培优卷2020年北师大版(3年级起)英语四年级上册Unit 1 Signs附答案

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《培优卷2020年北师大版(3年级起)英语四年级上册Unit 1 Signs附答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《培优卷2020年北师大版(3年级起)英语四年级上册Unit 1 Signs附答案(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【章节训练】Unit 1 Signs一选择题(共20小题,满分38分,每小题1.9分)1 What does it mean? It the floor is wet()AmeansBmeanCmeantDmeaning2The are going out in the evening()AmouseBmouseCmice3看图补全对话He knows _ he shouldnt eat bananas here!()AwhyBwhatChow4Does the sign _No _ ?Yes, it does()Amean, swimmingBmeans, swimCmeans, swimm

2、ing5选出与其它两个单词划线部分发音不同的单词()AthirtyBtiredCfirst6Clare, _ go near that bear!()AdontBnoCnotDdoesnt7当你在课堂回答完老师的问题后,老师常说:_ ()ASit down,pleaseBStand up,please8当你做错事时,你应该说:()ANo camerasBIm sorry9当你看到同学吸烟时,你应该如何劝阻:_()ANo smokingBDont walk10当别人帮助了你,你想表达感谢时该说:_()AThank you!BHere you are11There are many monkeys

3、 around _, and they are looking at _bananas()Athey, ourBthey, themCthem, theirDthem, them12No parking means we cant _()Aride our bikes in the parkBtake a busCstop our car here13()ADontworryBDont litter14()ADont walkBNo climbing15Its time for them _()AtalkBtalksCtalkingDto talk16选出不同类别的单词()AlookBcame

4、raCcar17选出划线部分发音不同的一项()AbabyBhatCfat18选出不同类别的单词()ADont walkBNo smokingCSit down19选出划线部分发音不同的一项()AcatBbabyCbag20选出划线部分发音不同的一项()AbagBsadCgate二填空题(共10小题,满分19分,每小题1.9分)21se e 22 23按要求完成各题Its time for lunch(改为同义句)Its time lunch24sign(复数) 25girl shirt skirt dirty bird 26Do you want a pear?(作肯定回答) 27写出五个发/

5、:/的单词 28they (宾格) 29Listen and choose A Dont pick flowersB, No litteringC No running30Listen and choose A On the wallB On the chairC On the floor三完形填空(共1小题,满分1.9分,每小题1.9分)31sign see mean shop smoke litter want to eat takeinto(1)Someone is I can smell it(2)Bobby and Sam some noodles in a restaurant l

6、ast Sunday(3)Helen saw a lot of in the Chunxiu Park(4)Sam meet his new friend in a coffee shop(5)Theres something wrong with his eyes He cant these signs(6)What does that sign ?It Wet Floor(7)That building is a big centre(8)You cant any food or drinks the library(9)No means you cant here四阅读理解(共1小题,满

7、分1.9分,每小题1.9分)32Sam is my cousin He is only four years old He likes to touch everything One day, Sam and I are walking in the park Suddenly, Sam sees some bees on the flowers He is very happy He walks on the grass and catches them Then a park keeper comes to us He points to a sign on the grass and s

8、ays, Cant you see the sign ? Sam says, What does it mean? It means you shouldnt walk on the grass Fine ten yuan Oh, sorry, sir I dont know the sign, I just have five yuan I put only one foot on the grass The park keeper laughs and says, OK, I wont fine you Remember dont do it again(1)How old is Sam?

9、 A Six B Four C Five(2)Where are they walking? A In the parkB In the zoo C In the school(3)Are there any bees on the flowers? A Yes, there isB No, there arentC Yes, there are(4)What sign can Sam see on the grass? A Dont pick B No parking C Keep off the grass(5)Which of the sentences is TRUE? A The p

10、ark keeper doesnt fine SamB The park keeper fines Sam ten yuanC The park keeper fines Sam five yuan五连词成句(共5小题,满分9.5分,每小题1.9分)33children reading library the the in books are () 34shop, can, buy, we, juice, the, from () 35see sign can that you ? 36that, you, see, can, sign (?) 37hand,up,your,put () 六句

11、型转换(共5小题,满分9.5分,每小题1.9分)38I can see some signs at the shopping centre(改为否定句)I see signs at the shopping centre39You want some cakes(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) 40Bobby wants to eat bananas in the forest (同义句)Bobby eat bananas in the froest41We can see No swimming in the park(对划线部分提问) can see the sign No swimming

12、?42What does that sign mean?(改为复数句)What mean?七排序(共1小题,满分1.9分,每小题1.9分)43排列句子(1)It means No smokingWe cant smoke here(2)Oh,I see(3)YesWhat does this sign mean?(4)Look,there is a sign on the wall 八判断(共9小题,满分18.3分)44No smoking (判断对错)45Dont be afraid (判断对错)46Dont litter (判断对错)47Dont worry (判断对错)48Heres your camera (判断对错)49No climbing (判断对错)50Dont cry (判断对错)51Dont be afraid (判断对错)52Dont touch (判断对错)【章节训练】Unit 1 Signs-1参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共20小题,满分38分,每小题1.9分)1 What does it mean? It the floor is wet()AmeansBmeanCmeantDmeaning【分析】它什么意思?它意思指地板是湿的


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