英语新学案同步必修一北师大讲义:Unit 1 Period Three Word含答案.docx

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1、Period ThreeLesson 3A Volunteer Teacher.重点单词1volunteer n志愿者2graduate vi.毕业3minus adj.零下;负4challenge n挑战5support vt.& n支持;支撑6dial vt.拨(电话号码)7design n& vt.设计8advertisement n广告.重点短语1make a decision做决定2graduate from从毕业3meet the challenge迎接挑战4to tell the truth说实话,事实上5pay attention to注意.重点句式1Sb.be said to

2、 do.据说某人They are said(say) to be very good students.据说他们是很好的学生。2How do/does/did.feel about.?觉得怎么样?How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia?在内蒙古工作她感觉怎么样?重点词汇1Kate graduated from medical school last year and shes working in a big hospital now.凯特去年从医学院毕业了,她现在在一家大医院工作。(1)graduate v毕业;n.毕业生grad

3、uate from从毕业graduate in.毕业于专业(2)graduation n毕业;毕业典礼(1)My daughter is a university graduate working toward her masters degree in English.我的女儿是一个大学毕业生,正在努力攻读英语硕士学位。(2016天津)(2)I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his graduation(graduate) from high school.我了解到Freddy高中毕业后做了好几份工作。(2017全国)(3)He gra

4、duated in physics from Cambridge University.他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。2His idea to organise a big party has won support from his friends.他的想法组织一场大型晚会,已经赢得了朋友们的支持。support vt.& n.支持,拥护;支撑;供养support sb.in.在方面支持某人in support of支持obtain/get/win support from sb.得到某人的支持图解助记(1)Recent research seems to support both of t

5、hese possibilities.近期的调查似乎支持这两种可能性。(2016四川)(2)My goal was to raise 50,000 in support of a movement to end hunger.我的目标是募集50 000美元来支持一个旨在消除饥饿的运动。(2017天津)(3)His parents support him in his decision.他的父母支持他的决定。(4)He is sure that he will get support from his father.他确信他会得到父亲的支持。3The company is ready to me

6、et the challenge of the next few years.这家公司已准备好迎接未来几年的挑战。(1)challenge n挑战;vt.向挑战challenge sb.to sth.向某人挑战某事challenge sb.to do sth.向某人挑战做某事beyond challenge无与伦比,无可非议face/meet the challenge of.面对/迎接的挑战(2)challenging adj.有挑战性的(1)Many Chinese brands are facing new challenges from the modern market.很多中国品牌

7、正面临着当代市场带来的新挑战。(2017江苏)(2)Were going to challenge them to another football match.我们准备向他们挑战,再来一场足球赛。(3)For new reporters,this can seem like a challenging(challenge) task.对于新手记者,这可能像是一项有挑战性的任务。(2017浙江)(4)He challenged me to show(show) my proof.他要求我拿出证据来。(5)Schools must meet the challenge of new techno

8、logy.学校必须迎接新科技的挑战。4I need a volunteer to help with the cooking.我需要一位志愿者来帮忙做饭。volunteer n.志愿者;vt.& vi.自愿申请;自愿做volunteer to do sth.自愿去做某事volunteer for sth.自愿申请某物(1)The young man volunteered to stop the drunken men from fighting.那个青年自告奋勇,要去制止那几个醉汉打架。(2)I volunteered for his election campaign.对于他的选举活动我自

9、愿助其一臂之力。(3)Volunteers(volunteer) dont expect any kind of pay.志愿者不求任何形式的回报。5Pay attention to these sentences from the interview.注意这个采访中的这些句子。pay attention to注意,to为介词,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。draw/attract/catch ones attention吸引某人的注意fix/focus ones attention on将某人的注意力集中于(1)As soon as the project came up at the meet

10、ing,it drew/attracted/caught many peoples attention.这个方案在会上一提出就引起了很多人的关注。(2)With so much noise outside,I cant fix/focus my attention on study.外面太吵了,我无法集中精力学习。单句改错(3)Be sure to pay attention to the environment while travelling.6How to design a website怎样设计一个网站design vt.& n.设计,计划design sth.for sb.为某人设计

11、某物/某事be designed for打算做用be designed to do/as.为某目的或用途而制造或计划by design(on purpose) 故意地in design在设计上(1)The magazine will appear in a new design from next month.从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。(2)He designed a beautiful house for us.他给我们设计了一座漂亮的房子。(3)Whether this happened by design or not we shall never know.我们将永远无法得知这

12、事是不是有意安排的。(4)The course is designed as an introduction to the subject.这门课程是作为该科目的入门课程而开设的。(5)The picture-book is designed only for children.这本图画书是专门为孩子们设计的。经典句式1They are said to be very good students.据说他们是很好的学生。Sb.be said to be/do.据说某人是/做Sb.be said to be doing.据说某人正在做Sb.be said to have done.据说某人已经做了

13、注意上述结构可改为It is said that.。(1)He is said to be the most hard-working student in his class.据说他是班里最勤奋的学生。(2)She is said to be studying in Japan.据说她正在日本学习。(3)He is said to have written three novels.据说他已写了三本小说。句型转换(4)He was said to be very formal,rigid and hopelessly out of date.It was said that he was v

14、ery formal,rigid and hopelessly out of date.2How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia?在内蒙古工作她感觉怎么样?(1)“How do/does/did.feel about.?”表示“觉得怎么样?”该句式用于征求对方对某事或某人的看法。(2)用于询问某人对某人/某物/某事的评价与看法的句式还有:What is sb./sth.like?某人/某事/某物是怎么样的?How do/does sb.find.?某人认为怎么样?What do you think of.?你认为怎么样?How/Wh

15、at about doing.做怎样?(3)How do you like sb.?你认为某人怎么样?常用于询问某人的一些情况,如性格、品质等;而What do/does sb.look like?常用于询问某人长相如何。(1)Whats the weather like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?(2)How do you like his father?你认为他父亲怎么样?(3)How about going to see a film?我们去看场电影怎么样?一句多译(4)你觉得去乡村教书怎么样?How do you feel about teaching in the countryside?(feel about)What do you think of teaching in the countryside?(thi



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