新课堂英语选修七北师大课件:Unit 19 Period 2 .ppt

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1、 Period Two Lesson 2 Varieties of English 单词自测 1 n 老兄 老弟 伙计 2 n 小册子 3 n 亲戚 亲属 mate brochure relative 短语自测 1 学会 2 很久 很久时间 3 用车接 偶尔 学会 4 继续 5 独立地 独自地 6 遵守 信守 坚持 7 出发 动身 8 只要 catch on for ages pick up go on with on one s own keep to set off as long as 1 you hear you get 你听到的口音越不一样 你就会越迷惑 2 Liang Weimin

2、 thought all English speakers sounded like BBC World Service reporters 你认为梁为民为什么会认为所有说英语的人听 起来都像英国国际广播公司的记者 3 just go off on my own a bit later 我晚一点独自走可以吗 4 we have to keep to the timetable sir 对不起 先生 我们得遵守时刻表 The more different accents the more confused Why do you think Is it all right if I I m sor

3、ry but relative n C 亲戚 亲属 adj 相对的 归纳拓展 1 relatively adv 相当程度上 相对地 2 relate v 联系 讲述 3 related adj 有联系的 4 relation n 关系 联系 亲戚 5 relationship n 关系 联系 血缘关系 1 My uncle is my nearest relative 我的叔父是我最近的亲人 2 After his money troubles he s now living in relative comfort 渡过经济困难之后 他现在过着比较舒适的生活 3 The teacher has

4、 a very good relationship with her students 这位老师和学生们关系很好 易混辨析 relative relation relationship 1 relative亲戚 亲人 2 relation亲属 包括父母 子女 不仅有血缘关系 而且有法律关系 3 relationship指人时 常暗含一种带有强烈感情色 彩的紧密关系 即时跟踪 用relative relation或relationship的正确形式填空 1 He was a person of wide social 2 No one cares about distant nowadays 3

5、 My immediate are my parents 4 All his poor came to spend their holidays at his home relationships relatives relations relations relatives 1 The more you hear different accents the easier it is to catch on 你听到越多不同的口音 你就越容 易学会 归纳拓展 catch on学会 理解 受欢迎 流行起来 catch on to sth understand sth 理解某事物 catch up

6、with赶上 catch sight of看见 catch one s attention吸引某人的注意 catch hold of抓住 抓牢 1 He invented an electric car but it never really catches on 他发明了一种电动汽车 但是这种车从未真正流行 起来 2 It took her a while to catch on to what we meant 她想了一会儿才明白我们的意思 即时跟踪 介 副词填空 1 I don t quite catch to what she is saying 2 You ll soon catch

7、 up us if you hurry 3 This new song failed to catch on students 完成句子 4 I suddenly her in the crowd 我突然在人群中瞥见了她 on with with caught sight of 2 I m sorry but we have to keep to the timetable sir 对不起 先生 我们得遵守时刻表 归纳拓展 keep to 遵守 信守 坚持 to 为介词 keep sb sth away from sb sth 使某人 某事物 不靠近 某 人 某事物 keep back 隐瞒

8、抑制 感情 泪水等 阻止 keep up with sb 跟上某人 与某人同步前进 keep on doing sth 继续 保持 keep off不接近 1 Once having made a plan you should keep to it 一旦制订了计划 你就要按计划行事 2 The police had great difficulty keeping back the crowd 警察难以制住人群 3 The only way to get your weight down is to keep off fat 减肥的唯一办法是不要吃肥肉 即时跟踪 用keep短语的正确形式填空

9、 1 The boss 30 from my salary without any reason 2 It is necessary for us to the style of hard struggle and plain living 3 It rained heavily and we had to think of a way to the rain 4 babies from medicines or they will be in danger 完成句子 5 You just have to toward your target 你必须朝着目标不断努力 kept back kee

10、p to keep off Keep away keep on working The more different accents you hear the more confused you get 你听到的口音越不一样 你就会越 迷惑 归纳拓展 the 比较级 the 比较级 句型 1 意为 越 就越 表示主 从句的两个谓语是同 时进行的 或表示一方随另一方程度的变化而变化 2 从结构上看 第一个 the 比较级 是表示条件的状语从 句 在表示将来意义的情况下 从句用一般现在时表示将来 第二个 the 比较级 是主句 用一般将来时 3 本结构中常用省略形式 1 The more we g

11、et together the happier we will be 聚会越多 我们就越高兴 2 The more you talked the less attention he paid to you 你说得越多 他越不注意听你讲 3 The longer you stay the better it will be 你停留的时间越长越好 即时跟踪 完成句子 1 you work progress you will make 你学习越努力 进步就越大 单句改错 2 The longer you will wait the more impatient you will be The harder the more 去掉第一个will



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