新课堂英语必修三人教课改地区专用课件:Unit 4 Part Ⅲ .ppt

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1、Part Learning about Language Using Language 重点单词 1 n 气候 2 n vt 拉 力 拖 牵引力 3 vi vt 使 浮动 使 漂浮n 漂浮物 4 vi vt 碰撞 坠落 5 n 卫星 人造卫星 6 n 万有引力 重力 7 n 宇宙飞船 climate pull float crash satellite gravity spaceship 8 adj 温和的 文雅的 gently adv 温和地 9 n 物理学家 physics n 物理学 physical adj 物理的 物理学的 体 力的 spaceship physicist 核心短语

2、1 结果 2 挡住 光线 3 感到高兴 感到振奋 4 既然 5 get the hang of 6 watch out 7 break out as a result block out cheer up now that 熟悉 掌握 理解 密切注视 当心 提防 战争 火灾 疾病等的 突发 爆发 经典句式 1 When we get closer to the moon we shall feel its gravity pulling us but it will not be the earth s 当我们更接近月球时 就会感到月球的引力在拉我们 但是 月球的引力不像地球 的引力那么大 2

3、 But when I tried to step forward I found I was carried on the earth and fell over 当我尽力向前迈步的时候 我发觉我被送出去很远 步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两 倍 因而我摔倒了 as strong a pull as twice as far as 3 Oh dear I cried walking does need a bit of practice 天哪 我大声说 既然重力改变了 看来走路也的确需要练一练了 4 We watched on the outside of the spaceship as the

4、 earth s gravity increased 我们惊奇地看着 随着地球引力的增加 宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火 now that gravity has changed amazed as fire broke out 1 合成词汇 名词 名词 名词 space 太空 ship 船 spaceship 宇宙飞船 由spaceship想到的 web site website 网址 home work homework 家庭作业 air line airline 航班 basket ball basketball 篮球 2 名词后缀 ist biology n 生物 ist biologist

5、n 生物学家 physics n 物理 ist physicist n 物理学家 geology n 地理 ist geologist n 地质学家 原文呈现现 阅读阅读 清障 What does the passage mainly talk The passage mainly talks about my visit to the moon Read the passage and try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 We visited the moon in our

6、spaceship Before we left Li Yanping explained to me the most powerful When we got there I wanted to explore immediately But returning to the earth was very frightening Read the text and choose the best answer 1 When we were going up we felt A we were pressed against our seats B we were lighter than

7、we are on the earth C as if we were flying D the rocket was shaking strongly 2 Why can t the spaceship fall back to the earth A Because the moon s gravity pulls it up B Because it is too far away from the earth C Because the earth has no gravity D Because the spaceship is not very heavy 3 When I was

8、 on the moon I felt I was than I am on the earth A slower B heavier C cleverer D lighter 4 If a baby is growing on the moon when he grows up he will grow than he is on the earth A taller B shorter C fatter D thinner 5 The passage mainly talks about A what the moon is B my visit to the moon C the dif

9、ference between the earth and the moon D Li Yanping my friend who is an astronaut 答案 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 B pull n vt 拉 力 拖 牵引力 As the rocket rose into the air we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earth s gravity 教材P30 随着火箭升入太空 由于我们在努力挣脱地球的引力 我们被向后推在座位上 pu

10、ll in 车辆 进站停靠 靠边停靠 pull out 驶出 拉出 拔出 pull over 路边停车 pull up 使 停下 The train pulled in and all the passengers got off 火车进站了 所有的乘客都下了车 The father saw the train his son was on pull with his eyes full of tears 那位父亲眼含泪水看着载着他儿子的火车驶出站 out She saw the ambulance coming up behind her and pulled 她看到救护车从她后面过来了就靠

11、路边停了车 The car pulled when the light turned red 红灯亮时 那辆轿车停了下来 over up 1 cheer sb up 感到高兴 感到振奋 I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger 教材P31 我立刻感到很高兴 由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去 我望着 身后的 地球越来越 小 而 前方的 月球越来越大 cheer sb up 使某

12、人振作起来 cheer for 为 而欢呼 Upon arriving at the classroom the author was cheered up by a warm welcome 一走进教室 作者因为热烈的欢迎而高兴起来 Let s go to the football game and cheer our favorite team 咱们去看足球比赛 为咱们最喜爱的球队呐喊助威 for 2 now that 既然 Oh dear I cried walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed 教材

13、P31 天哪 我大声说 重力改变了 看来走路的确需要练一练了 now that 既然 引导原因状语从句 其中的that可以省略 Now that everyone is here let s begin our meeting 既然大家都到齐了 我们就开始开会吧 wash your hands 既然晚饭准备好了 你去洗手吧 Now that dinner is ready 名师点津 引导原因状语从句的连词还 有 since because as considering that in that等 3 break out 突发 爆发 We watched amazed as fire broke

14、 out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth s gravity increased 教材P31 我们惊奇地看着 随着地球引力的增加 宇宙飞船的外层 燃烧起火 break up 解散 打碎 break in 进入 插话 break away from 脱离 break down 发生故障 精神 身体 垮掉 分解 break into 强行进入 某处 突然开始 大笑 欢呼等 After a fire broke out in the lab a lot of equipment was destroyed 实验室发生火灾后 很多设备被毁 If

15、 you go on working like that you will break sooner or later 如果你继续像那样工作的话 你迟早会累垮的 A thief broke my house and stole my necklace 一个小偷闯进我家偷走了我的项链 down into 名师点津 1 break out强调战争 疾病 火灾等的突然爆发 2 break out take place happen等动词及动词短语有两个共同点 终止性 不 用于进行时 不及物 不用于被动语态 4 watch out for 密切注视 当心 提防 教材P31 watch out for

16、留意 watch over 照顾 监督 保护 Watch out There is a car coming 注意 有辆车开过来了 Watch out the haze it may do great harm to us 当心这种雾霾天气 它可能对我们造成很大损害 There must have been an angel watching me that day 那天一定有个天使在照看着我 名师点津 watch out的同义短语还有look out take care be careful for over 1 When we get closer to the moon we shall feel its gravity pulling us but it will not be as strong a pull as the earth s 教材P31 当我们更接近月球时 就会感到月球的引力在拉我们 但是月球的引力不像地球的 引力那么大 as strong a pull as the earth s 属于 as adj a an n as 结构 意为 像 一样的 其中的名词必须



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