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1、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)认读新单词:brought (bring), bring back ,model, taikonaut, first, national, seed.(2)能听懂会说目标语句:The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. DamingandSimonmadeamodelofaChinesespaceship2.能力目标:学会用一般过去式表达过去发生的事情。3.情感目标:让学生积极主动学习英语,了解我国的载人航天事业,增强民族自豪感和培育爱国精神。重点难点:1.教学重点:新单词和新句型的学习和运用。2.教学难点:运用一般过去时描

2、述过去发生的事情。不规则过去式动词的运用,如bring-brought, buy-bought.教学方法:讲授法、自主探究法、组内合作法、游戏法教具准备:幻灯片课件、录音机、磁带教学过程:Step1.导入环节:1.导入新课,板书课题。导入语: Good morning, boys and girls. Who took us to the earth? Lets listen.(播放chant视频)学生跟读。OK, this class, we will learn Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. Lets re

3、ad together. (领读模块课题)2.展示目标。(1分钟):过渡语:Lets read the learning goals together.让学生明确他们这节课要掌握的知识点。过渡语:Are you ready for our class? Come on.Step 2.先学环节:1.单词学习:过渡语:Whats the name of the spaceship? Lets listen(1)第一遍听课文录音并划出新单词。(2)听单词录音并跟读两遍。(3)学生自读单词两遍。(4)然后让学生完成下列练习:自学检测:英汉互译。bring back_ bring(过去式)_模型_ ta

4、ikonaut _第一次_national_ 种子_2. 课文学习:(1)第二遍听课文录音,回答问题。Q: What did Simon and Daming make?(2)第三遍听录音,跟读,注意模仿句子语音语调。(3)朗读课文。(要求:A.会朗读整篇文章;B.找重难点短语句型,组内讨论学习。)(4)让学生根据课文,回答问题。Whats the name of the spaceship?When did it take Chinas first man into space?What did it take into space first time?3.课堂互动:疑惑解答。要求:先小组

5、内讨论疑问,解决不了的提出来,班级共同解决。过渡语: Do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands. OK, talk about them in your group, then in the class.Step3.后教环节。过渡语: Next, read the passage in your group, then I ask some groups to show us.1.读下面的句子,说出汉语意思,并找出过去式词。小组内相互说一说。然后小组内共同找出课文中类似的句子,总结本课的过去

6、式动词。(要求,先个人说,然后小组讨论) Daming and Simons made a model of a Chinese spaceship.In 2003,it took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time.本课的过去式词有:_2.知识点讲授:(1)一般过去时:定义:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态.时间状语:before 以前 yesterday 昨天 last week 上周 时间+ago前 in+年份肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他。否定句: 主语+didnt+动词原形+其他。一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他?

7、特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?(2)buy sb. sth.买给某人某物。肯定句:I bought you a pen.否定句:I didnt buy you a pen.一般疑问句:Did you buy me a pen? 简略回答:Yes, I did. No, I didnt.(3)of的用法以及本课词组、序数词等。of表示所属关系(属于).的。E.g:The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship.make a model 制作一个模型。fir

8、st (序数词 )“首先,第一”。表示次序的数词叫序数词,是由基数词变化而来的。A .one -first b. two-second c.three-third几个特殊变化的序数词: five-fifthtwelve-twelfth eight-eighth nine-ninth , 其余的序数词是由基数词后加-th 变化而来。take. into. 带. 到.里in+年份In 2003, it took Chinas first person into space.(4)不规则动词的过去式变化:不规则动词需要特殊记忆:例如:1.ride- rode 2.eat- ate3.am,is- w

9、as 4.drink- drank5.see- saw 6.go- went7.win- won 8. buy-boughtStep4.训练环节。过渡语:After learning, lets do some exercises.1.自我背诵课文,比一比谁背的最快。(4分钟)2.完成课本活动三,读一读,完成句子。完成后小组内互相检查。3.Say the chant: 说韵诗,模仿语音语调,比一比哪一组模仿的最像。4.Say and guess: What is the present?Step 5.总结:小结语:OK, lets have a summary, this class we learnt the words and sentences. Lets read together! Very good. What did you learn this class? Now write down on your paper, please. At last lets say which group is the winner. Step 6.作业布置:1. 背诵单词,熟读课文。2. 预习下一单元。


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