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1、 . . . .暑假复习测评英语A卷一、选择填空(共40小题,每题1分;计40分)A) 选择与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换划线部分的一项(共4小题,每题1分;计4分)A. would like B. fourteen years old C. goes shopping D. just now1. How old is your daughter, Mr. Green? She is a fourteen- year -old girl.2. Marry wants to order a large bowl of tomato soup.3. He ate one apple

2、and a pear a moment ago.4. My mother often goes to buy some things with my cousin.B) 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共32小题,每题1分;计32分)5. He plays basketball every day. And now he is playing violin at home. A. the; the B. /; / C. /; the6. Listen! Yan Mei in her room?A. sing B. sings C. is singing7. Tang Ling li

3、kes the piano and she it every weekend.A. to play; to practice B. playing; practicing C.playing; practices 8.The children have homework to do every day.A. much too B. too many C. too much9. Ann asked us to stop and listen to her.A. talk B. to talk C. talking10. Remember the windows before you leave

4、the classroom.A. to close B. closing C. closed 11. We have for you as a reporter.A. a work B. jobs C. a job12. My mother had a little this morning.A. tomatoes B. noodles C. rice 13. She the teacher carefully, but didnt anything.A. listens to, heardB. listened to, hearC. hears, listened to14. Whos th

5、e young woman the sunglasses?A. in B. has C. with15. My pen pal _ the UK. A. come from B. is come from C. is from D. from16. My father likes _ books in the evening. He doesnt often _ TV. A. looking at, see B. watches, see C. to read, watch D. reading, watch17. Thank you for _ me. A. writing for B. w

6、riting to C. look at D. listening18. - Is there a park in the neighborhood? - _ .A. Yes,there isnt. B.No,it isnt. C.Yes,there is. D. No,it doesnt.19. There _ a tree and some flowers in the garden. A. are B. be C. is D. to be20. _, could you tell me the way to the Water World? A .Sorry B. Excuse me C

7、. Hi D. Hello21. -What are you doing in the park? - Im looking at the kids _ . A. play soccer B. to play basketball C. are playing tennis D. playing soccer22. -_ do you like pandas? - Because theyre _ . A. What, interesting B. Why, ugly C. Why, cute D. Where, lovely23. -Is your friend quiet?-No, he

8、never stops _.A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. is talking24. -Youre so beautiful today. - _ . A. Thats all right. B. No, no, no. C. Im sorry. D. Thank you.25. Do you want a busy _ exciting job?A. and B.or C.but D.so26. We can _ apples _ apple trees. A. giveto B. getfrom C.getto D. give .from27. Wher

9、e is Jenny? She _ TV at home.A. watch B. watchesC. watchingD. is watching28. _ do you go to the school library?Often. I like reading there.A. How manyB. How muchC. How often D. How long29. Whats on the desk? There _ a pen, a book and two keys.A. isB. are C. hasD. have30. You must look after your sho

10、es, Peter. _OK.A. Put it away.B. Put away it.C. Put them away.D. Put away them.31. We all like Mr. Zhou _ he is so kind to us.A. becauseB. thenC. but D. so32. Jack often _ music after class. A. listens toB. listensC. listen toD. listen33. We wont go back home _ the rain stops. We now have to stay in

11、 the classroom.A. whenB. until C. beforeD. and34. I can sing English songs and I can _ sing Japanese songs. A. too B. alsoC. onlyD. just35. The sign means “_”.A. ParkingB. DangerC. Turn left D. Crosswalk36. My father enjoys _ jokes to us. A. telling B. say C. speaking D. talksC)补全对话。根据对话内容,从下边的方框中选出

12、正确的选项补全对话。(共4小题,每题1分;计4分)A. Can we eat in the classroom?B. Are you new here?C. Can we run in the hallways?D. Can I listen to music?A: Hi, how do you do?B: Hi, how do you do?A: 37 B: Yes. Im a new student of Class 16. What are theschool rules?A: Well, we cant arrive late for class. B: 38 A: Yes. You

13、can listen to music in the music room. B: _39 A: No, we cant.B: _40 A: No. We can eat in the dining-room(餐厅).二、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,然后选择能使短文意义完整的正确选项。 Mr. Brown is 75 years old. He lives with his daughters family. Every morning he goes to 41 in the park. And at twelve thirty he 42 home for lunch. But today a 43 c



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