物,然后写事件的原因及发展过程,最后写结果,同时在结尾处要尽量自然,点明文章主题。并且要有一条线索贯穿全文,使整个文章融为一体。第三,要把握好人称。在写此类文章时通常用第一人称和第三人称。假设你是红星中学的学生李华,请按照以下四幅

2、图的先后顺序,用英文写一篇周记,记述上周六你和父母一起参加奥林匹克森林公园健步走活动的过程。注意:1.周记的开头已给出;2.词数100左右。Last Saturday,I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I Walk,and Im Fit”.词汇搜索1.参加participatein/takepartin2.有意义的adj. meaningful/significant3.报名处 registrationplace4.签名 signonesname5.迫不及待

3、做某事 cantwaittodosth6.信号n. signal7.落后 leavebehind8.得到回报 payoff9.定期地adv. regularly/termly10.尽可能多地 asmuchaspossible由词连句1.我们参加的活动很有意义,给我许多鼓舞。(which引导的非限制性定语从句)The activity we participated in was meaningful,whichgavemeagreatdealofinspiration.2.我们一到报名处就马上签名。(hardly.when.)Hardlyhadwearrivedat the registrat

4、ion place when we signed our names immediately.3.看到许多人做热身活动,我们迫不及待地想马上加入到其中。(see的现在分词短语作状语)Seeingtheseaofpeopledoing warmup exercise,we couldnt wait to join them.4.信号发出,我们沿着绕公园的行走路线行走。(which引导的非限制性定语从句)A signal was given off and we went along the walking route,whichranaroundthepark.5.想到那,我禁不住比原来更快了。

5、(think of的现在分词短语作状语)Thinkingofthat,I couldnt help walking faster than ever.6.那时我意识到像这样定期地参加活动是我们保持身体健康的一种好的方式。(only then倒装句式)OnlythendidIrealize that taking part in activities like this regularly is a good way for us to keep fit.连句成文LastSaturday,IwenttotheOlympicForestParkwithmyparentstotakepartinan

6、activitycalled“IWalk,andImFit”.The activity we participated in was meaningful,which gave me a great deal of inspiration.Early in the morning,hardly had we arrived at the registration place when we signed our names immediately.Seeing the sea of people doing warmup exercise,we couldnt wait to join the

7、m.Soon afterwards,a signal was given off and we went along the walking route,which ran around the park.It seemed that no one wanted to be left behind.Thinking of that,I couldnt help walking faster than ever.More than one hour later,our effort paid off.We won first prize.How delighted we were!Only then did I realize that taking part in activities like this regularly is a good way for us to keep fit.Id like to participate in such activities as much as possible in the future.


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