人教高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes period 5 课件1.ppt

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《人教高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes period 5 课件1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes period 5 课件1.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 复习 1 When an earthquake happens the ground will s greatly 2 The fish must go bad for it is s 3 When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident she b into tears 4 The desk is covered with a lot of d Would you please clean it 5 An accident happened Luckily nobody was i 6 The

2、workers made great efforts to r the people who were trapped underground 7 Because of the global warming there are more and more natural d 8 The air in the countryside is much f than that in the city 9 J from his accent we know he comes from the west 10 After the earthquake the whole city was in r 1

3、When an earthquake happens the ground will s greatly 2 The fish must go bad for it is s 3 When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident she b into tears 4 The desk is covered with a lot of d Would you please clean it 5 An accident happened Luckily nobody was i hake melly urst i

4、rt njured 6 The workers made great efforts to r the people who were trapped underground 7 Because of the global warming there are more and more natural d 8 The air in the countryside is much f than that in the city 9 J from his accent we know he comes from the west escue isasters resher udging 10 Af

5、ter the earthquake the whole city was in r uins Water in wells rises and falls Smelly gas comes out of wells Animals are nervous Loud sound can be heard There re bright lights in the sky Let s say what would happen before an earthquake Strange things happened in Tang Shan The water in the village we

6、lls and fell The well walls had deep and a smelly gas came out of the cracks Some animals were too nervous Bright light in the sky The water in some buildings cracked and burst At 3 42 am everything began to In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in Two thirds of the people died or were Nearly

7、 everything was destroyed in the city Many factories and homes were gone Later another big earthquake shook Tang Shan People began to wonder how long the would last But all hope was not lost Soldiers were sent to help them Workers built shelters for Slowly the city began to again rose cracks appeare

8、d pipes shake ruins injured disaster survivors breathe destroy damage ruin destroy指 彻底毁坏以致不能或很难修 复 只用作动词 damage指 部分损坏 既可作名词也 可作动词 ruin与destroy相似 但destroy 强调 毁 灭 一般强调瞬间发生 ruin指毁坏非 常严重 一般比较缓慢 常指美好的或 希望中的事物的破坏 也可作名词 The fire spread and destroyed the town I damaged my books when I dropped them in the st

9、ream Your plans for a party will be ruined if you get sick tomorrow I got caught in the rain and my suit 2016 北京 A has ruined B had ruined C has been ruined D had been ruined rise 发生 arose arisen happen appear 1 People s living standard has greatly been 2 The sun in the east 3 If you know the answer

10、 please your hand 4 He from the table to welcome us 5 The farmer many animals in his farmyard last year 6 The river has two feet 7 It s difficult to a family on a small income 8 Accidents can from carelessness raised rises raise rose risen raise raised arise injure wound hurt harm 这四个词都是用来修饰人的 wound

11、 表示刀伤 枪伤 一般指战 斗中受伤 injure 表示意外 事故中受伤 hurt 既可指肉体也可指精神上的受 伤 一般伴有疼痛 harm 表示 损害 程度比较轻 He got in the fighting A wounded B hurt C injured D harmed My feelings were when he didn t ask me to the party A wounded B hurt C injured D harmed Mike didn t play football yesterday because he had his leg 2016 全国 A da

12、maged B hurt C hit D struck It seemed that the world was It seemed that the world was Compare at the end of by the end of in the end 1 His father will return home this year 2 He will be a scientist 3 How many English words had you learned last term at the end of in the end by the end of at an end Th

13、e meeting to an end The appearance of the unexpected visitor an end to the quarrel came brought come to an end bring put sth to an end at the end of by the end of in the end on end without end make ends meet end up with 结束 结束 制止 在 尽头 到 末为止 最后 终于 一直 连续 没完没了 收支相抵 以 而结束 Do you know right away 立刻 立即 wit

14、hout delay at once in no time immediately immediately adv 立刻 立即 conj 一 就 as soon as directly the minute the moment After school we go home I hurried to get up the alarm clock rang immediately immediately It seemed that the world was at an end The world seemed to be at an end 看起来 似乎 他看起来已经通过考试了 It se

15、ems that he has passed the exam He seems to have passed the exam It seems that sb sth sb sth seem to do be 的句型 Eg 1 It seems that they have known about it They seem to have known about it 2 There seems to be no need to worry about it It seems that no need to worry about it 3 It seems that he is not

16、rich He seems rich He to be rich there is not to be doesn t seem All hope was not lost 该句为部分否定句 当all both each every everybody everything complete always whole entirely altogether与 否定词 连用时 表示 不都 并非都 的意思 全部否定用no none neither never nobody nothing no one等 I agree with most of what you said but I don t agree with A everything B anything C something D nothing Not all the answers are right Some answers are right and some are not right I don t know both of them I know one of them Cf I know neither of t


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