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1、高三冲刺卷英语5,成长系列本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第二部分:英语知识运用的(共两节,满分45)21Baird invented _ television, _ invention that would later completely change peoples life.A/; the Ba ;/ Cthe; an D/; an22Its none of your business _ my private life is like.AhowBwhat CwhenD which23The children s

2、tarted planning how to spend the holiday, their lessons_ for the term.Afinishing Bfinished Chad finishedDwere finishing24Watch out ! _caught smoking here will be fined.AWhoeverBNo matter who CAnyoneDWho25After the party, the boy apologized to the girl for the trick he had _on her.Ataken Bplayed Cund

3、ertaken Dconducted26_ with difficult situation, Mary decided to turn to her parents for help.ATo face BHaving facedCFacedDFacing27Now that you like the car so much, why not drive it back? Well, I cant afford_ car.Athat expensive a Ba that expensive Cthat an expensive Dan expensive that28Its high tim

4、e he _ the right measures; otherwise, hell fail.Atook Btake Ctakes Dwas taden29With drink and food _ , the farmer had to walk out of the cave.Arun outBuse upCrun out of Dusing up30Ill never forget our English teacher, _ is a well-educated teacher, _ we admire very much.Athat; thatBwho; it Cwhom; thi

5、sDwho; one31Im not sure whether be has finished writing the book, but he_ it last month.Aworked at Bwas working on Cworked on Dwas working at32Not until _the exam _ the importance of doing homework.Ahad he failed; he realized Bhe had failed; did he realize Che had failed; he realized Dhad he failed;

6、 did he realize33No one was sure exactly_ he wantedAhow was it thatBhow it was that Cwhat was it thatDwhat it was that34You never think of others ! You kept me waiting for two hours. Im sorry that you _ think so.AwouldBcould CmightDshould35Sandra failed to pass the exam. _ ? Nobody works harder than

7、 she does.AHow comeBHow aboutCWhy not DWhat for第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 When I was 14, my family went on our first trip to the United States. My uncle moved there several years ago to work in the_36_industry in California.Although we flew several

8、times before. this trip seemed really 37 because I had never been to America before. However, to our disappointment, the ride was 38 this time. People smoked and the air quality was very poor.Moreover, it was 39 to see American moneyit was very ugly and boring, all green and white, but what it could

9、 40 freedom, Hollywoodwas 41 . I didnt see any movie stars in fur coats 42 their lovely dogs, either. I 43 , “Is this California?Where are the beaches, the sun and the blonde girls? ” 44 a land of dark-haired people, seeing blondes was 45 one of the extremely 46 parts of the trip. However, I was rat

10、her disappointed. 47 , the weather was really foggy, the city looked kind of old and the traffic was lerrible.We droved north to Sonoma where my 48 had his house. The wine industry to a 49 can be both extremely boring and endless exciting. It was great to see my cousins and they 50 that they would t

11、ake me out when the weather was nicer. We rode for miles and miles and played in the hills where no one could 51 us.By the time we 52 to see the city of San Francisco all my bad thoughts had been 53 . I was having so much fun with my cousins that I wanted to move there.I saw neither blonde girls nor

12、 54 on that trip, but I met a lot of nice People and 55 that wherever you live its always a nice place if you like the people there. I hope I can travel back to California soon. 36Aclothing Bwine CserviceDtravel37AinterestingBfearfulCboringDcommon38AlovelyBsmoothCexpensiveDterrible39AsurprisingBhelp

13、fulCdisappointingDmeaningful40AimpressBchangeCrealizeDbuy41Afrightening BmovingCexciting Ddepressing42AwalkingBmarchingCapproachingDfighting43AexplainedBcomplainedCwonderedDannounced44ARounding upBLooking throughCResulting fromDComing from45AimpossiblyBsurelyCseriouslyDfortunately46AbeneficialBwonderfulCeffectiveDordinary47AAfter all BAs a result CFirst of all DWorse still48AuncleBfatherCbrotherDfriend49Anative Bchild Ccousin Dworker50AimaginedBpromisedCbelievedDappealed51AhateBhelp CbotherDmiss52Aspread outBheld backCturned upDgot around53Aturned downBgive


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