高考英语优选大一轮复习外研专用习题:必修1-作业手册 Word含解析.docx

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1、课时作业(一)必修1Module 1 My First Day at Senior High班级:姓名:建议时间 / 30分钟.阅读理解词数:350话题:校园欺凌 文体:夹叙夹议I was ever bullied badly when I was in high school. One kid in particular would try to make me feel worse in every way he knew. For example, he would throw stuff at me constantly, hit me on the head, punch(重拳击打)

2、 me, call me ugly and stupid, make fun of me and, of course tell me he would beat me up if I ever fought back. It was like his daily mission.And it was my daily mission to just get through the day. What could I say? It made my world very small because that was my main focusjust surviving. Everything

3、 else fell by the wayside. Unfortunately, that included any form of social life. So not only was my world tiny, but it was very lonely.Looking back to that time, which was about 11 years ago, my biggest mistake was not bringing anyone into that world of mine. I was too proud (and embarrassed) to get

4、 help. I would rather not face the fact that I needed help because in my mind, that would mean that the bully won. It would also mean that I was weak.Let me just say this: bullying someone is a weak choice. The only reason why they come after you is that they think you wont do anything about it. Doe

5、s that make anyone strong? Absolutely not. Be strongerask parents, teachers or friends for help. Simply admit that you are struggling and need help.You can put it like this: somebody who is weak and trying to build himself or herself up has chosen to do that by putting me down. The only reason why t

6、hey are doing that is that I am nice and I havent done anything about it yet. Well I am through putting up with this. I have basic human rights that they are trying to take away to feel better and that is just not OK. How do I handle this? I dont want the pain cycle to continue and I dont want to be

7、come someone I dont want to be.1. The underlined word “It” in the first paragraph refers to “”.A.calling the authors nicknamesB.making friends with fellow studentsC.hurting the author by using force or threatsD.going through a difficult time with schooling2. What did the author do when he was bullie

8、d?A.He just hoped that he could survive the day. B.He fell by the wayside.C.He called for help immediately. D.He fought back bravely.3. What does the author suggest to fight bullies?A.Getting used to the pain as soon as possible.B.Keeping it a secret inside and reducing your social life.C.Looking fo

9、r help from parents, teachers or friends.D.Promoting the understanding of basic human rights.4. What did the author probably write this article for?A.Admitting that he had been treated badly at school.B.Describing how he got rid of his weak.C.Showing how grateful he was to those who helped him.D.Sha

10、ring his experiences and ideas on dealing with bullies.阅读七选五词数:257 话题:学习习惯 文体:说明文Habits to be a highly effective studentSome students are able to get straight As and at the same time serve as the president of three clubs. However, some students struggle to keep their GPA (Grade Point Average) above

11、3.0.5 Although its true that everyones IQ is different, good study habits are very important. Herere several habits you should adopt to get good grades.6 If you havent had a planner (记事簿), get one. Many people use their computers and smartphones to make a schedule. The problem with that approach is

12、that they are major distractions (使人分心的事物). Instead, get an old-fashioned paper and pen planner.Create a weekly schedule.7 Include time that will be spent eating, sleeping and doing anything not related to schoolwork. That way you know exactly how much you can accomplish each day.Take frequent, shor

13、t breaks. Taking a break from studying for 15 minutes every hour will help keep you refreshed.8 If you dont take a break, you may find yourself daydreaming or even falling asleep. Take some time for some water, a snack or a quick chat with a friend.Take care of yourself. During final exam week, it i

14、s common for students to fall behind on sleep and meals. Make sure you get a good nights sleep and have regular meals. Studying while hungry or sleepy is ineffective and will slow you down in the long run. Also try to make time for friends and family.9A.Keep things organized.B.Keep away from your co

15、mputers.C.Of course, not everyone needs breaks.D.Our brains are not meant to work for hours non-stop.E.Having a good support system will help with all the stress.F.And they seem to spend all of their time in studying.G.Then under each day, make a list of things to do each hour.完形填空词数:291 话题:克服疾病带来的困

16、难 文体:记叙文I was born an albino (白化病人) in Pennsylvania in 1945. No one in my family had 10 known what an albino was and what it meant to be an albino.Like most albinos, I had terrible eyesight, but the fact that I could hardly see didnt 11 me that much. Kids would tease me, calling me “Whitey”. People 12 at me when I held reading materia


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