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1、.word格式.专业英语 必过 我看好你呦!短语 1专业英语English for special purpose 2 土木工程civil engineering3屈服准则yield criterion 4主应力principal stress5固体排水原理the principle of displacement of water by solid body6地球自转the rotation of the earth on its own axis7使用钢筋混凝土the employment of reinforced concrete 8 变形deformation 9刚塑性材料rigid

2、-plastic material 10 reduce speed 减低车速11educe to power粉碎 12reduce the temperature降低温度13reduce the time 缩短时间 14reduce construction expenses削减工程开支15reduce the scales of construction缩小工程规模16Reduce the numbers of traffic accidents减少交通事故17钢铁工业The iron and steel industry 18机器运转正常。The machine works properl

3、y.19可以问老师一些问题The teacher may be asked questions.。20分解Decompose/break down/dissociate 21吸附过程的原理The principle of absorption22这些书每十本一捆These books are packed in tens.23这些商品数以百计。The commercial products are counted by hundreds.24削减工程开支Reduce construction expenses 25缩小工程规模Reduce the scales of construction

4、26 分子结构molecular structure27通过X射线衍射的方法by means of the X-ray diffraction28太阳能solar energy 29 混合物与化合物mixtures and compounds30. 大型结构large structure 31. 变形缝expansion joints32值得赞扬 be most commendable 33忽视公路安全 ignorant of the safety on highways34. 新发现的材料the newly discovered material 35. 力学性能mechanical pro

5、perty36 史前时代 in prehistoric time 37. 全世界throughhout the world38.不带铰链的连续梁桥a continuous girder bridge with no hinges39 从事教学活动的土木工程师teaching civil engineers engage 40 基础研究和应用研究basic research 41 初期数据preeliminary data42. 完全不同的支撑和荷载条件the totally different conditions of support and loading43. 临时结构和永久结构 tem

6、porary structure and permanent structure44. 在挖掘过程中 during the process of excavation45 侧向土压力 lateral earth pressure46海拔、高度elevation 47(正)垂直视图elevation view / vertical 48view水平投影horizontal view 49 侧视图lateral plan50耐久性durability 51充分使用considerable use52工程技术与工程管理engineering technology and management53脆性

7、材料和柔性材料brittle and ductile materials54不同材料具有不同的力学性质 Different materials differ in their mechanical behavior. 55所有材料都热胀冷缩All substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.56素混凝土梁plain concrete beam 57一切就绪All preparations were done.58施工现场 construction site 59静荷载和活荷载dead load and live load 60附

8、加承载力additional capability61梁的水平轴线(中性面)horizontal axis of the beam(neutral plane)62旋转力矩或扭转力矩rotating or turning motion63现代最引人注目的工程事故之一One of the most spectacular engineering failures of modern times 64上表面向下凹或向内弯曲The top surface is concave or bend inward.句子1路面根据表面传递荷载形式分为刚性路面和柔性路面。Pavements are classi

9、fied as “rigid” or “flexible ” depending on how they distribute surface loads.2把橡胶加固用作桥梁支座的作法曾经被详细报道过The practice of employing rubber reinforced as bridge supports has been reported in detail.。3静荷载与活荷载dead load and live load4在制定施工计划时,预测不能供用建筑材料的时期是十分重要的。A prediction of the duration of the period whe

10、n building materials can not be supplied would be value in the planning of the construction.5桥梁养护中普遍存在的问题之一One of the common defects in bridge maintenance气体很容易被压缩,那只不过是压缩分子之间的距离而已 It is easy to compress a gas. It is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules.6用沥青掺拌碎石能使表层更坚固地粘结在一起。The

11、top layers were bound together more firmly by mixing the crushed rock with asphalt. 7一种含沥青物质,如沥青,用于铺路A bituminous material, such as asphalt, is used to pave roads.8沥青混泥土碎石或沙子,用于铺路或封层顶Mixed asphalt with crushed stone gravel or sand, is used for paving or roofing.9 沥青最初仅被用来做铺面Asphalt was originally us

12、ed only as covering.10 混凝土的耐久性受其渗透性影响非常大Durability is greatly influenced by concrete 101 混凝土的抗压强度为水泥、集料、水以及混合料中所含的 各种添加剂的含量所控制。.The compressive strength of concrete is controlled by the amount of cement,aggregates, water,and various admixtures contained in the mix.11. 沥青路面新的设计方法是1984年公布的。. A new des

13、ign method for bituminous roads was published in 1984.12. 有人认为汽车造成一系列问题,如城市膨胀、土地浪费、市区拥挤、油污遍地以及空气和噪声污染等。 It is believed that the automobile is blamed for such problems as urban area expansion and wasteful land use, congestion and slum conditions in the central areas, and air and noise pollution.13. 建

14、筑工地最急需的正是这种钢。. It is this kind of steel that the construction worksite needs most urgently14钢主要是铁和少量碳的合金.Steel is basically an alloy of iron and a small amount of carbon.15现在,工程师的优势是不仅有经验数据,而且有供他们事先做详尽科学计算的科学数据。Today, the engineer has the advantage not only of empirical information, but also of scie

15、ntific data that permit him to make careful calculation in advance. 16现在的通行做法是将按比例缩小的桥梁模型放在风洞中检验它们的空气动力抵抗力。It is now common practice to test scale models of bridges in wind tunnels for aerodynamic resistan17在这两种力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。Of those stresses the former is compressive stress and the latter is tensile stress.18A的强度与


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