广西省贵港市覃塘高级中学高中英语选修六人教:Unit 2 Poems Language points 课件 .pptx

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广西省贵港市覃塘高级中学高中英语选修六人教:Unit 2 Poems Language points 课件 .pptx_第1页
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1、B6Unit3Ahealthylife 学案2Languagepoints 词汇短语过关1 abusevt n 滥用 虐待 辱骂 恶习 侮辱 恶言 1 Don tabuseyourprivilege 2 Thefarmeroftenabusedhiswife 3 Youshouldn tabuseyoureyes 4 Idon tunderstandwhyIshouldputupwiththiskindofabusefromher 滥用 虐待 过度使用 辱骂 2 stressn压力 重点vt 着重 强调1 StressandrhythmareimportantinspeakingEnglish

2、 2 Wemustlaystressselfreliance 3 Someschoolsstressforeignlanguageeducation 4 Worryingoverhisjobandhiswife shealthputhimunderagreatstress 重音 on 重视 压力 3 banvt 禁止 下令禁止 剥夺权利 n 禁止 禁令 谴责 诅咒 诅骂 1 Thegovernmenttheuseofchemicalweaponssince1945 ban 2 HefromdrivingforthreeyearslastSunday ban 他被吊扣驾照3年 3 Thereis

3、abansmokinginthetheatre hasbanned wasbanned on 4 toughadj 坚强的 坚韧的 不屈不挠的 艰苦的 困难的 难办的 牢固的 强壮的 粗暴的 硬的 难嚼的 1 Changeisoftentoughtodealwith 2 Tomfeltupsetforhewashavingareallytoughtimeatwork 3 Sheisatoughandambitiousmountaineer 4 Someplasticsareastoughasmetal 难办的 困难的 坚强的 硬的 韧的 5 addictn 有瘾的人 入迷的人 吸毒 成瘾者vt

4、 使沉溺 使上瘾addictionn 沉溺 上瘾beaddictedto doing sth 沉溺于 专心于 addictn 吸毒成瘾的人 瘾君子 对 入迷的人addictiveadj 使人上瘾的 使人入迷的 1 50millionAmericansarethoughttobe addict tonicotine 2 Manykidshavenowbecomeaddictedto surf theNet 3 Hefoundtravelsothathehasbecomeantraveler addicte surfing addicted addicted addictive 6 accusto

5、mvt 使习惯于accustomedadj 习惯的 惯常的accustomoneselfto doing sth 使自己习惯于 做 某事be get becomeaccustomedto doing sth 习惯于 做 某事 1 Paintingbarnsredisan accustom practice 仓房刷成红色是一种习俗 2 Hehasbecome accustom tothewaytheteachergiveslectures 3 Youmustaccustom you tothenewenvironment accustomed accustomed yourself 7 effe

6、ctn 结果 效力effectiveadj 有效的haveaneffecton影响ineffect实际上put bringsth intoeffect实施 实行 使生效comeintoeffect takeeffect 法律 规则或制度 生效 实施 1 Inflationishavingadisastrouseffect theeconomy 2 Itwon tbeeasytoputthechanges effect 3 Thenewtaxratescomeinto affect fromApril 新的税率从四月起生效 4 Theamountofrain affect thegrowthof

7、crops on into effect affects 8 ashamedadj 感到惭愧羞耻的shamen 羞耻 遗憾的事shamefuladj 可耻的 不体面的 Shewasashamedof fail intheexamination 2 Shewasashamed tell otersthatshehadfalleninlovewithhim 3 Hefelt ofhis conduct shame failing totell ashamed shameful 9 inspiteof n despite prep n regardlessof n inspiteofthefact

8、that 从句 al though 从句 1 Wewentouttherain 尽管下着雨 我们还是出去了 2 Wewentout itwasraining 3 Wewentout therain 4 Kellylovedherhusband thefactthathedranktoomuch inspiteof al though despite inspiteofthefactthat 10 riskrun take arisk risks冒险run take theriskofdoingsth 冒着 的风险 危险atrisk indanger 处于危险中attheriskofdoings

9、th 可能导致 不快等 冒 危险riskone shealth life以健康做赌注 冒着生命危险riskdoing 1 Youaretaking risk intrustinghim 信任他无异于冒险 2 Hedecidedtogetthereeven theriskofhislife 3 Anymanwhosmokescigarettesis risk hishealth 拿健康去冒险 risking risks at 10 feellike他不想去那儿工作 一句多译 1 Hetogotoworkthere 2 Hegoingtoworkthere 3 Hetogotoworkthere

10、doesn twant doesn tfeellike wouldn tlike 1 Don tbedisappointedifyouhavetotryseveraltimesbeforeyoufinallystopsmoking It be 时间 before since when that 重要考点练习 1 Itwasfivedaysbeforetheyfinishedthetask 他们完成任务 2 TheAmericanCivilWarlastedfouryears theNorthwonintheend 3 Itwillbefiveyearswemeetagain 4 Itwon t

11、be3hourshearrivesatthebusstop 五年以后 才 before before before 5 Itwasn tlonghetoldmeaboutthisaffair 6 Itwaseighto clockinthemorning hewentshopping 7 Itwasateighto clockinthemorninghewentshopping 8 ItistimeIwent shouldgo topickuphisdaughter 9 Itishightimethatwe take action Otherwisewe be late when before

12、 that that took shouldtake wouldbe 10 Itiseightyearstheylastmeteachother 11 ItwastwoyearssincetheWhites live inthevillage 12 ItisthefirsttimethatI write toaforeignpenfriend13 Itwasthelasttimethatshe sing inpublic 14 Itwasnotuntilmidnight hearrivedhome since havewritten hadlived hadsung that 归纳 1 Itw

13、as willbe 一段时间 before 句子 意为 多久之后才 注意 Itwillbe 一段时间 before 句子 before后面的从句要用一般现在时态表将来 2 Itis hasbeen 一段时间 since 从句 sb did 自从 至今已有一段时间 3 Itwas 时间段 since sb haddone 4 It be 时间点 when从句 当 时是 点了5 It is was 被强调部分 that从句 6 Itwasnotuntil that 直到 才 3 IdohopesobecauseIwantyoutoliveaslongandhealthyalifeasIhave 1

14、 InthefutureIwillliveinaslargeahouseyoudonow 2 Myfather do hopethatIwouldshowasgood judge ashehadinchoosingafriend 3 Thenurseisas female asyourbrother did as judgement male 4 everytime eachtime anytime nexttime thefirsttime引导状语从句 1 EachtimeIaskedmyage Ifeltembarrassing 2 Anytimethatyouareintown does

15、cometoseeme 3 Thechildisafraidofdogsandcryeverytimeonecomescloseby embarrassed cries do 4 Shewassoattractivethathefellinlovewithherthefirsttimehemeetsher 5 Nexttimeyoudecideinwheretospendyourholiday pleaseaskmeforadvise met on advice James grandfatherwrotetohelpJamesquitsmoking James grandfatheronce

16、became1 addicte tocigarettesinthreeways 2bodywasaccustomedto3 have nicotine Hebegantodoitautomaticallyandbecame4 mental addicted Buthefinallymanagetostopwhen5 realize theharmful addicted whose having mentally realizing 6 affect onhim HealsotoldJamesthatsmokingdidterribledamage7heartandlungsor8itwasmoredifficultforsmokingcouplestobecomepregnant SohegaveJamessomeadviceandencouragedhimnottobe9 disappoint Ifhekepttrying hewould10 success eventually effect on that disappointed succeed



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