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1、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P51完形填空 Sandstorms are one of the natural disasters which are strong, dry winds that carry sand. Have you ever seen a sandstorm? I would like to share with you my personal _1_ of the sandstorm in northern China. One day, we decided to _2_ a city of

2、Jilin Province. It was supposed to be four hours drive from the place where we lived. We _3_ at about 7:00 only to see the most amazing _4_ we had ever seen. The sky was _5_ as if it was midnight. The _6_ from the few cars that dared travel in the streets were yellowish. So we had to stay at home, _

3、7_ for a better condition for our trip.矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧碍鳝绢懣硯涛镕頃赎巯驂雞虯从躜鞯烧。 The wind was fairly _8_ and might have been stronger at night _9_ we woke up. The visibility (能见度) at this point was close to 20 m. About two hours later the _10_ increased to 50 m and stayed so _11_ about 10:00 am.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸測樅锯

4、鳗鲮詣鋃陉蛮苎覺藍驳驂签拋敘睑绑。 When the dust lifted (消散) a little and the visibility _12_ to 200 m, we decided to drive out. However, everybody on the road was enveloped in thick fog with dust and the sky glowed with a dark _13_ colour, so we hardly see each other _14_. Sometimes, the wind suddenly _15_ up a lot

5、 of dust and sand and the visibility occasionally decreased to 2050 m, making it very _16_ to drive.残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒東戇鳖納们怿碩洒強缦骟飴顢歡窃緞駔蚂。 The dust _17_ in the air until the late afternoon when it slightly lifted. At last, we arrived at the city, but the trip that _18_ took about four hours, took us nearly

6、 eight hours. The dust remained in the _19_ for about two more days. On the third day a short period of rain _20_ as the cold front passed the region. So the terrible scene came to an end, and everything took on a lively and fresh appearance again.酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭钯詢鳕驄粪讳鱸况閫硯浈颡閿审詔頃緯贾。1A.experience Brecord

7、 Cidea Daction答案:A根据下文可知,作者分享了自己遭遇沙尘暴的亲身经历。experience意为“经历”。2A.leave Bvisit Ccall Dsee答案:B根据下文中的“our trip”可知,我们决定去游览吉林省的一个城市。故选B项。3A.woke up Bsat up Cset off Dleft off答案:A根据下文中的“So we had to stay at home”可知,作者还没出发,只是在7点醒来(woke up)。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒尔肤亿鳔简闷鼋缔鋃耧泞蹤頓鍥義锥柽鳗铟。4A.storm Bsnow Crain Dwind答案:A根据上文可知,作

8、者要讲述自己亲历沙尘暴的经过,因此此处应说的是“风暴”,故选A项。5A.dark BbrightCblue Dcold答案:A根据设空后“as if it was midnight”可知,天空一片漆黑,故选A项。6A.walls BglassCcover Dlights答案:D句意:敢于在街上行驶的车不多,车灯发出的光是黄色的。根据句意可知此处应指车灯。故选D项。7A.leaving BwaitingCtaking Dcalling答案:B根据上文可知,天很黑,街上的车也不多,我们只能呆在家里,等(waiting for)条件好转了再去旅行。謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍杂篓鳐驱數硯侖葒屜懣勻雏鉚預

9、齒贡缢颔。8A.strong Bfaint Cweak Dsoft答案:A根据设空后的“stronger”可知,此处是说风非常大,在我们醒来之前的晚上可能更大。故选A项。厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩龔长鳏檷譴鋃蠻櫓鑷圣绋閼遞钆悵囅为鹬。9A.after Bwhen Cbefore Dwhile答案:C根据语境可知,风很大,可能在我们醒来之前的夜晚更大,故选C项。10A.speed BpowerCstrength Dvisibility答案:D根据上文中的“The visibility (能见度) at this point was close to 20 m”可知,两个小时后,能见度(visibi

10、lity)增加到了50米。茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐鈞摟鳎饗则怿唤倀缀倉長闱踐識着純榮詠。11A.since Bbefore鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈诘聾諦鳍皑绲讳谧铖處騮戔鏡謾维覦門剛慘。 Cwhen Duntil答案:D句意:一直保持这样的状态,直到上午10点。until意为“直到为止”。12A.increased Breduced Cdecreased Dstayed答案:A根据上文可知,尘土有些许消散,能见度从20米到50米,再到200米,可以看出能见度在增加,故选A项。籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠挞曉养鳌顿顾鼋徹脸鋪闳讧锷詔濾铩择觎測。13A.red ByellowCgreen Dblack答案

11、:B根据上文中的“yellowish”以及常识可知,刮沙尘暴时天空是暗黄色的,故选B项。14A.faintly Bclearly Csuccessfully Dperfectly答案:B根据上文可知,外面大雾弥漫,伴有沙尘,天空暗黄,因此我们几乎看不清楚彼此。15A.picked BtookCturned Dlooked答案:A句意:有时,风突然卷起很多尘土和沙子。pick up意为“举起,捡起”。16A.safe Bdangerous Cnormal Dlikely答案:B根据常识可知,能见度降低会使得开车很危险(dangerous)。故选B项。17A.remained Bjumped Cc

12、overed Ddropped答案:A根据下文中的“The dust remained in the _19_ for about two more days.”可知选A项。remain意为“停留;逗留”。預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴買闥龅绌鳆現檳硯遙枨纾釕鴨鋃蠟总鴯询喽箋。18A.normally Brarely Cfrequently Dparticularly答案:A句意:但是通常大约4个小时的车程,却花了将近8个小时。normally意为“通常;正常地”。渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇絨钞陉鳅陸蹕銻桢龕嚌谮爺铰苧芻鞏東誶葦。19A.city Btown Cair Dcar答案:C句意:大约两天多的时间里,空气中仍有尘土。根据上文中的“The dust _17_ in the air”可知,此处指空气中的尘土。故选C项。铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡缝勵罴楓鳄烛员怿镀鈍缽蘚邹鈹繽駭玺礙層談。20A.happened BdroppedCstruck Dstopped答案:B根据设空后的“as the cold front pass


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