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1、叫我第一名 Front of the ClassBrad: My name is Bradley Cohen. But when I was a kid, people called me by lots of names, my brother, Jeff, called me Dr. Bobo. My mom called me honey. And the kinds at school? Well, they called me everything from spaz to freak. I didnt have many friends actually. But I did ha

2、ve a constant companion, I can barely remember a time when it wasnt there. Now sometimes, it wasnt a problem for me. Other times, it was. 布拉德:我的名字叫布拉德利.科恩,但小时候,人们给我起了好多外号,我弟弟杰夫,叫我波波医生,我妈妈叫我宝贝。至于学校里的孩子们?噢,他们叫什么的都有,从笨蛋直到怪物。事实上,我的朋友不多。但我确实拥有一个终生伙伴,我不记得它几时曾离开过,有些时候,它不会困扰到我。但某些时刻,却会。Boy: Drop what? Drop

3、books? 扔什么?扔掉书?Little Brad: Stop it. 别这样。Boy: Are you scared, Brad? Whats wrong? 害怕了,布拉德?怎么了?Little Brad: Leave me alone. 走开。Boys: Fight! Fight! Fight! 上啊!上!打!Teacher A : What is going on? 发生什么事了?Boy: Come on, bring it on! 快点,来啊!Teacher A : Stop! Stop that fighting right now! Get back to class! Stop

4、 that nonsense. You are in big trouble, mister. 老师 A:住手。别打了,住手,回去上课!别废话,你真是个大麻烦,先生Teacher B: The girl fell in the mud and got dirty. 老师 B:女孩跌进泥潭,全身脏透。 布拉德:我和我的终身伙伴都憎恨学校,我迫不及待地盼望着放学。不再有作业,不再有课本,再不用看老师的臭脸色。6 岁时,我的伙伴第一次出现,但几年后它才有了自己的名字,心理医生说我不过是精力过盛,我发出滑稽的声音,做出古怪的举止,只是为了引起注意,这只是个阶段,我会慢慢克服,变得“正常”.像其他人一样

5、。直到现在,我的终生伙伴还陪伴着我。现在,对我朋友来说,我是个棒极了的正常人,一个喜欢棒球和 80 年代无聊音乐的男孩。他们觉得,那音乐比我弄出的声音还奇怪。Brad: One thing my Constant Companion and I agreed on was that we hated school. I couldnt wait until I got out. No more homework, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks. My companion first showed up when I was six, b

6、ut it was years before it had a name. Now the shrinks said I was just hyper, I made funny noises and acted weird to draw attention to myself. I was just a phase: Id grow out of it and be normal.like everybody else. Through it all, my constant companion stuck with me. Now, to my friends, Im just regu

7、lar, old Brad. The guy who likes baseball, and who loves cheesy 80s music, which they think is much weirder than the noises I make. Brad: You know what I just realized? 你知道我刚才意识到了什么?Nancy: What? 南希:什么?Brad: All ducks have Tourettes. 所有的鸭子都有妥瑞氏症。Nancy: Why is that? 为什么那么说?Brad: You know what. My Tour

8、ettes.my noises.我的妥瑞氏症,我的噪音。 Nancy: Not when I compare them to the noises other guys make. You know, like braggers, loud-talkers, egocentric, humor-challenged idiots. Seriously, no, your noises dont bother me at all. As long as you keep me laughing. 南希:与其他家伙的噪音比起来,不算什么。你知道,像吹牛皮说大话,自以为是,哗众取宠的笨蛋。真的,不会

9、,你的噪音一点都没影响到我,只要你能让我开心地笑。Brad: Well, dont say that. You know how I get under pressure. 布拉德:别那么说,你知道我在压力之下的样子。lBrad: I dont know. Were birds of a feather. So, it really doesnt bother you, does it? 我不知道,我们是同类。所以,它真的没影响到你,对吧?Nancy: What?南希:哦,我很抱歉。Nancy: Oh, Im sorry. 南希:我爸爸总说,我会嫁给一个惹我发笑的人,那其实不意味着什么。说些什

10、么吧。Nancy: My dad has always said I was going to marry somebody who made me laugh. Not that that has anything to do with anything. Say something. 布拉德:呱。嘿,别笑,这是个认真的呱。但我还是找到你了。Brad: Quack. Dont laugh. That was a serious quack. I got you though.Head Master: Everybody just keep your seats for a minute, p

11、lease. Thank you, did you enjoy the concert? Great job. Did you hear any noises during the quiet parts? 校长:大家都请再坐一会。谢谢,你们喜欢这场音乐会吗?太好了。音乐安静的那部分,你们听到什么噪音了吗?学生们:听到了!Students: Yes!Head Master: Yeah. So did I. Theyre pretty annoying, arent they? The person making those noises is Brad Cohen. Come on up he

12、re, Brad. Do you like making noises and upsetting people, Brad?校长:是啊,我也听到了。很恼人,不是吗?发出这种噪音的人是布拉德.科恩。到台上来,布拉德。你喜欢发出噪音惹人烦吗。布拉德?Little Brad: No, sir. 不,先生。校长:那么你干嘛要这么做呢?Head Master: Then why do you do it?小布拉德:因为我有妥瑞氏症。Little Brad: Because I have Tourette Syndrome. Head Master: Whats that? 那是什么?小布拉德:是大脑里

13、的一种东西使我发出怪声。Little Brad: Its a thing in my brain that causes me to make weird noises. 校长:不过用意志,你能自我控制住,对吗?Head Master: But you could control it if you wanted to, right?Little Brad: No, sir. Its a sickness. 小布拉德:不能,先生。这是一种病Head Master: Well, why cant you just get cured?校长:好吧,那你为什么不去治好它Little Brad: Th

14、ere isnt any cure. I dont like making noises any more than you like hearing them. Theyre even worse when I get stressed when you dont accept that I cant stop them. But when I feel accepted, then theyre not so bad. 小布拉德:现在还无药可治。你们不喜欢听到怪声,我更不想发出怪声。你们的难以接受会让我紧张,当我紧张时,会变得更糟。可如果我觉得你们接受了,症状就不会那么遭 Head Mas

15、ter: What can we do.and I mean everyone in this school? What can we do to help you, Brad?校长:我们能做什么.我是指这所学校里的每个人?我们能帮你什么吗,布拉德?Little Brad: I just want to be treated like everybody else. 小布拉德:我只是希望能像其他人一样得到平等对待。Head Master: Good job. Go sit down. 说得好,去做吧。Brad: A few words.a little education and it was

16、 like opening a door to a brand new world. Now some day, some way, I knew, Tourettes or no Tourettes, I was going to be a teacher. 。布拉德:几句话、一席教育,就像为我打开了通往新世界的一扇门。现在我知道,总有一天, 某种程度上,有,或没有妥瑞氏症,我都要成为一名教师。the Class布拉德:不,不,不,没关系,这个问题很实际,我想回答。在了解我之前,孩子们常把我当怪物,甚至怕我。但是,一旦我对他们解释妥瑞氏症后,他们就明白,科恩先生只是个普通人。然后,他们会认同我是个好老师,就像他们认同你们一样。Brad(monologue): I was called one last time and asked come in and meet with the second grade staff.



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