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1、. . . .授 课 内 容 上课地点:B428教学目标1. To grasp the main idea of the text by appreciating general statement.2.To improve students reading skill with the help of course markers (signal words)3.To master the key language points in the text and know how to translate them in phrases and sentences4.To master the

2、 writing skills on a general statement supported by details 教学要点1. Focus: words and expressions:2. D.P: writing method and reading skills 教 学 内 容教学设计Unit 1 (理论8学时,课内实践2学时)1. 主要内容:(1) Section A Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You(2) Translating skills: Diction(3) Structured writing2.教学步骤与方法:(1

3、) Warm up and lead in (10 min)(2) Intensive learning (210 min)(3) Interactive practice (90 min)(4) Go-over (45 min)(5) Sum-up and assign homework (5 min)Warm up and lead in:一. Oral practice :Lead-in questions:What career will you choose after graduation?What is your career philosophy?What will you p

4、refer, getting a job or further study after graduation?二Work in pairs. Read the following descriptions of three famous people, guess who they are and discuss their personalities. 1 He has a strong sense of mission to lead people to pursue freedom and happiness. He is called the father of his country

5、. He is the first president of the United States. He is George Washington. 2 He belongs to those who are very fun-loving and tend to be spontaneous. He is fascinated with artistic creation and free expression of his thoughts. Many people enjoy his music even today. He is famous for the fifth symphon

6、y “Destiny.” He is Ludwig van Beethoven. 3 He highly values reason and logic. He enjoys thinking, reasoning and other academic research that requires knowledge of a number of expansive subjects. He is known to the whole world for the theory of relativity. He is Albert Einstein. 三. Global reading :Wo

7、rk on Structure of the Text PartParagraph(s) Main IdeasOne The author mentions three career choices.TwoThe author analyzes different philosophies.ThreeThe author proves his idea by telling his story.FourThe author advises young people to strive.精讲内容(包括要点、重点、难点;互动设计;板书设计)要点、重点、难点教学要点:1.structure anal

8、ysis2.useful expressions3.summary of the prehension exercises5.follow-up exercises教学重点:1.useful expressionsStep I Teacher asks students to read the new words to get familiar with their pronunciation and spelling and asks them to recite the words and prepare for dictation.Step II Teacher asks student

9、s to pick out the key words and expressions in this unit, then teacher gives students sentences and ask them to translate the sentences using the words or expressions given. Then Teacher checks answers with students, and explains some key words and phrases by extension exercises.2.summary of the tex

10、t: the authors career choices, career philosophy and his own story and his advice to peopleTeacher asks students to finish two tasks:Task 1 Complete the following summary according to the text. Write no more than three words on each line.P7Task 2 Paraphrase the following sentences, paying attention

11、to the underlined part.P7Then teacher summarizes the text.教学难点:1.useful expressionsStep I Teacher explains key words like “senior, assume, crisis, transform” and asks students their usage by making sentences, synonyms, antonyms, change form of nouns, verbs, adjectives and etc.Related information1.se

12、nior adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的;年资较深的,资格较老的 n. 上司;较年长者;毕业班学生 n. (Senior)人名;(英)西尼尔The price made in this range can let the enterprise and theseniorexecutives reach to win-win . The paper used the Game Theory to analyze the stock options plan.这一博弈结论,便可以让公司和高管的利益达到双赢。senior high高中senior high school高中senior man

13、agement高级管理senior engineer计高级工程师senior middle school高中freshman/sophomore /junior / senior2. assumeIassumethatyouarereadingthisbecauseyouhavesomecomputationalproblem.我假定您是因为遇到了一些计算上的问题而来阅读本文。Iassumethathewontcheatyou.想来他是不会骗你的。3.crisis n. 危机;危险期;决定性时刻 adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的Since 1990s, the frequency of fin

14、ancialcrisisrises gradually.自20世纪七十年代以来,金融危机发生的频率逐渐上升。financial crisis金融危机;财政危机economic crisis经济危机credit crisis信用危机energy crisis能源危机ecological crisis生态危机environmental crisis环境危机midlife crisis中年危机4.transform vt. 改变,使变形;转换 vi. 变换,改变;转化Youcantransformyourlife!你可以改变你的人生!Withjust thisoneagreement,youcancompletelytransformyourlife.有了这么一个契约,你可以完全改变你的生活。transplant/transport/transfer/transmitKey structures 1. For many of my peers, this decision would have been with anxiety. 该句可以理解为:If many of my peers had faced the three choices, they would have felt anxious. 表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的谓语用had +过去分词,主句谓语



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