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1、会计词汇 Accounting Vocabulary A安达信全球: Arthur Andersen worldwide会计概念: accounting concept 会计法: accounting low会计职能: accounting function会计监督: accounting supervision会计制度: accounting system会计档案 accounting file record会计准则: accounting standard会计假设: accounting postulate 会计原则: accounting principle会计主体: accountin

2、g entity会计分期 accounting time period concept权责发生制原则: accrual-basis accounting会计恒等式: accounting equation/accounting identity会计要素: accounting element资产: assets会计报表: accounting report accounting statement年报: annual statement附表: accompanying schedule(sheet)附表说明 : accompanying statement充分披露: adequate disc

3、losure会计凭证: accounting document accounting voucument附件: accompanying document会计分录: accounting entries会计科目: account title/ accounting item会计处理: accounting treatment应收账款: accounting receivable/receivables累计折旧: accumulated depreciation应付账款: account payable 广告费: advertising expense B资产负债表: balance sheet

4、银行对账单: bank statement银行存款余额调节表: bank reconciliation期初余额: beginning balance/opening balance余额: balance C注册会计师: certified practicing accountant 成本会计: cost accounting可比性原则: comparability principle 一贯性原则: consistency principle收付实现制 cash system (basis)of accounting资本性支出: capital expenditure谨慎性原则: conserv

5、atism(保守) principle现金流量表: cash flow statement/statement of cash flow合并财务报表: consolidated financial statement复合分录: compound journal entry不定期盘存: continuous physical inventory贷方: credit side贷方余额: credit balance现金日记账: cash journal多栏式日记账: columnar journal现金: cash库存现金: cash on hand银行存款: cash in bank或有资产:

6、contingent assets或有负债: contingent liabilities短期投资: current investment资本: capital 股本: capital share资本公积: capital surplus D德勤: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu披露: disclosure 摘要: descriptions复式记账: double entry复式簿记: double-entry book-keeping借方: debit side借方余额: debit balance折旧费用: depreciation expense折旧率: depreciation rate折旧年限: depreciable life递延资产: deferred assets递延负债: deferred liabilities直接材料: direct material直接人工: direct laborE安永国际: Ernst and young International 借贷平衡: equity off debit and credits 估计残值 estimated scrap value应付福利费 employee benefit payable汇总收益


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