高二新人教英语选修7课件 Unit 2 Robots 第2课时 Reading.ppt

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1、 单词 A 根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 并进行适当拓 展 1 vt 满足 使满意 n 满意 满足 令人满意的事物 adj 令人满意的 adj 满足的 感到 满意的 2 vt 使警觉 使惊恐 惊动 n 警报 惊恐 adj 担心的 害怕的 3 adj 优雅的 高雅的 讲究的 n 优雅 高雅 4 n 喜爱爱 恩惠 vt 喜爱爱 偏袒 adj 最喜欢欢的 n 最喜爱爱的东东西 5 vt 宣布 声明 表明 宣称 n 宣言 声明 公告 B 根据所给给英文解释释写出下列单词单词 6 to want or hope for sth very much 7 the feeling of being sorr

2、y for someone who is in a bad situation and understanding how they feel 8 to go somewhere with someone especially in order to look after him her 9 a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put on a chair to make it more comfortable 10 to wish you had someone else s possessions abilities etc 答案

3、1 satisfy satisfaction satisfying satisfactory satisfied 2 alarm alarmed 3 elegant elegance 4 favour favourite 5 declare declaration 6 desire 7 sympathy 8 accomp any 9 cushion 10 envy 短语 1 test 试验 考验 2 a of books 一堆书 3 wonder 惊奇地 疑惑地 4 ring 给 打电话 5 turn 转向 回转 6 fall a ladder 从梯子上掉下来 7 leave 不管 别惹 让

4、一个人待着 和 单独在一起 答案 1 out 2 pile 3 with 4 up 5 around 6 off 7 alone 语篇导读 根据课文内容 在表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词 注意 每空格填1个单词 TitleSatisfaction Guaranteed EventA household robot was going to be 1 out by Claire Proces s When she first saw the robot she felt 2 Claire thought it was 3 to be offered 4 by a robot As a 5 Ton

5、y helped Claire make herself smarter and her home more 6 Claire was 7 by the women in the party Result Tony was just a machine She shouted 8 me 9 and cried all night because she had 10 in love with him the robot 答案 1 tested 2 alarmed 3 ridiculous 4 sympathy 5 favour 6 elegant 7 envied 8 Leave 9 alon

6、e 10 fallen 1 alarm 1 vt 使惊慌 使不安 使警觉 I don t want to alarm you but I can t find the key 我不想惊动你 但我找不到钥匙 This fish gives off a poisonous liquid from its mouth when alarmed 受到惊吓时 这种鱼会从嘴里喷出一种有毒的液体 2 n U 惊恐 惊慌 C 警报报 报报警器 Several oil producing countries expressed alarm at the fall in prices 当石油价格下跌时时 几个产产

7、油国都表现现出了惊恐之情 The bank teller pushed the alarm button 那个银银行出纳员纳员 按了报报警按钮钮 知识拓展 alarmed adj 感到惊慌的 害怕的 担心的 Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution 环保人士对污染的增加感到担心 He was very alarmed to discover that his car was gone 发现汽车不见了 他非常惊慌 词语辨析 alarm fear fright horror与panic 这些名词均含 恐惧 惧怕 惊恐 之意

8、 1 alarm 强调突然意识到有危险而产生的恐惧心理 Don t be afraid he said as the young lady rose in some alarm 那个年轻姑娘有点惊慌失措地站起来 别害怕 他 说 2 fear 普通用词词 侧侧重指面临临危险险或灾祸时祸时 内心所 引起的恐惧心情 But his voice broke in fear and he trembled as though he were guilt 但是由于害怕 他说话结结说话结结 巴巴 声音发发抖 仿佛他 真是有罪似的 3 fright 通常指一阵阵突然的 令人震惊的短暂暂恐惧 有时时含夸张张意味

9、 She nearly died of fright at the sight of the escaped tiger 她一看到出逃的老虎差点吓死了 4 horror 侧侧重指因看到令人讨厌讨厌 或危险险的东东西或情 景而引起的厌恶厌恶 情绪绪 极度恐惧心情或战战栗的动动作 The two boys flew on and on toward the village speechless with horror 两个孩子由于恐惧 一言不发发 只顾顾朝着村庄飞飞快地 跑啊跑 5 panic 常指因突如其来的外界威胁胁使人群出现现惊慌 恐惧或混乱 She got into a panic whe

10、n she thought she d forgotten the tickets 她想起忘记带记带 入场场券 顿时顿时 惊慌起来 知识运用 1 She became when she could not waken her husband A lost B delighted C alarmed D interested 答案 C 本题题意 当她唤不醒她的丈夫时 她感 到惊慌失措 alarmed 感到惊慌的 担心的 符合句意 2 采用alarm fear fright horror或panic填空 Each man was in a state of as to whether the ot

11、hers were doing more work than himself I can t tell you how sorry I am for giving you such a We spoke in whispers for of waking the baby He had a sudden sense of a cold contraction in his stomach I have a deep of cruelty I gave the as soon as I saw the smoke The fire soared to the ceiling and I trem

12、bled with Tom will keep calm and will not be in a in case of any emergency Mike has a of failing because he has little time to study He was filled with at the bad news 答案 panic 本题题意 每个人都提心吊胆 生怕别人 干得比自己多 fright 本题题意 让您这么受惊吓 我实难以表 达我的歉意 give sb a fright 表示 使某人受惊 fear 本题题意 我们轻声谈话 以免吵醒婴儿 for fear of 表示

13、因为怕 以免 怕的是 alarm 本题题意 他突然感到一阵惊恐 心都抽 搐起来 horror 本题题题题 意 我对对残暴的行为为深恶恶痛绝绝 have a horror of sth 表示 对对某事极厌恶厌恶 alarm 本题题题题 意 我一看见见冒烟就发发出了警报报 give raise sound the alarm 表示 发发警报报 fright 本题题题题 意 火苗窜窜到了天花板上 我吓得 直哆嗦嗦 with fright表示 因为为害怕 panic 本题题题题 意 汤汤姆在任何紧紧急情况下都能保 持镇镇静 从不会惊慌 fear 本题题题题 意 因很少时间时间 学习习 迈迈克担心考 试

14、试会不及格 have a fear of表示 担心 怕 发发生某事 horror 本题题题题 意 听到这这个坏消息 他心里充 满满恐怖 be filled with horror at表示 对对 感到恐怖 2 favour n 喜爱 恩惠 vt 喜爱 偏袒 Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today 今天你能帮我个忙去学校接萨姆吗 Both countries seem to favour the agreement 两个国家似乎都更倾向于这份协议 知识运用 1 台州市2010年高三年级第二次调考试题 Almost ev

15、eryone is bringing down the price of housing because it s too high now A in favor of B in charge of C in honor of D in search of 答案 A 本题题意 因为房价现在过高 几乎所有 的人都赞成把房价降下来 in favor of表示 赞成 支持 2 Will you me a favour and take this to the post office for me A give B make C do D bring 答案 C 本题题题题 意 你可以帮我拿这这个到邮邮

16、局吗吗 do sb a favour 表示 帮某人一个忙 3 accompany vt 陪伴 伴随 和 一起发生 伴 奏 I d like you to accompany me to the police station 我想让你陪我去警察局 The singer was accompanied at on the piano 那位歌手唱歌时是由钢琴伴奏的 知识拓展 1 accompany sth with by sth 与 同时存在或发生 2 accompany sb at on sth 用 给某人伴奏 3 accompany sb to do sth 陪某人去做某事 4 accompany sb to 陪某人到 5 keep sb Company陪伴某人 给某人作伴 词语辨析 accompany与attend 1 accompany 陪伴 看护 伴随而来 指人时 多 指以同等地位或相同身份陪伴某人 指事时 则指同时发 生之事 He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife 他那次远行有妻子的陪同 Lightning usually


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