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1、浙江省绍兴市2013年英语中考试卷 试卷 I (选择题 共80分)() 听力部分(共25分)一、听力【本题有l5小墨。第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听对话,选择图片。1. What does the woman want?2. How is the weather today?3.Where did Amy go for her trip?4. Which sign are they talking about?5. What did Sally do yesterday?第二节:听对话,回答同题听下面一段对话。回答第67小题6. Where does this

2、conversation probably happen? A. In a bookstore. B. At a bus stop. C. In a restaurant.7. Why is the man going to buy flowers for Lucy? A. Because Lucys ill in hospital. B. Because Lucys got a new job. C. Because Lucys birthday is coming.听下面一段对话,回答第810小题。8. Who is Alice talking with on the phone? A.

3、Dave. B. Toby. C. Alices father.9. When will Toby have a piano lesson? A. This morning. B. This afternoon. C. This evening.10. How are the children going to the movie? A. By car. B. By bike. C. On foot.第三节:听独白,回答问题。11. What does Linda do to improve her listening skills? A. Sing English songs. B. Wat

4、ch English movies. C. Listen to English programs.12. With whom does Linda practice speaking English? A. An American neighbor. B. Her English teacher. C. An Australian friend.13. How long does Linda read English every day? A. At least 10 minutes. B. At least 20 minutes. C. At least 30 minutes.14. Wha

5、t does Linda keep writing before she goes to bed? A. An e-mail. B. A diary. C.A story.15. What do you think of Lindas English teacher? A. Energetic. B. Helpful. C. Strict. (二) 笔试部分 (共55分)二、单项填空(本题有l0小题。每小题l分,共计l0分)16. Whos that young man on the poster? Justin Bieber, excellent singer. A. a B. an C.

6、the D. /解析:本题考查冠词。a,an为不定冠词,表示泛指;the为定冠词表示特指。excellent eks()l()nt第一个音素为元音因素,故选B。本题易17.The sweater is not the right for me. Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one? A. price B. color C. size D. material解析:本题考查名词,price价格,color颜色,size尺码,material材料,原料。根据a bigger one or a small one,故选C,本题易。18

7、.Ive left my keys in the meeting room. Please them for me. All right. A. buy B. paint C. wash D. fetch解析:本题考查动词辨析,buy买,paint绘画,wash洗涤,fetch取来,句意为:我把钥匙落在会议室了,请带来给我,故选D,本题易。19. Your aunt often walks the dog in the morning. Yeah, bad weather stops her. A. when B. unless C. because D. since解析:本题考查连词。Whe

8、n什么时候,unless除非,because因为,since自从,句意为,我阿姨经常在早上遛狗,除非坏天气能阻止她。本题较难20. You look . Whats up, sir? I cant find my ticket, but its time to check in. A. sleepy B.hungry C. tired D. worried解析:本题考查形容词。Sleepy昏昏欲睡的,hungry饥饿,tired疲劳的,worried着急的。句意:-你看起来很着急,怎么了。-我找不到我的票了,但是是时候进场了,故选D。本题易21. The girl is afraid to d

9、ance in public because she thinks others may her. A. laugh at B. wait for C. hear of D. agree with解析:本题考查动词词组。Laugh at嘲笑,wait for等待,hear of听说,agree with同意,句意:这个女孩害怕在公众场合跳舞因为她想其他人可能会嘲笑她,故选A,本题易。22.Which magazine do you like better, Crazy Reading or Teens Space? I like of them. They are useful for Eng

10、lish learners. A. none B. neither C. all D. both解析:本题考查不定代词。为两种杂志,根据最后一句话他们对英语学习者很有帮助,故选D。本题稍难。23. Can Peter play games with us, Mrs. Hawking? Wait a minute. He a shower. A. is taking B. takes C. took D. was taking解析:本题考查时态。句意:Peter能跟我们一起玩么?请等一下,他正在淋浴,故选A,一般现在进行时态。24.Do you know Jane visits her gran

11、dparents? Once a week. She loves them deeply. A. how soon B. how often C. how long D. how far解析:本题考查疑问代词。How soon多久,how often多长时间一次,how long有多久,how far多远。根据答句once a week:一周一次,故选B,本题较难25. Bob, your room is a real mess! . Ill clean it up right away. A. Id love to B. I hope so C. Im sorry D. I disagree

12、解析:本题考查交际用语。句意:-Bob,你的房间太脏了。-真抱歉,我现在就打扫,故选C。本题易三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题l分共计l5分) I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job. One day, while I was 26 on the street, I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to 27 where it was coming from.

13、Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano. She was singing songs about love, 28 yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there 29 , watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be 30 enough to perform in front of so many people. She noticed me. I walked over and told her how good her 31 sounded. Thank you. she said. I have been going through a hard time rece


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