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1、全优卷2020年人教版PEP英语五年级上册句子与情景交际一.单项选择.( )1.-_ he? -_our music teacher.A. Whose, Hes B. Whos, His C. Whos, Hes( )2.-What_ you_on Tuesdays? -We have maths, English and music.A. do, do B. do, have C. have, do( )3. -What _ you _to eat? -A sandwich, please.A. do, do B. would, like C. are, do( )4. -There_ a

2、big photo here. -Yes, _mine(我的) !A. are, its B. is, its C. are, theyre( )5. -Are there _tall buildings in the nature park? -No, there_.A. any, arent B. some, arent C. any, are二、根据图片选择正确的句子。( )1. A. Mr Li is our maths teacher. He is strong and strict. B. Mr Li is our PE teacher. He is funny.( )2. A.

3、Today well learn some kung fu. B. Today well have an English party.( )3. A. We have Chinese on Tuesdays. B. We have English on Thursdays.( )4. A. My favourite food is salad. Its healthy. B. I dont like vegetables.( )5. A. There are many flowers in the garden. B. There is a lake in the nature park.三、

4、根据语段选择合适的图片。( ) 1. There is a desk in my room.There is a water bottle on the desk. There are two cartoon pictures above the desk. I can draw cartoons very well.A. B.( ) 2. This is Grandpas garden. Its beside the house. Are there any flowers in it? No, there arent.There are some orange trees.Oh, that

5、s really cool!A. B.四、选择合适的句子补全短文。 Hello! Im Mike.I have a robot. Hes very clever.1._Hes very helpful, too. He can do many things at home.2._Can he do homework?3._What can he teach?4._My robot can play football, but he cant swim.5_A. He can teach me maths, science and English.B. He can speak Chinese

6、and English.C. Yes, he can.D. He can clean the room and wash the clothes.E. We often play football together on the weekend.五、读一读,给下列句子排序. ( )In the village, there are many tall trees. ( )I live in a small village. ( ) Hello! My name is Jeff. ( )There is a river beside the trees. ( )You can see many

7、fish in the river. ( )I can swim in the river on the weekend.I love swimming!六、读一读,给句子选择合适的答句。 ( )1. Whats she like? ( )2. What would you like? ( )3. Do you often read books at night? ( )4. Is there a river in the park? ( )5. Can you play the pipa?A. Yes, but a little.B. Yes, I do.C. She is kind.D.

8、Some beef, please.E. No, there isnt.七.选择合适的句子补全对话. Sarah: Hi, Chen Jie! 1. _ Chen Jie: Really? 2. _ Sarah: Its near the nature park. Chen Jie: 3._ Sarah: There are so many trees and flowers. Chen Jie: Is there a lake in the park? Sarah: 4. _ Chen Jie: 5. _ Sarah: Of course! There are many birds here

9、 and there. Chen Jie: Sounds great! Sarah: Come to my house this weekend! Ill show you around. Chen Jie: OK !A. Where is it?B. Ijust moved into a new house.C. Whats in the nature park?D. Are there any birds?E. Yes, there is.八.连词成句.1. your, who, teacher, is, art(?)_2. cooking, with, I, your, have, gr

10、andma, a, class(.)_3.learn, today, well, kung fu, some(.)_4. pictures, are, some, there, floor, the, on(.)_5. noodles, have, beef, we, on, and, juice, Mondays(.)_九、按要求完成下列各题.1There are some lakes on the mountain.(改为一般疑问句)_2.I have maths on Fridays.(对画线部分提问)_3.I can sing English songs for the party.(

11、对画线部分提问)_4.I can do some kung fu.(改为否定句)_5There arent many people.(改为肯定句)_十、根据图片及上下文填空,补全短文。 There is a village in the nature park. There are 1._in the village.There 2._beside the houses. There 3._over the river. Look! Chen Jie and Amy are taking pictures on it.There 4._ people in the village.十一根据答句

12、写问句,使对话合理、通顺。1. Dad:Lunch is ready. _?Mike: Id like some chicken and fish.2. Wu Yifan: There is a dog show in the park. _?Chen Jie: Yes, there are many dogs in the park.3. Chen Jie: Dad, we have a new English teacher. Hes from Canada.Dad: _?Chen Jie: Hes tall and funny. We all like him.4. Sarah: You look tired. _? Zhang Peng: I have PE on Fridays.5. Mr Brow


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