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1、2019届高三英语完型填空最后冲刺特训4 一、There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the1 home from work in the evenings. A man will be2 the newspaper,and seconds later it3 as if he is trying to4 it. Or he will fall aslee

2、p on the shoulder of the stranger5 next to him.6 place where unplanned short sleep7 is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so8 that the professor has to ask another student to9 the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing(尴尬) situation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep

3、and the10 of the head pushes the arm off the11 ,and the movement carries the12 of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no13 of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when14 . Police reports are full of 15 that occur when people fall into sleep and go16 the road. If the dri

4、vers are17 , they are not seriously hurt. One womans car,18 ,went into the river. She woke up in four feet of19 and thought it was raining. When people are really20 ,nothing will stop them from falling asleep no matter where they are.1.A.wayB.trackC.pathD.road2.A.buyingB.foldingC.deliveringD.reading

5、3.A.actsB.showsC.appearsD.sounds4.A.openB.eatC.findD.finish5.A.lyingB.waitingC.talkingD.sitting6.A.NextB.EveryC.AnotherD.One7.A.goes onB.ends upC.lastsD.returns8.A.bravelyB.happilyC.loudlyD.carelessly9.A.leaveB.shakeC.keepD.watch10.A.sizeB.shapeC.weightD.strength11.A.cushionB.deskC.shoulderD.book12.

6、A.actionB.positionC.restD.side13.A.memoryB.reasonC.questionD.purpose14.A.thinkingB.workingC.walkingD.driving15.A.changesB.eventsC.ideasD.accidents16.A.upB.offC.alongD.down17.A.luckyB.awakeC.calmD.strong18.A.in timeB.at firstC.as usualD.for example19.A.dustB.waterC.grassD.bush20.A.tiredB.drunkC.lonel

7、yD.lazy矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧碍鳝绢懣硯涛镕頃赎巯驂雞虯从躜鞯烧。二、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸測樅锯鳗鲮詣鋃陉蛮苎覺藍驳驂签拋敘睑绑。One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our 1 we can see what has not yet happened. For example,while we are looking

8、 forward to2a new place or country,we3what it will be like. We predict the4people will eat,dress and act. Of course,we do not always predict things5.Things are often very different from the way we6them to be. One of the7dreams in history is the dream of a German scientist,Keller,who had been8to work

9、 out a very difficult problem in physics. He had9and analyzed(分析)the problem from every angle for days,but there 10 to be no way of 11 out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When he 12 up,he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his 13 .The hypnotist(催眠者)

10、sat in the chair opposite him and spoke 14 : I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about 12 .You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice,your 16 will get heavier. Soon youll be asleep. You will hear my voice and 17 my words,but your body will be asleep,your eyes are to

11、o heavy. You are 18 asleep,and when you wake up you will 19 nothing.You will forget everything. Now I am going to20slowly from one to five. One,two,three,four,five.残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骒東戇鳖納们怿碩洒強缦骟飴顢歡窃緞駔蚂。1.A.brainsB.sensesC.sightsD.minds2.A.seekingB.visitingC.reachingD.discovering3.A.guessB.knowC.feelD.imagi


13、iveD.got13.A.lessonB.dreamC.researchD.exercise14.A.firmlyB.loudlyC.slowlyD.softly15.A.everythingB.somethingC.nothingD.anything16.A.headB.feetC.eyesD.body17.A.understandB.repeatC.takeD.believe18.A.reallyB.extremelyC.almostD.actually19.A.acceptB.receiveC.hearD.remember20.A.addB.sayC.countD.speak酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭钯詢鳕驄粪讳鱸况閫硯浈颡閿审詔頃緯贾。三、 Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because th


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