福建省北师大版高中英语必修四:unit10 Lesson3 Your Money 教学设计.doc

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1、Teaching PlanUnit10 Lesson 3 Your money泉州第五中学. Teaching content: Your money - when less is more. Students: Class 19, Senior Grade 1. Teaching objective: s Tohelp students to master the new words in this passages To help students to get the main structure of the passages To makestudentsrealizetheimpo

2、rtanceofprotectingtheenvironmentand5yuansuses To encourage students to manage their pocket money better and be aware of their responsibility for the countrys. Teaching focuss Guide students to understand the structure and the main idea of the passages Encourage students to make the best use of their

3、 money and do something meaningful with their pocket moneyV. Teaching procedures: Step 1Lead in1. Ask a student to make a presentation 2. Lead in with the presentation to the introduction of One Foundation3. Lead in to the passage: If you have only five yuan, what can you do with it?Step 2 Vocabular

4、y: review the new words of this passageappeal toapproximatelycropserosionremoveviewcontainpuzzlesoilStep 3Scanning1. Structures Topic (Para1):Lead in with a questionTopic: Spend 5 yuan to buy a tree along the banks of the Yellow River.s Reasons (Para2):The Yellow River erosionQ1: What are the reason

5、s?Q2: In which area has soil erosion almost destroyed farming land?s Suggestions (Para3-4)The publics ideaThe writers advices Conclusion/ example (para5): JiuchengongValley 2. Summary1) The passage mainly tells us _. A. a lot of soil has flowed into the Yellow RiverB. everyone should take action to

6、help to make soil stay C. its the governments work to control Yellow River erosion D. 5 yuan helped JiuchengongValley change into a green home land2) What does the title “ When less is more” mean?Step 4 SpeakingHow to use your money in a more meaningful way?V. summary and homework 1. Make a conclusion about the “Every little counts” 2. Homework: writingEvery little helps. You are an individual, but you can also make contributions to the society. Think about what you can do to make the world better?



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