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1、此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 2018-2019学年安徽省合肥市第六中学高二上学期第一次月考英 语注意事项:1答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第I卷(选择题)一、阅读理解During the Second World War, I

2、 met a housewife from Chicago who told me how she discovered for herself that “the cure for worry is to get completely occupied by doing something constructive.” I met this woman and her husband in the dining car while I was traveling from New York to my farm in Missouri.This couple told me that the

3、ir son had joined the armed forces the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The woman told me that she had almost ruined her health through worrying over that only son. Where was he? Was he safe? Would he be wounded? Killed?When I asked her how she overcame her worry, she replied:“I got busy.” She

4、told me that at first she had dismissed her maid and tried to keep busy by doing all her housework herself. But that didnt help much. “The trouble was,” she said, “that I could do my housework almost mechanically. So I kept on worrying. Then I realized I needed some new kind of work that would keep

5、me busy both mentally and physically. So I took a job as a saleswoman in a store.”“That did it,” she said. “I immediately found myself involved in a lot of activities:customers crowding around me, asking for prices, sizes, colors. Never a second to think of anything except my immediate duty. And whe

6、n night came, I could think of nothing except getting off my aching feet. As soon as I ate dinner, I fell into bed and instantly became unconscious. I had neither the time nor the energy to worry.”1Doing housework failed to work on the woman because _.A it was too boring to do houseworkB she didnt l

7、ike doing housework at allC there wasnt much housework to doD she didnt need to use her mind to do housework2Why did the woman take a job as a saleswoman?A She had to work to support her family.B She needed a more effective way to defeat her worry.C She wanted to make her life more colorful.D She en

8、joyed being surrounded by people.3After a days work as a saleswoman, the woman _.A felt extremely tiredB fell into unconsciousness because of worriesC seemed quite disappointedD lost her appetiteRecently I went to the Tsavo National Park in northern Kenya for a film. We set off early for a distant w

9、ater hole. A huge elephant, covered with dry mud, drank calmly and deeply. He might have traveled 50 km to reach the water. He wasnt going to hurry now. Hed drink a while and then rest in the shade, and then drink againor so we thought. What actually happened was that he drank deeply and stepped awa

10、y. Then he suddenly fell down. Within minutes he was dead.We called animal doctor Jeremiah Poghon immediately. He removed the head of a poisoned arrow from the elephants body, and let out over 100 litters of pus(脓)the result of the elephants meeting with a poacher(偷猎者) months before.Todays poacher s

11、hoots from a blind. He fires an arrow, covered with poison, into the body of an elephant. If the poacher is lucky, the elephant might die in an hour or two; if not, he might have to follow the elephant for days before it dies. Often the arrow head fails to kill the elephant at onceit doesnt mean the

12、 poison wont finally kill the elephant, but it will be a slow death. Living in Tsavo through these times, I could see the results of poaching from time to time.When I think about the death of that elephant, what stays with me is the extraordinary silence after the shocking sound of his body hitting

13、the ground. I took some comfort from the knowledge that as the dead body returned to the soil, some animals would benefitbut I couldnt escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal, the world seemed a poorer and emptier place.4While filming near the water hole, the author and his tea

14、m _.A knew the elephant was injuredB found the elephant acted violentlyC thought the elephant was in good conditionD tried their best to save the elephant5Further examination showed that the dead elephant _.A had wounds all over itB had suffered a lotC had drunk some deadly waterD had had a good fig

15、ht with a poacher6Further examination showed that the dead elephant _.A Embarrassed.B FunnyC RelievedD Upset7Why did the author write the text?A To introduce African elephant.B To ask readers to protect wild animals.C To describe his filming experience.D To show the cruelty of poaching.Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos.Ethos is a speakers


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