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1、-在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效-绝密启用前辽宁省辽阳市2019年初中毕业生学业考试毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _英 语考试时间100分钟 试卷满分120分第一部分 选择题(共50分)、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1. Kate is so shy that she doesnt have _ to sing in public. A. powerB. courageC. energyD. time2. My computer doesnt work. There must be _ wrong with it. A. anythingB. n

2、othingC. somethingD. everything3.Can you come to the party this weekend?Sorry, Im going to take part in a competition, _ I must prepare for it. A. orB. butC. becauseD. and4. Dont worry about your daughter, she can look after _ well. A. herselfB. hersC. herD. she5.Your classroom looks so clean and ti

3、dy. Yes, it _ every day.A. cleansB. is cleanedC. cleanedD. was cleaned6. The dish smells delicious, but it _ a little salty.A. looksB. tastesC. feelsD. sounds7. Although our plane met with a storm, it landed _.A. safelyB. suddenlyC. secretlyD. heavily8.You _ smoke at the oil station, its too dangero

4、us. Im sorry, I wont.A. couldntB. needntC. wouldntD. mustnt9. John didnt get the job he wanted. Lets go and _.A. turn him downB. call him backC. cheer him upD. let him down10. The land is _ rain because it hasnt rained for several months.A. known forB. useful toC. harmful toD. thirsty for11. _, I fo

5、und the job boring, but soon I got used to it.A. To start withB. First of allC. Without doubtD. After all12. Its impolite to _ your teachers office without knocking at the door.A. describeB. checkC. chooseD. enter13. Did you notice a man passing by?No, I _ on the phone.A. talkB. am talkingC. was tal

6、kingD. talked14. Excuse me, do you know _? Ive just missed my train.Yes. There is one in 10 minutes.A. how I can get to the train stationB. if theres another train laterC. when I should arrive at the train stationD. how much a train ticket costs15. Jimmy, could you please help me in the garden? _, M

7、om. Im coming.A. SureB. Im sorryC. Go aheadD. Thats right、补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话(有两个多余选项)A: Hello! This is Blue Sky Theater. 16 B: Yes, we want to rent(租用) your theater to have an English evening.A: 17 B: This Sunday afternoon.A: 18 B: About 3 hours.A: Oh, let me see. Its available fro

8、m 2: 00 pm to 5: 00 pm.B: The time is OK. 19 A: 200 yuan per hour.B: 20 Is it OK to pay you 180 yuan an hour?A: No problem.B: Thank you. Well arrive at 1: 55 this Sunday afternoon.A: Youre welcome.A. Why will you have your English evening?B. How much rent(租金) should I pay for this place?C. Thats too

9、 expensive.D. When are you going to rent it?E. Can I help you?F. How long will your English evening last?G. That sounds reasonable.、完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案I stood in my grandmothers front yard with my son. He had a bottle of soapy water and a plastic loop(圈). You know the type. You

10、 dip(浸) the loop in the bottle, pull it 21 and blow it to make bubbles(气泡).My son dipped and dipped and blew and blew, but 22 to blow bubbles. He handed me the bottle and loop and asked me, “Daddy, 23 you make bubbles?” I hadnt blown bubbles for years. I am a chemist by education. All my knowledge i

11、s 24 when it comes to trying to blow bubbles from a loop filled with soapy water. I had no more success than my son.After several tries 25 the loop of soapy water, I gently(轻轻地) breathed on it. My son cried with joy as a big beautiful bubble 26 and moved slowly in the air. He grabbed(抓住) the loop, d

12、ipped and blew. No bubbles. I 27 explained to him, “Son, you cant blow so hard; you must ever so gently breathe on the loop to make bubbles.” He followed my 28 and blew gently. This time he made a big beautiful bubble, then 29 There are some things that you can get with force, 30 there are other thi

13、ngs that only come with the gentleness of a soft breath. The closer something is to higher spirit, the more it is like bubbles; it cant be forced.21. A. downB. offC. outD. along22. A. triedB. learnedC. managedD. failed23. A. mayB. canC. mustD. should24. A. uselessB. wideC. helpfulD. basic25. A. inB. upC. onD. into26. A. worked outB. tried outC. set outD. came out27. A. happilyB. angrilyC. patientlyD. sadly28. A. planB. suggestionC. orderD. rule29. A. another



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