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1、Unit2Thisismysister SectionAPeriodOne Readthewordsandexpressionsloudly sistermotherfatherparentbrothergrandmothergrandfathergrandparentfamily 姐 妹妈妈 母亲爸爸 父亲父 母 亲兄 弟祖母 外祖母祖父 外祖父祖父 母 外祖父 母 家 家庭 thosethesewhotheyhavedaywell pron 那些pron 这些pron 谁 什么人pron 他们v 有n 一天 一日 白天infer 嗯 好吧 Revision What syourname M

2、ynameis What shername Hernameis What shisname Hisnameis Englishnumbers zero one two three four five six seven eight nine What syourphonenumber It s Hello IamaChineseboy girl Mynameis Myfamily lastnameis Mygiven firstnameis Iam8 IaminClass2 3 自我介绍 Thisismyclassmate He Sheisaboy agirl His Herfullnamei

3、s His Herfirstnameis His Herlast family nameis He SheisinClass Grade His Hertelephonenumberis Introduceyourclassmates JustforFun Languagegoals Identifyownership Practiceintroducingfamilymembers Namesforfamilymembers What shisname Hisnameis Heisanactor Heisfamousfor 家有儿女 Ihaveahappyfamily thisismyfam

4、ilyphoto 照片 ahappyfamily LiuXing sfamily Thisishisfather Thatishismother Thesearehisparents Thisishisgrandmother Thatishisgrandfather Thosearehisgrandparents Thisishisbrother Thatishissister Thisishisfriend Thosearehisfriends this that 巧记this和thatThis This靠近我 That That远离我This单数these复 that复数对those 两样

5、物品一起说 先说this 再that the把this that替 请你务必牢牢记 指近处的人 事物用this 指远处的人 事物用that thisapple thatapple 单数复数thisthesethatthoseisare 注意到了吗 这个 那个 是 这些 那些 Thisismybrother Thesearemybrothers 变为复数形式 Thatismyfather Thosearemyparents Thatismymother Familytree grandfather grandmother father uncle mother aunt son daughter

6、 cousin 1a Matchthewordswiththepeopleinthepicture mother 2 father 3 parents 4 brothers 5 grandmother 6 grandfather 7 friend 8 grandparents 9 sister c b h f e i d g a 1b Listenandcirclethewordsyouhearin1a 注意到了吗 单数复数thisthesethatthoseisare This mysister That hisbrother She hisaunt He myuncle These her

7、parents Those herfriends is are is is is are is are VS 练一练 That smyfamily Thosearemyparents Who sshe Pairwork Roleplaytheconversationin1a Thentalkabouttheotherpeopleinthepicture 1c She smysister Oh andthesearemybrothers Usetheletterstomakewords 用打乱的字母拼写单词 Competiton a h t e r f fahter s t h e o thos

8、e s i s e t r sister a n p e t r g r a n d grandparent m i y f a l family 助记 family father and mother I love you parentsmotherfathersisterbrothergrandmothergrandfatherfriendgrandparents 2a Listenandcirclethewordsyouhear 2b Listenagain Matchthenameswithpeopleinthepicture 1 Jenny 2 Jack 3 Tom 4 Bob 5

9、Linda 6 Mary a d b c f e HeisJack Who she HeisJack sfather Tom HeisJack sgrandfather Bob Who sshe SheisMary Sheishergrandmother Linda Sheishermother Jenny 2c Askandanswerquestionsaboutthephotoin2b 2d Role playtheconversation Sally Goodmorning Jane Jane Goodmorning Sally Sally Oh Jane thisismysisterK

10、ate Kate thisismyfriendJane Kate Nicetomeetyou Jane Jane Nicetomeetyou too Arethoseyourparents Kate Yes theyare Jane Andwho she Sally He smybrother Paul Jane Oh Isee Well haveagoodday Sally Kate Thanks You too Bye Languagepoints grandmother祖母 外祖母grandfather祖父 外祖父grandparents祖父母 外祖父母 grandmother gran

11、dma 口语 grandfather grandpa 口语 2 grand 前缀 表亲属关系中 外 祖 或 外 孙 grand son grandson孙子 外孙grand daughter granddaughter孙女 外孙女 Practice 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词Yourfather sfatherisyour grandfather 2 That smyfamily 那是我的家庭 family 家 家庭 指家庭这个整体 谓语动词 单数指一个家里的全体成员 谓语动词 复数 Jim sfamilyissmall 吉姆的家庭是个小家庭 Herfamilyareallhere 她一家人

12、全在这儿 3 Thosearemyparents 那是我的父母 these 较近的多个人或物 those 较远的多个人或物 Thoseapplesareonthetree 那些苹果长在树上 Theseapplesareinthebasket 这些苹果在筐子里 Practice This mysister That hisbrother She hismother He myfather These herparents Those herfriends is are is is is are is are VS Translateandwritethemdown 1 这是谁 他们是我的父母 2

13、 这是我哥哥 那是我的妹妹们 Thisismybrotherandthosearemysisters Whoarethey Theyaremyparents 按要求写出下列单词或短语的相应形式 1 sister 对应词 2 father 对应词 3 this 复数 4 that 复数 5 he 对应词 6 thatis 缩写形式 7 is 复数形式 brother mother these those she that s are Now2minstotestyourspelling SpellingBee 1 English Chinesewell they day Haveagoodday

14、 bye 2 Chinese English谁 姐 弟 爸爸 妈妈 父母 奶奶 爷爷 家庭 那些 这些 Whenfinished exchangeyourpaperstoseewhodoesthebest ThisismyfriendJane That smygrandfather Thesearemybrothers Thosearemyparents Who sshe She smysister Who she He smybrother Who rethey They remygrandparents 课时重点回顾 Review that s thatiswho re whoarewho

15、 s whoisthey re theyare Homework Usethesentenceswe velearnttomakeanewdialogue 2 Copythenewwordsandgetreadyforadictation Preview Previewthenewwordsandexpressions PreviewtheGrammarFocusonpage3 DemonstrativepronounsThisismygrandmother That smybrother Thesearemygrandparents Thosearemysisters Whoquestion

16、sA Whoisshe B She smysister A Whoarethey B Theyaremyparents 猜一猜 看谁反应快 Competiton 1 Father smotheris 2 Mother sfatheris 3 Parentsare and 4 Henryismyson 儿子 I mnothisfather I mhis 5 Myaunt 姨妈 Emmaandmymotherare grandmother grandfather father mother mother sisters Let smeetDave sfamily Myname sDave Thisismy father father my mother Thisis mother parents my parents Theseare Thatismy grandfather grandfather grandmother Thatismygrandmother my grandparents Thoseare grandparents Andthat smysister my siste



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