湖北省武汉为明学校高中英语选修六 Unit2 language points2 课件 .pptx

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1、 1 try out 2 let out 3 in particular 4 be made up of 5 run out of 6 take it easy 7 make sense 8 偶然 意外地 9 熬夜 10 坚持 继续 11 在 底部 12 keep up 保持 继续 1 run out of用完 We would have won if we hadn t taken it easy if we hadn t run out of energy 如果我们没有放松 如果我们没有精疲力竭 我们就会赢了 If he hadn t run out of money he would h

2、ave bought the bike 如果他不花光钱的话 他就会买那辆自行车的 I m running out of petrol I must find a gas station before it runs out 我的汽油快用完了 我得趁它还没用完 赶快找到加油站 辨一辨 明晰异同 是不及物动词短语 不用于被动语态 主 语为被耗尽的东西 如时间 食物 钱等 同give out 是及物动词短语 表示主动含义 主语一 般是人 同use up give out 用完 耗尽 另外还有 分发 发出 精疲 力竭 等意思 是不及物动词短语 use up 用完 耗尽 是及物动词短语 常用于被 动语态

3、 run out run out of 练一练 活学活用 3 We are time Our time is 我们的时间快用完了 running out of running out 2 我们剩下的时间不多了 1 汽油快用完了 use up 设法利用 用尽材料等 3 我把所有的钱都用光了 I all my money The petrol is running out We are our time have used up running out of 2 be made up of由 构成 make up组成 构成 想一想 观察思考 The air show in the military

4、 parade is made up of 15 training jets 阅兵中的空中表演由15架教练机组成 Eleven players make up the football team 11名队员组成了这支足球队 make up意为 组成 构成 make up for make sense make full good use of make up one s mind make out 弥补补 有意义义 辨认认出 理解 利用 拓展 下定决心 悟一悟 参透误区 不同的 组成 be made up of be composed of consist of 由 组成 其中consist

5、of不能用于被动语态和 进行时 练一练 活学活用 The special class is made up of gifted children in art or in other fields 同义句转换 The special class gifted children in art or in other fields The special class gifted children in art or in other fields consists of is composed of 3 Some rhyme like B while others do not like C 有

6、些诗押韵 像B 但也有些不是这样 像C 填一填 句型剖析 句中while用作并列连词 表示并列情况下的转折 意为 例如 She is very diligent 她很勤奋 而他很懒 而 然而 while he is lazy 记一记 知识延伸 1 while用作从属连词 引导时间状语从句 意为 在 期间 当 的时候 从句中的谓语动词通常是延续性动词 2 while用作从属连词 引导让步状语从句 意为 虽然 尽管 相当于though 3 while用作从属连词 引导条件状语从句 意为 只要 相当于 as long as Someone came to see you while you were

7、 out 你出去时 有人来找你 While I like the color of the coat I don t like its shape 我虽然喜欢这件上衣的颜色 但却不喜欢它的样式 While there is life there is hope 只要生命存在 就有希望 练一练 活学活用 写出while在句中的意思 Please keep the watch for me while go swimming He likes pop music while I am fond of folk music While I understand what you say I can

8、t agree with you 在 期间 当 的时候 然而 而 虽然 尽管 2014 沈阳高二检测 I always felt I would pass this monthly exam I never thought I would get an A A While B Once C As D Because 解析 选A 句意 虽然我总是感觉我会通过这次月考 但是 我从来没有想过自己会得A while虽然 once一旦 as作为 because因为 选A 4 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from students ma

9、y eventually want to write poems of their own 因为有那么多不同形式的诗可选择 学生们可能最后想写他们 自己的诗 填一填 句型剖析 1 本句为简单句 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from是with的复合结构作状语 放在句首 作原因状 语 2 with 宾语 宾语补足语 称为with的复合结构 此结构在句 中经常作时间 原因 方式 伴随等状语 也可作后置定语 构成方式 with n pron adj adv 介词短语 to do 现在分词 过去分词 With two exams I

10、have to work really hard this weekend 由于担心这两门考试 本周末我真的得用功了 It was cold outside the boy ran into the room with his nose 外面天气很冷 那个男孩跑进屋子时 鼻子红红的 to worry about red The children came running towards us with the flowers 孩子们手里拿着鲜花跑向我们 When mother went into the house she found her baby was sleeping in bed

11、with his lips 当妈妈走进房子的时候 她发现自己的孩子正睡在床上 嘴唇 一直在动 With more and more forests some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out 由于越来越多的森林遭到破坏 一些动植物正面临着灭绝的危 险 in their hands moving damaged 练一练 活学活用 用所给词的正确形式填空 With so much work do I can t spare a minute With the boy lead the way we found his hou

12、se easily 心存梦想 he went to Hollywood Do you know the woman 抱小孩 的 由于那么多人缺席 the chairman had to announce the meeting was put off to do leading With a dream in heart with a baby in her arms With so many people absent 答案 1 appropriate pass 3 librarian 4 forever 5 darkness 6 exchanged 7 scholarship 8 load 9 sponsored 10 warmth 1 这这个团团体是由医生和教师组师组 成的 make up of 2 她的书书已经经被译译成了10种语语言 translate into Her book has been translated into 10 languages The group is made up of doctors and teachers



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