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1、M动词词组make friends with 交朋友 Youll find us wanting to make friends with you. 你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友. make phone calls 打电话 How did they make phone calls without telephones? 没有电话机他们怎么打电话? make a face 做鬼脸,*面对现实Dont make a face. Eating vegetables is good for you. 别做鬼脸, 吃蔬菜对你有益.make money 赚钱 If you want to make mo

2、ney, you must buy cheap and sell dear.如果你想赚钱,你必须贱买贵卖 .make the bed 整理床铺 They have to make the bed and clean heir room. 他们必须要铺床和打扫房间make a noise 吵闹 ,*轰动一时If you make a noise, youll scare off the animals. 如果你弄出声响就会把动物吓跑.make room for 给腾出地方 Move down inside, please! Make room for others. 请往里走, 给其他的人让点地

3、方 ! make a contribution to 做出贡献,*捐赠We must make a contribution to protecting the environment. 我们必须为保护环境作出贡献. make a decision 作出决定 Its not right to make a decision without investigation and study. 没有调查研究就作出决定是不妥的.make a mistake 犯错误 Be careful or else you will make a mistake. 小心,否则你会犯错误. make sure 确保

4、*确认 *查明 Make sure that you get it down and his signature on it. 你一定要把它记下来,并让他在上面签字 . make up ones mind 下决心It is early days yet to make up ones mind. 要下决心现在还为时过早. make yourself at home 别客气,别拘束 Youre among friends , so make yourself at home. 都是自己人,你别客气了. make fun of 取笑It is wrong to make fun of a crip

5、ple. 嘲笑残疾人是不对的. make jokes about sb 以某人为笑柄They often make jokes about my bald head. 他们常拿我的秃顶开玩笑.make a difference 有关系 有影响 What you have told me may make a difference to my own position. 你告诉我的一切,可能影响我自己的看法 . make a choice 做出选择 There are many books you can make a choice. 有许多书你可以任意选择. make up 形成、构成或组成某

6、事物 ,*弥补,*编造,*化妆Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability. 努力工作经常可以弥补能力的不足. make use of 利用 使用 We must make use of our untapped reservoirs of talent. 我们必须利用我们尚未利用的人才. make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉You should make an apology to her for your carelessness. 你应该为你的粗心大意向她赔礼道歉. make a fire 生火 He picked

7、 up sticks to make a fire. 他拾些小树枝来生火. make / give a promise 答应,许诺If you make a promise you should fulfill it. 如果你许诺了,你就要履行你的诺言 . make an experiment 做实验 They are going to make an experiment with new material. 他们打算用新材料做实验. mean doing 意味着To live high does not mean being high in ones qualities. 一个人的生活水平

8、高并不等于品格也高. mean to do 打算做I dont mean to insult you. 我没有侮辱你的意思. make a / ones living 谋生Though he was not dry behind the ears, he had to make a living by himself. 他虽未成年, 但得自己谋生. make a description (of) 对 描述 Could you make a description of the thief? 您能描述那个小偷的模样吗? make an agreement 达成协议It doesnt take a

9、 rocket scientist to make an agreement between us. 我们之间达成一致并不困难. make enemies with 与树敌I dont want to make enemies with the world. 我不想与天下人为敌. meet ones demands 满足某人的需求 He wants me to meet his all demands firmly. 他坚决要我满足他的一切需要. make complaints 抱怨,投诉Ill write down your license number and make complaint

10、s. 我要把你的车牌号码写下来,去投诉你. make sense 有意义,讲得通This sentence just doesnt make sense, no matter how you read it. 无论你怎样读这个句子,它还是讲不通 .make sb aware of 让某人注意到 Advertising aims to make people aware of a product and favorably inclined towards it. 广告的目的是让人认识产品然后产生好感. make for 有利于,*走向,*前往The great disparity betwee

11、n the teams did not make for an entertaining game. 两队实力悬殊,所以比赛并不精彩 .make it 做到,成功 He poured in every ounce of power but couldnt make it. 他竭尽了全力却无济于事. make progress 有进步 As conceit makes one lag behind, so modesty helps one make progress. 骄傲使人落后, 谦虚使人进步 . make ends meet 量入为出 使收支相抵 Weve got to make end

12、s meet. 我们必须使收支相抵. make a contract with 与订合同 I have come to make a contract with you for the business under discussion. 我是来就正在洽谈的这笔生意与你方签订合同的. make a good impression 留下好印象 How do I make a good impression in the interview? 在面试时怎样才能留下好印象呢? make a copy of 复制 Please make a copy of all your tax related d

13、ocuments and give them to us. 请将这些资料复印一下给我们. make an appointment 预约Id like to make an appointment for 5 p.m. today. 我想要预约今天下午 5 点. match + n + in/for + n 与相匹敌 Bill is no match for his younger brother at chess. 比尔下棋不是他弟弟的对手. matchwith 把和匹配I want a tie that will match with this suit. 我想要一条和这件衣服相配的领带.

14、meet with 遭遇到,*体验到,*会见Anyone will help you when you meet with difficulties. 你有困难时谁都会帮助你. mind your own business 不要管闲事Youd better mind your own business. 你最好少管闲事. mixed-race marriages 异族通婚 Mixed race marriages were forbidden by law. 法律明文规定禁止黑人和白人通婚. mouth to mouth 口对口的 He pulled the boy from the rive

15、r and gave him mouth - to - mouth. 他把河里的男孩拖上岸并对他做人工呼吸. multiplyby 乘以 What do you get if you multiply six by nine? 9 乘以 6 得多少?名词词组middle school 中学 He was not good at algebra in middle school. 他中学时不擅长代数. morning paper 晨报 I subscribed to a morning paper. 我订阅了一份晨报mobile phone 可移动电话 I would like to refun

16、d this mobile phone. 我想退换这个手机.副词词组more and more 越来越 More and more vegetables and fruit are supplied to the cities. 越来越多的蔬菜和水果供应城市.more or less 或多或少 ,差不多The content of the two articles is more or less the same. 两篇文章内容雷同.more than 多过 以上He did more than the rest of us did together. 他做的比我们其余人合在一起做的还要多. K动词词组keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡 It



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